[sql] reuse prepared statements

Preparing statements allocates memory and is generally best done once and for all.

We need to re-prepare statements when opening a new DB connexion (after each fork).

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D5824157

fbshipit-source-id: 4d239ac
Jules Villard 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 993ee56fa1
commit 40c44b0378

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module type Table = sig
type key
@ -65,35 +66,53 @@ module Make (Table : Table) : S with module Table = Table = struct
(* cannot mix, e.g., blob_key and blob_value now *)
include Unsafe
let replace =
let replace_statement =
Printf.sprintf "REPLACE INTO %s(key, value) VALUES(:k, :v)" Table.table
let register_statement stmt_fmt =
let k stmt0 =
let stmt_ref = ref None in
let new_statement db =
let stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db stmt0 in
ResultsDir.on_close_database ~f:(fun _ ->
Option.iter !stmt_ref ~f:(SqliteUtils.finalize ~log:"db close callback") ) ;
stmt_ref := Some stmt
ResultsDir.on_new_database_connection ~f:new_statement ;
fun () ->
match !stmt_ref with
| None
-> L.(die InternalError) "database not initialized"
| Some stmt
-> Sqlite3.reset stmt |> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"reset prepared statement" ;
Sqlite3.clear_bindings stmt
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"clear bindings of prepared statement" ;
fun key value ->
let db = ResultsDir.get_database () in
let replace_stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db replace_statement in
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind key"
(Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)) ;
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind value"
(Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 2 (blob_of_value value)) ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~log:"KeyValue.replace" replace_stmt
let find =
let select_statement = Printf.sprintf "SELECT value FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table in
fun key ->
let db = ResultsDir.get_database () in
let select_stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db select_statement in
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"insert bind key"
(Sqlite3.bind select_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)) ;
Option.bind ~f:value_of_blob
(SqliteUtils.sqlite_result_step ~log:"KeyValue.find" select_stmt)
let delete =
let delete_statement = Printf.sprintf "DELETE FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table in
fun key ->
let db = ResultsDir.get_database () in
let delete_stmt = Sqlite3.prepare db delete_statement in
SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"delete bind key"
(Sqlite3.bind delete_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)) ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~log:"KeyValue.delete" delete_stmt
Printf.ksprintf k stmt_fmt
let get_replace_statement =
register_statement "REPLACE INTO %s(key, value) VALUES(:k, :v)" Table.table
let replace key value =
let replace_stmt = get_replace_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind key" ;
Sqlite3.bind replace_stmt 2 (blob_of_value value)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"replace bind value" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.replace" replace_stmt
let get_select_statement = register_statement "SELECT value FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table
let find key =
let select_stmt = get_select_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind select_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"insert bind key" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_result_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.find" select_stmt
|> Option.bind ~f:value_of_blob
let get_delete_statement = register_statement "DELETE FROM %s WHERE key = :k" Table.table
let delete key =
let delete_stmt = get_delete_statement () in
Sqlite3.bind delete_stmt 1 (blob_of_key key)
|> SqliteUtils.check_sqlite_error ~log:"delete bind key" ;
SqliteUtils.sqlite_unit_step ~finalize:false ~log:"KeyValue.delete" delete_stmt

@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ module L = Logging
let database : Sqlite3.db option ref = ref None
let () =
Epilogues.register "closing results database" ~f:(fun () ->
Option.iter !database ~f:SqliteUtils.db_close )
let database_filename = "results.db"
let database_fullpath = Config.results_dir ^/ database_filename
@ -69,13 +65,33 @@ let create_db () =
try Sys.rename temp_db database_fullpath
with Sys_error _ -> (* lost the race, doesn't matter *) ()
let new_db_callbacks = ref []
let on_new_database_connection ~f = new_db_callbacks := f :: !new_db_callbacks
let close_db_callbacks = ref []
let on_close_database ~f = close_db_callbacks := f :: !close_db_callbacks
let do_db_close db =
List.iter ~f:(fun callback -> callback db) !close_db_callbacks ;
close_db_callbacks := [] ;
SqliteUtils.db_close db
let db_close () =
Option.iter !database ~f:do_db_close ;
database := None
let new_database_connection () =
Option.iter !database ~f:SqliteUtils.db_close ;
db_close () ;
let db = Sqlite3.db_open ~mode:`NO_CREATE ~cache:`PRIVATE ~mutex:`FULL database_fullpath in
Sqlite3.busy_timeout db 1000 ;
(* Higher level of "synchronous" are only useful to guarantee that the db will not be corrupted if the machine crashes for some reason before the data has been actually written to disk. We do not need this kind of guarantee for infer results as one can always rerun infer if interrupted. *)
SqliteUtils.exec db ~log:"synchronous=OFF" ~stmt:"PRAGMA synchronous=OFF" ;
database := Some db
database := Some db ;
List.iter ~f:(fun callback -> callback db) !new_db_callbacks
let () = Epilogues.register "closing results database" ~f:db_close
let create_results_dir () =
Unix.mkdir_p Config.results_dir ;

@ -38,3 +38,7 @@ val delete_capture_and_analysis_data : unit -> unit
val canonicalize_db : unit -> unit
(** put the database on disk in deterministic form *)
val on_new_database_connection : f:(Sqlite3.db -> unit) -> unit
val on_close_database : f:(Sqlite3.db -> unit) -> unit

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let finalize ~log stmt =
| Sqlite3.Error err
-> error ~fatal:true "finalize: %s: %s" log err
let sqlite_result_rev_list_step ~log stmt =
let sqlite_result_rev_list_step ?finalize:(do_finalize = true) ~log stmt =
let rec aux rev_results =
match Sqlite3.step stmt with
| Sqlite3.Rc.ROW
@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ let sqlite_result_rev_list_step ~log stmt =
| err
-> L.die InternalError "%s: %s" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err)
protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux [])
if do_finalize then protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux [])
else aux []
let sqlite_result_step ~log stmt =
match sqlite_result_rev_list_step ~log stmt with
let sqlite_result_step ?finalize ~log stmt =
match sqlite_result_rev_list_step ?finalize ~log stmt with
| []
-> None
| [x]
@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ let sqlite_result_step ~log stmt =
| l
-> L.die InternalError "%s: zero or one result expected, got %d instead" log (List.length l)
let sqlite_unit_step ~log stmt =
match sqlite_result_rev_list_step ~log stmt with
let sqlite_unit_step ?finalize ~log stmt =
match sqlite_result_rev_list_step ?finalize ~log stmt with
| []
-> ()
| l

@ -22,13 +22,14 @@ val exec : Sqlite3.db -> log:string -> stmt:string -> unit
val finalize : log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> unit
(** Finalize the given [stmt]. Raises [Error] on failure. *)
val sqlite_result_rev_list_step : log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t option list
val sqlite_result_rev_list_step :
?finalize:bool -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t option list
(** Return a reversed list of results obtained by repeatedly stepping through [stmt] and saving only column 0 of each returned row (all that's been needed so far). *)
val sqlite_result_step : log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t option
val sqlite_result_step : ?finalize:bool -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t option
(** Same as [sqlite_result_rev_list_step] but asserts that exactly one result is returned. *)
val sqlite_unit_step : log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> unit
val sqlite_unit_step : ?finalize:bool -> log:string -> Sqlite3.stmt -> unit
(** Same as [sqlite_result_rev_list_step] but asserts that no result is returned. *)
val db_close : Sqlite3.db -> unit
