@ -1212,30 +1212,18 @@ module Formula = struct
let and_var_linarith v l ( phi , new_eqs ) = solve_lin_eq new_eqs l ( LinArith . of_var v ) phi
let rec normalize_linear_eqs ~ fuel ( phi0 , new_eqs ) =
let * changed , phi_new_eqs' =
(* reconstruct the relation from scratch *)
Var . Map . fold
( fun v l acc ->
let * changed , ( ( _ , new_eqs ) as phi_new_eqs ) = acc in
let l' = apply phi0 l in
let + phi' , new_eqs' = and_var_linarith v l' phi_new_eqs in
let changed' , new_eqs' =
if phys_equal l l' then ( changed , new_eqs ) else ( true , new_eqs' )
( changed' , ( phi' , new_eqs' ) ) )
phi0 . linear_eqs
( Sat ( false , ( { phi0 with linear_eqs = Var . Map . empty } , new_eqs ) ) )
if changed then
if fuel > 0 then (
(* do another pass if we can afford it *)
L . d_printfln " consuming fuel normalizing linear equalities (from %d) " fuel ;
normalize_linear_eqs ~ fuel : ( fuel - 1 ) phi_new_eqs' )
else (
L . d_printfln " ran out of fuel normalizing linear equalities " ;
Sat phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat ( phi0 , new_eqs )
let normalize_linear_eqs ( phi0 , new_eqs ) =
Var . Map . fold
( fun v l acc ->
let * changed , ( ( _ , new_eqs ) as phi_new_eqs ) = acc in
let l' = apply phi0 l in
let + phi' , new_eqs' = and_var_linarith v l' phi_new_eqs in
let changed' , new_eqs' =
if phys_equal l l' then ( changed , new_eqs ) else ( true , new_eqs' )
( changed' , ( phi' , new_eqs' ) ) )
phi0 . linear_eqs
( Sat ( false , ( { phi0 with linear_eqs = Var . Map . empty } , new_eqs ) ) )
let normalize_atom phi ( atom : Atom . t ) =
@ -1278,28 +1266,32 @@ module Formula = struct
( changed | | changed' , phi_new_eqs ) )
(* interface *)
let rec normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel ( ( phi0 , new_eqs0 ) as phi_new_eqs0 ) =
if fuel < 0 then (
L . d_printfln " ran out of fuel when normalizing " ;
Sat phi_new_eqs0 )
(* reconstruct the linear relation from scratch *)
let * new_linear_eqs , phi_new_eqs' =
let * new_linear_eqs_from_linear , phi_new_eqs = normalize_linear_eqs ( phi0 , new_eqs0 ) in
if new_linear_eqs_from_linear && fuel > 0 then
(* do another round of linear normalization early if we will renormalize again anyway;
no need to first normalize atoms w . r . t . a linear relation that's going to change and
trigger a recompute of these anyway * )
Sat ( true , phi_new_eqs )
let + new_linear_eqs_from_atoms , phi_new_eqs = normalize_atoms phi_new_eqs in
( new_linear_eqs_from_linear | | new_linear_eqs_from_atoms , phi_new_eqs )
if new_linear_eqs then (
L . d_printfln " new linear equalities, consuming fuel (from %d) " fuel ;
normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel : ( fuel - 1 ) phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat phi_new_eqs'
let normalize phi0 =
(* NOTE: we may consume a quadratic amount of [fuel] here since the fuel here is not consumed by
[ normalize_linear_eqs ] ( i . e . [ normalize_linear_eqs ] does not return the remaining
fuel ) . That's ok because there's not much fuel to begin with , and as long as we're making
progress it's probably worth it anyway . * )
let rec normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel phi_new_eqs =
if fuel < = 0 then (
L . d_printfln " ran out of fuel when normalizing " ;
Sat phi_new_eqs )
let * new_linear_eqs , phi_new_eqs' =
normalize_linear_eqs ~ fuel phi_new_eqs > > = normalize_atoms
if new_linear_eqs then (
L . d_printfln " new linear equalities, consuming fuel (from %d) " fuel ;
normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel : ( fuel - 1 ) phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat phi_new_eqs'
normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel : base_fuel ( phi0 , [] )
(* interface *)
let normalize phi = normalize_with_fuel ~ fuel : base_fuel ( phi , [] )
let and_atom atom phi_new_eqs = and_atom atom phi_new_eqs > > | snd