Use the type environment as a cache of translated types

Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D2534810

fb-gh-sync-id: 4bdf495
jrm 10 years ago committed by facebook-github-bot-7
parent 3076b434c1
commit 43958b461a

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let add_class cn jclass program =
program.classmap <- JBasics.ClassMap.add cn jclass program.classmap
let lookup_node cn (program: program) =
let lookup_node cn program =
Some (JBasics.ClassMap.find cn (get_classmap program))
with Not_found ->

@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ let load_tenv program =
Sil.create_tenv () in
JTransType.update_tenv tenv program;

@ -237,23 +237,6 @@ let collect_interface_field cn inf l =
(field_name, field_type, annotation) :: l
let get_all_fields program cn =
let rec loop classname =
match JClasspath.lookup_node classname program with
| Some (Javalib.JClass jclass) ->
let super_fields =
match jclass.Javalib.c_super_class with
| None -> ([], [])
| Some super_classname -> loop super_classname in
Javalib.cf_fold (collect_class_field classname) (Javalib.JClass jclass) super_fields
| Some (Javalib.JInterface jinterface) ->
let interface_fields =
Javalib.if_fold (collect_interface_field classname) (Javalib.JInterface jinterface) [] in
(interface_fields, [])
| _ -> ([], []) in
loop cn
let dummy_type cn =
let classname = Mangled.from_string (JBasics.cn_name cn) in
Sil.Tstruct ([], [], Sil.Class, Some classname, [], [], Sil.item_annotation_empty)
@ -297,7 +280,28 @@ let add_model_fields program classpath_fields cn =
with Not_found -> classpath_fields
let rec create_sil_type program tenv cn =
let rec get_all_fields program tenv cn =
let extract_class_fields classname =
match get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv classname with
| Sil.Tstruct (nonstatic, static, _, _, _, _, _) -> (static, nonstatic)
| _ -> assert false in
let trans_fields classname =
match JClasspath.lookup_node classname program with
| Some (Javalib.JClass jclass) ->
let super_fields =
match jclass.Javalib.c_super_class with
| None -> ([], [])
| Some super_classname -> extract_class_fields super_classname in
Javalib.cf_fold (collect_class_field classname) (Javalib.JClass jclass) super_fields
| Some (Javalib.JInterface jinterface) ->
let interface_fields =
Javalib.if_fold (collect_interface_field classname) (Javalib.JInterface jinterface) [] in
(interface_fields, [])
| _ -> ([], []) in
trans_fields cn
and create_sil_type program tenv cn =
match JClasspath.lookup_node cn program with
| None -> dummy_type cn
| Some node ->
@ -306,13 +310,13 @@ let rec create_sil_type program tenv cn =
let (super_list, nonstatic_fields, static_fields, item_annotation) =
match node with
| Javalib.JInterface jinterface ->
let static_fields, _ = get_all_fields program cn in
let static_fields, _ = get_all_fields program tenv cn in
let sil_interface_list = (fun c -> (Sil.Class, c)) (create_super_list jinterface.Javalib.i_interfaces) in
let item_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_item jinterface.Javalib.i_annotations in
(sil_interface_list, [], static_fields, item_annotation)
| Javalib.JClass jclass ->
let static_fields, nonstatic_fields =
let classpath_static, classpath_nonstatic = get_all_fields program cn in
let classpath_static, classpath_nonstatic = get_all_fields program tenv cn in
add_model_fields program (classpath_static, classpath_nonstatic) cn in
let item_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_item jclass.Javalib.c_annotations in
let interface_list = create_super_list jclass.Javalib.c_interfaces in
@ -332,6 +336,7 @@ let rec create_sil_type program tenv cn =
let method_procnames = get_class_procnames cn node in
Sil.Tstruct (nonstatic_fields, static_fields, Sil.Class, Some classname, super_list, method_procnames, item_annotation)
and get_class_type_no_pointer program tenv cn =
let named_type = typename_of_classname cn in
let class_type_np =
@ -446,13 +451,6 @@ let return_type program tenv ms meth_kind =
| Some vt -> value_type program tenv vt
let update_tenv tenv program =
let add cn _ =
let class_typename = typename_of_classname cn in
Sil.tenv_add tenv class_typename (create_sil_type program tenv cn) in
JBasics.ClassMap.iter add (JClasspath.get_classmap program)
let add_models_types tenv =
let jar_tenv_filename =
let root = Filename.concat Config.default_in_zip_results_dir Config.captured_dir_name in

@ -84,9 +84,6 @@ val vt_to_java_type : JBasics.value_type -> Procname.java_type
val cn_to_java_type : JBasics.class_name -> Procname.java_type
(** [update_tenv program] update the type environment with all the types found in [program] *)
val update_tenv : Sil.tenv -> JClasspath.program -> unit
(** Add the types of the models to the type environment passed as parameter *)
val add_models_types : Sil.tenv -> unit
