[memcached] goodbye

Summary: Not used feature and with no obvious roadmap anymore.

Reviewed By: jberdine, jvillard

Differential Revision: D17855860

fbshipit-source-id: fd75b9d62
Nikos Gorogiannis 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 765e0bf2f4
commit 432d391a32

@ -1479,13 +1479,6 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Cancel the effect of --max-nesting.
Activates: EXPERIMENTAL: Use memcached caching summaries during
analysis. (Conversely: --no-memcached)
--memcached-size-mb int
EXPERIMENTAL: Default memcached size in megabytes.
--method-decls-info method_decls_info.json
Specifies the file containing the method declarations info (eg.
start line, end line, class, method name, etc.) when Infer is run

@ -42,16 +42,14 @@ let analyze_target : TaskScheduler.target Tasks.doer =
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name_toplevel exe_env proc_name
fun target ->
if Config.memcached then Memcached.connect () ;
let exe_env = Exe_env.mk () in
(* clear cache for each source file to avoid it growing unboundedly *)
clear_caches () ;
( match target with
match target with
| Procname procname ->
analyze_proc_name exe_env procname
| File source_file ->
analyze_source_file exe_env source_file ) ;
if Config.memcached then Memcached.disconnect ()
analyze_source_file exe_env source_file
let output_json_makefile_stats clusters =

@ -288,11 +288,3 @@ module OnDisk = struct
Procedures.get_all ~filter () |> List.iter ~f:reset
module SummaryValue = struct
type nonrec t = t option
let label = "summary"
module SummaryServer = Memcached.Make (SummaryValue)

@ -120,7 +120,3 @@ module OnDisk : sig
val dummy : t
(** dummy summary for testing *)
module SummaryValue : Memcached.Value with type t = t option
module SummaryServer : Memcached.Server with module Value = SummaryValue

@ -287,21 +287,6 @@ let create_perf_stats_report source_file =
PerfStats.get_reporter (PerfStats.Backend source_file) ()
let hash_procname proc_name = Typ.Procname.to_unique_id proc_name |> Utils.string_crc_hex32
let memcache_get proc_name =
if not Config.memcached then None
let key = hash_procname proc_name in
Summary.SummaryServer.get ~key
let memcache_set proc_name summ =
if Config.memcached then
let key = hash_procname proc_name in
Summary.SummaryServer.set ~key summ
let register_callee ?caller_summary callee_pname =
~f:(fun (summary : Summary.t) ->
@ -348,28 +333,22 @@ let analyze_callee ?caller_summary callee =
| Some callee_summary_option ->
| None ->
let callee_summary_option, update_memcached =
match memcache_get callee_pname with
| Some summ_opt ->
(summ_opt, false)
| None ->
if callee_should_be_analyzed callee then
match get_callee_proc_desc callee with
| Some callee_pdesc ->
( Some
~caller_pdesc:(Option.map ~f:Summary.get_proc_desc caller_summary)
, true )
| None ->
(Summary.OnDisk.get callee_pname, true)
else (
EventLogger.log_skipped_pname (F.asprintf "%a" Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname) ;
(Summary.OnDisk.get callee_pname, true) )
let summ_opt =
if callee_should_be_analyzed callee then
match get_callee_proc_desc callee with
| Some callee_pdesc ->
~caller_pdesc:(Option.map ~f:Summary.get_proc_desc caller_summary)
| None ->
Summary.OnDisk.get callee_pname
else (
EventLogger.log_skipped_pname (F.asprintf "%a" Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname) ;
Summary.OnDisk.get callee_pname )
if update_memcached then memcache_set callee_pname callee_summary_option ;
LocalCache.add callee_pname callee_summary_option ;
LocalCache.add callee_pname summ_opt ;
let analyze_proc_desc ~caller_summary callee_pdesc =

@ -1738,16 +1738,6 @@ and method_decls_info =
method name, etc.) when Infer is run Test Determinator mode with $(b,--test-determinator)."
and memcached =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"memcached" ~default:false
"EXPERIMENTAL: Use memcached caching summaries during analysis."
and memcached_size_mb =
CLOpt.mk_int ~long:"memcached-size-mb" ~default:2048
"EXPERIMENTAL: Default memcached size in megabytes."
and merge =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["merge"] ~long:"merge"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_buck_flavors)]
@ -2994,10 +2984,6 @@ and max_nesting = !max_nesting
and method_decls_info = !method_decls_info
and memcached = !memcached
and memcached_size_mb = !memcached_size_mb
and merge = !merge
and ml_buckets = !ml_buckets

@ -481,10 +481,6 @@ val loop_hoisting : bool
val max_nesting : int option
val memcached : bool
val memcached_size_mb : int
val merge : bool
val method_decls_info : string option

