@ -982,19 +982,17 @@ let norm_callee llfunc =
let num_actuals instr lltyp llfunc =
assert (Poly.(Llvm.classify_type lltyp = Pointer)) ;
if not (Llvm.is_var_arg (Llvm.element_type lltyp)) then
Llvm.num_arg_operands instr
let llelt = Llvm.element_type lltyp in
if not (Llvm.is_var_arg llelt) then Llvm.num_arg_operands instr
let fname = Llvm.value_name llfunc in
if StringS.add ignored_callees fname && not (Llvm.is_declaration llfunc)
let is_decl llfunc =
Poly.(Llvm.classify_value llfunc = Function)
(* llfunc might be a formal, which Llvm.is_declaration doesn't like *)
&& Llvm.is_declaration llfunc
if StringS.add ignored_callees fname && not (is_decl llfunc) then
warn "ignoring variable arguments to variadic function: %s" fname () ;
let llelt = Llvm.element_type lltyp in
( match Llvm.classify_type llelt with
| Function -> ()
| _ ->
fail "called function not of function type: %a" pp_llvalue instr ()
) ;
Array.length (Llvm.param_types llelt)
let xlate_intrinsic_inst emit_inst x name_segs instr num_actuals loc =