@ -137,49 +137,107 @@ let create_parsed_linters linters_def_file checkers : linter list =
{condition; issue_desc; def_file = Some linters_def_file} in
List.map ~f:do_one_checker checkers
let rec apply_substitution f sub =
let sub_param p = try
snd (List.find_exn sub ~f:(fun (a,_) -> String.equal p a))
with Not_found -> p in
let sub_list_param ps =
List.map ps ~f:sub_param in
let open CTL in
match f with
| True
| False -> f
| Atomic (name, ps) -> Atomic (name, sub_list_param ps)
| Not f1 -> Not (apply_substitution f1 sub)
| And (f1, f2) -> And (apply_substitution f1 sub, apply_substitution f2 sub)
| Or (f1, f2) -> Or (apply_substitution f1 sub, apply_substitution f2 sub)
| Implies (f1, f2) -> Implies (apply_substitution f1 sub, apply_substitution f2 sub)
| InNode (node_type_list, f1) ->
InNode (sub_list_param node_type_list, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| AU (f1, f2) -> AU (apply_substitution f1 sub, apply_substitution f2 sub)
| EU (trans, f1, f2) ->
EU (trans, apply_substitution f1 sub, apply_substitution f2 sub)
| EF (trans, f1) -> EF (trans, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| AF f1 -> AF (apply_substitution f1 sub)
| AG f1 -> AG (apply_substitution f1 sub)
| EX (trans, f1) -> EX (trans, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| AX f1 -> AX (apply_substitution f1 sub)
| EH (cl, f1) -> EH (sub_list_param cl, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| EG (trans, f1) -> EG (trans, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| ET (ntl, sw, f1) ->
ET (sub_list_param ntl, sw, apply_substitution f1 sub)
| ETX (ntl, sw, f1) ->
ETX (sub_list_param ntl, sw, apply_substitution f1 sub)
(* expands use of let defined formula id in checkers with their definition *)
let expand_checkers checkers =
let fail_with_circular_macro_definition name error_msg =
"[ERROR]: Macro '%s' has a circular definition.\n Cycle:\n%s"
name error_msg;
failwith ("Cannot expand....\n") in
let open CTL in
let open Ctl_parser_types in
let rec expand acc map =
let rec expand acc map error_msg =
match acc with
| True
| False -> acc
| Atomic (name, [p]) when String.equal formula_id_const p ->
Logging.out " -Expanding formula identifier '%s'\n" name;
(* constant case, macro with no params *)
let error_msg' = error_msg ^ " -Expanding formula identifier '" ^ name ^"'\n" in
(match Core.Std.String.Map.find map name with
| Some f1 -> expand f1 map
| Some (true, _, _) ->
fail_with_circular_macro_definition name error_msg'
| Some (false, params, f1) ->
let map' = Core.Std.String.Map.add map ~key:name ~data:(true, params, f1) in
expand f1 map' error_msg'
| None -> failwith
("[ERROR]: Formula identifier '" ^ name ^ "' is undefined. Cannot expand."));
| Atomic _ -> acc
| Not f1 -> Not (expand f1 map)
| And (f1, f2) -> And (expand f1 map, expand f2 map)
| Or (f1, f2) -> Or (expand f1 map, expand f2 map)
| Implies (f1, f2) -> Implies (expand f1 map, expand f2 map)
| InNode (node_type_list, f1) -> InNode (node_type_list, expand f1 map)
| AU (f1, f2) -> AU (expand f1 map, expand f2 map)
| EU (trans, f1, f2) -> EU (trans, expand f1 map, expand f2 map)
| EF (trans, f1) -> EF (trans, expand f1 map)
| AF f1 -> AF (expand f1 map)
| AG f1 -> AG (expand f1 map)
| EX (trans, f1) -> EX (trans, expand f1 map)
| AX f1 -> AX (expand f1 map)
| EH (cl, f1) -> EH (cl, expand f1 map)
| EG (trans, f1) -> EG (trans, expand f1 map)
| ET (tl, sw, f1) -> ET (tl, sw, expand f1 map)
| ETX (tl, sw, f1) -> ETX (tl, sw, expand f1 map) in
("[ERROR]: Formula identifier '" ^ name ^ "' is undefined. Cannot expand."))
| Atomic (name, actual_param) -> (* it may be a macro *)
let error_msg' = error_msg ^ " -Expanding formula identifier '" ^ name ^"'\n" in
(match Core.Std.String.Map.find map name with
| Some (true, _, _) ->
fail_with_circular_macro_definition name error_msg'
| Some (false, formal_params, f1) -> (* in this case it should be a defined macro *)
(match List.zip formal_params actual_param with
| Some sub ->
let f1_sub = apply_substitution f1 sub in
let map' = Core.Std.String.Map.add map
~key:name ~data:(true, formal_params, f1) in
expand f1_sub map' error_msg'
| None -> failwith ("[ERROR]: Formula identifier '" ^ name ^
"' is no called with the right number of parameters"))
| None -> acc) (* in this case it should be a predicate *)
| Not f1 -> Not (expand f1 map error_msg)
| And (f1, f2) -> And (expand f1 map error_msg, expand f2 map error_msg)
| Or (f1, f2) -> Or (expand f1 map error_msg, expand f2 map error_msg)
| Implies (f1, f2) -> Implies (expand f1 map error_msg, expand f2 map error_msg)
| InNode (node_type_list, f1) -> InNode (node_type_list, expand f1 map error_msg)
| AU (f1, f2) -> AU (expand f1 map error_msg, expand f2 map error_msg)
| EU (trans, f1, f2) -> EU (trans, expand f1 map error_msg, expand f2 map error_msg)
| EF (trans, f1) -> EF (trans, expand f1 map error_msg)
| AF f1 -> AF (expand f1 map error_msg)
| AG f1 -> AG (expand f1 map error_msg)
| EX (trans, f1) -> EX (trans, expand f1 map error_msg)
| AX f1 -> AX (expand f1 map error_msg)
| EH (cl, f1) -> EH (cl, expand f1 map error_msg)
| EG (trans, f1) -> EG (trans, expand f1 map error_msg)
| ET (tl, sw, f1) -> ET (tl, sw, expand f1 map error_msg)
| ETX (tl, sw, f1) -> ETX (tl, sw, expand f1 map error_msg) in
let expand_one_checker c =
Logging.out " +Start expanding %s\n" c.name;
let map : CTL.t Core.Std.String.Map.t = Core.Std.String.Map.empty in
(* Map a formula id to a triple (visited, parameters, definition).
Visited is used during the expansion phase to understand if the
formula was already expanded and, if yes we have a cyclic definifion *)
let map : (bool * string list * CTL.t) Core.Std.String.Map.t = Core.Std.String.Map.empty in
let map = List.fold ~f:(fun map' d -> match d with
| CLet (k,formula) -> Core.Std.Map.add map' ~key:k ~data:formula
| CLet (k, params, formula) -> Core.Std.Map.add map' ~key:k ~data:(false, params, formula)
| _ -> map') ~init:map c.definitions in
let exp_defs = List.fold ~f:(fun defs clause ->
match clause with
| CSet (report_when_const, phi) ->
Logging.out " -Expanding report_when\n";
CSet (report_when_const, expand phi map) :: defs
CSet (report_when_const, expand phi map "") :: defs
| cl -> cl :: defs) ~init:[] c.definitions in
{ c with definitions = exp_defs} in
let expanded_checkers = List.map ~f:expand_one_checker checkers in