@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** unix socket name, always relative to the master [results_dir] *)
let memcached_socket_relative = "memcached.socket"
(** find the results_dir of the top-level infer process *)
let results_dir = Config.toplevel_results_dir
(** log file for memcached *)
let memcached_log = results_dir ^ "/memcached.log"
(** binary name -- assumed to be on path *)
let memcached_bin = "memcached"
(** shell to use for redirecting memcached's output to the log *)
let shell = "sh"
type server = {input: In_channel.t; output: Out_channel.t}
(** Unix socket *paths* have a historical length limit of ~100 chars (!?*@&*$). However, this only applies
to the argument passed in the system call to create the socket, not to the actual path.
Thus a workaround is to cd into the parent dir of the socket and then use it, hence this function. *)
let in_results_dir ~f = Utils.do_in_dir ~dir:results_dir ~f
let fail_on response_line = L.die InternalError "Unexpected server response: %s" response_line
let send server str = Out_channel.output_string server.output str
let eol = "\r\n"
let send_eol server = send server eol
let flush_server server = Out_channel.flush server.output
let send_line server str = send server str ; send_eol server ; flush_server server
let recv_line server =
match In_channel.input_line ~fix_win_eol:true server.input with
| None ->
fail_on "No response"
| Some line ->
let expect_line server lines =
match recv_line server with
| x when List.exists lines ~f:(String.equal x) ->
| response ->
fail_on response
(** socket to memcached server *)
let server : server option ref = ref None
let with_server ~f =
match !server with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "Asked to perform socket operation without live connection.@."
| Some s ->
f s
let disconnect () =
with_server ~f:(fun s ->
server := None ;
Unix.shutdown_connection s.input ;
(* For some reason the below sometimes throws -- wrong docs? *)
(* In_channel.close s.input ; *)
Out_channel.close s.output )
let connect () =
if Option.is_some !server then
L.die InternalError "Asked to connect memcached while already connected.@." ;
in_results_dir ~f:(fun () ->
let input, output = Unix.open_connection (ADDR_UNIX memcached_socket_relative) in
server := Some {input; output} )
let stats server =
let rec aux acc = match recv_line server with "END" -> List.rev acc | l -> aux (l :: acc) in
send_line server "stats" ; aux []
let stop pid () =
connect () ;
let stats = with_server ~f:stats in
disconnect () ;
Signal.send Signal.term (`Pid pid) |> ignore ;
Unix.wait (`Pid pid) |> ignore ;
in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Unix.remove memcached_socket_relative) ;
Out_channel.(with_file memcached_log ~append:true ~f:(fun ch -> output_lines ch stats))
let start () =
let socket_exists () =
in_results_dir ~f:(fun () -> Sys.file_exists_exn memcached_socket_relative)
if Option.is_some !server then
L.die InternalError "Connection is open but asked to start memcached.@." ;
(* Unix sockets can be shadowed, so avoid creating a new socket/server if there is one already *)
if socket_exists () then ()
let verbosity = match Config.debug_level_analysis with 0 -> "" | 1 -> "-v" | _ -> "-vv" in
let cmd =
Printf.sprintf "exec %s %s -Bascii -C -m%d -s%s > %s 2>&1" memcached_bin verbosity
Config.memcached_size_mb memcached_socket_relative memcached_log
let pid = in_results_dir ~f:(Unix.fork_exec ~prog:shell ~argv:[shell; "-c"; cmd]) in
(* Wait until socket is open -- NB this waits for 0.05s not 0.05ns *)
while not (socket_exists ()) do
Unix.nanosleep 0.05 |> ignore
done ;
Epilogues.register ~description:"Shutdown Memcached daemon" ~f:(stop pid)
module type Value = sig
type t
val label : string
module type Server = sig
module Value : Value
val get : key:string -> Value.t option
val set : key:string -> Value.t -> unit
module Make (V : Value) : Server with module Value = V = struct
module Value = V
let set_ =
let buffer = ref (Bytes.create 1024) in
let rec try_to_buffer value =
try Marshal.to_buffer !buffer 0 (Bytes.length !buffer) value []
with Failure _ ->
(* double buffer length *)
buffer := Bytes.create (2 * Bytes.length !buffer) ;
try_to_buffer value
fun server ~key value ->
let value_length = try_to_buffer value in
Printf.fprintf server.output "set %s:%s 0 0 %d%s" Value.label key value_length eol ;
Out_channel.output server.output ~buf:!buffer ~pos:0 ~len:value_length ;
send_eol server ;
flush_server server ;
expect_line server ["STORED"; "SERVER_ERROR object too large for cache"]
let get_ server ~key =
Printf.fprintf server.output "get %s:%s%s" Value.label key eol ;
flush_server server ;
let value_line = recv_line server in
match String.split value_line ~on:' ' with
| ["END"] ->
| ["VALUE"; _key'; _flags; _bytes] ->
let value : Value.t = Marshal.from_channel server.input in
(* eat up the trailing eol *)
expect_line server [""] ;
expect_line server ["END"] ;
Some value
| _ ->
fail_on value_line
let get ~key = with_server ~f:(get_ ~key)
(* TODO: do this on background thread to avoid blocking on the response *)
let set ~key value = with_server ~f:(fun s -> set_ s ~key value)

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Interface for managing a (single) memcached daemon and getting/setting OCaml values *)
val connect : unit -> unit
(** connect to a running memcached server -- only call this from processes which do not fork *)
val disconnect : unit -> unit
(** disconnect after having connected first *)
val start : unit -> unit
(** start a memcached daemon and set up an epilogue to kill it on exit -- only for top-level *)
(** type to marshal, plus a unique label that will be colon-prepended to a key,
roughly signifying a table *)
module type Value = sig
type t
val label : string
module type Server = sig
module Value : Value
val get : key:string -> Value.t option
(** get a value, [None] means no [key] exists *)
val set : key:string -> Value.t -> unit
(** set a [key]/value pair. NB we swallow failures due to exceeding max value size currently.
This will need to be changed before memcached is used as a primary store. *)
module Make (V : Value) : Server with module Value = V

@ -63,10 +63,7 @@ let setup () =
| Events ->
ResultsDir.assert_results_dir "have you run infer before?" ) ;
db_start () ;
if CLOpt.is_originator then (
RunState.add_run_to_sequence () ;
RunState.store () ;
if Config.memcached then Memcached.start () ) ;
if CLOpt.is_originator then ( RunState.add_run_to_sequence () ; RunState.store () ) ;
