@ -642,17 +642,15 @@ module ThresholdReports = struct
CostIssues.enabled_cost_map none
Calculate the final Worst Case Cost predicted for each cost field and each WTO component.
It is the dot product of basic_cost_map and get_node_nb_exec.
(** Calculate the final Worst Case Cost predicted for each cost field
and each WTO component. It is the dot product of the symbolic cost
of the node and how many times it is executed. *)
module WorstCaseCost = struct
type astate = {costs: CostDomain.t; reports: ThresholdReports.t}
We don't report when the cost is Top as it corresponds to subsequent 'don't know's.
Instead, we report Top cost only at the top level per function when `report_infinity` is set to true
(** We don't report when the cost is Top as it corresponds to
subsequent 'don't know's. Instead, we report Top cost only at
the top level per function. *)
let should_report_cost cost ~threshold =
(not (BasicCost.is_top cost)) && not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:cost ~rhs:threshold)