[pulse] move LinArith before Term

This is needed for the rest of the stack that introduces a `Linear of
LinArith.t` variant in `Term.t` to enable more normalisation inside of

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D23241353

fbshipit-source-id: ad765cd13
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 1d56705cd4
commit 45894a7dd9

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ module Var = PulseAbstractValue
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of Var.t
(** "normalized" is not to be taken too seriously, it just means *some* normalization was applied
that could result in discovering something is unsatisfiable *)
type 'a normalized = Unsat | Sat of 'a
module Q = struct
include Q
@ -34,6 +38,173 @@ module Q = struct
let to_bigint q = conv_protect Q.to_bigint q
(** Linear Arithmetic*)
module LinArith : sig
(** linear combination of variables, eg [2·x + 3/4·y + 12] *)
type t
val pp : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
val is_zero : t -> bool
val add : t -> t -> t
val minus : t -> t
val subtract : t -> t -> t
val mult : Q.t -> t -> t
val solve_eq : t -> t -> (Var.t * t) option normalized
(** [solve_eq l1 l2] is [Sat (Some (x, l))] if [l1=l2 <=> x=l], [Sat None] if [l1 = l2] is always
true, and [Unsat] if it is always false *)
val of_q : Q.t -> t
val of_var : Var.t -> t
val of_intlit : IntLit.t -> t
val of_operand : operand -> t
val get_as_const : t -> Q.t option
(** [get_as_const l] is [Some c] if [l=c], else [None] *)
val get_as_var : t -> Var.t option
(** [get_as_var l] is [Some x] if [l=x], else [None] *)
val has_var : Var.t -> t -> bool
val subst : Var.t -> Var.t -> t -> t
val subst_vars : f:(Var.t -> t) -> t -> t
val get_variables : t -> Var.t Seq.t
val fold_map_variables : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a * Var.t) -> 'a * t
end = struct
(** invariant: the representation is always "canonical": coefficients cannot be [Q.zero] *)
type t = Q.t Var.Map.t * Q.t
let pp pp_var fmt (vs, c) =
if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Q.pp_print fmt c
let pp_c fmt c =
if Q.is_zero c then ()
let plusminus, c_pos = if Q.geq c Q.zero then ('+', c) else ('-', Q.neg c) in
F.fprintf fmt " %c%a" plusminus Q.pp_print c_pos
let pp_coeff fmt q =
if Q.is_one q then ()
else if Q.is_minus_one q then F.pp_print_string fmt "-"
else F.fprintf fmt "%a·" Q.pp_print q
let pp_vs fmt vs =
Pp.collection ~sep:" + "
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold)
~pp_item:(fun fmt (v, q) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_coeff q pp_var v)
fmt vs
F.fprintf fmt "@[<h>%a%a@]" pp_vs vs pp_c c
let add (vs1, c1) (vs2, c2) =
( Var.Map.union
(fun _v c1 c2 ->
let c = Q.add c1 c2 in
if Q.is_zero c then None else Some c )
vs1 vs2
, Q.add c1 c2 )
let minus (vs, c) = (Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.neg c) vs, Q.neg c)
let subtract l1 l2 = add l1 (minus l2)
let zero = (Var.Map.empty, Q.zero)
let is_zero (vs, c) = Q.is_zero c && Var.Map.is_empty vs
let mult q ((vs, c) as l) =
if Q.is_zero q then (* needed for correction: coeffs cannot be zero *) zero
else if Q.is_one q then (* purely an optimisation *) l
else (Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.mul q c) vs, Q.mul q c)
let solve_eq_zero (vs, c) =
match Var.Map.min_binding_opt vs with
| None ->
if Q.is_zero c then Sat None else Unsat
| Some (x, coeff) ->
let d = Q.neg coeff in
let vs' =
(fun v' coeff' vs' ->
if Var.equal v' x then vs' else Var.Map.add v' (Q.div coeff' d) vs' )
vs Var.Map.empty
let c' = Q.div c d in
Sat (Some (x, (vs', c')))
let solve_eq l1 l2 = solve_eq_zero (subtract l1 l2)
let of_var v = (Var.Map.singleton v Q.one, Q.zero)
let of_q q = (Var.Map.empty, q)
let of_intlit i = IntLit.to_big_int i |> Q.of_bigint |> of_q
let of_operand = function AbstractValueOperand v -> of_var v | LiteralOperand i -> of_intlit i
let get_as_const (vs, c) = if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Some c else None
let get_as_var (vs, c) =
if Q.is_zero c then
match Var.Map.is_singleton_or_more vs with
| Singleton (x, cx) when Q.is_one cx ->
Some x
| _ ->
else None
let has_var x (vs, _) = Var.Map.mem x vs
let subst x y ((vs, c) as l) =
match Var.Map.find_opt x vs with
| None ->
| Some cx ->
let vs' = Var.Map.remove x vs |> Var.Map.add y cx in
(vs', c)
let subst_vars ~f (vs, c) = Var.Map.fold (fun v q l -> mult q (f v) |> add l) vs (Var.Map.empty, c)
let fold_map_variables (vs_foreign, c) ~init ~f =
let acc_f, vs =
(fun v_foreign q0 (acc_f, vs) ->
let acc_f, v = f acc_f v_foreign in
let vs =
match Var.Map.find_opt v vs with
| None ->
Var.Map.add v q0 vs
| Some q ->
let q' = Q.add q q0 in
if Q.is_zero q' then Var.Map.remove v vs else Var.Map.add v q vs
(acc_f, vs) )
vs_foreign (init, Var.Map.empty)
(acc_f, (vs, c))
let get_variables (vs, _) = Var.Map.to_seq vs |> Seq.map fst
(** Expressive term structure to be able to express all of SIL, but the main smarts of the formulas
are for the equality between variables and linear arithmetic subsets. Terms (and atoms, below)
are kept as a last-resort for when outside that fragment. *)
@ -463,6 +634,48 @@ module Term = struct
(* [t false = t] *) t1
| _ ->
(** more or less syntactic attempt at detecting when an arbitrary term is a linear formula; call
{!Atom.eval_term} first for best results *)
let rec to_lin_arith t =
(* NOTE: don't duplicate simplifications between here and {!Atom.eval_term} *)
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
match t with
| Var v ->
Some (LinArith.of_var v)
| Const c ->
Some (LinArith.of_q c)
| Minus t ->
let+ l = to_lin_arith t in
LinArith.minus l
| Add (t1, t2) ->
let* l1 = to_lin_arith t1 in
let+ l2 = to_lin_arith t2 in
LinArith.add l1 l2
| Mult (Const c, t) | Mult (t, Const c) ->
let+ l = to_lin_arith t in
LinArith.mult c l
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_not_zero c ->
let+ l = to_lin_arith t in
LinArith.mult (Q.inv c) l
| Mult _
| Div _
| Mod _
| BitNot _
| BitAnd _
| BitOr _
| BitShiftLeft _
| BitShiftRight _
| BitXor _
| Not _
| And _
| Or _
| LessThan _
| LessEqual _
| Equal _
| NotEqual _ ->
(** Basically boolean terms, used to build the part of a formula that is not equalities between
@ -614,10 +827,6 @@ module Atom = struct
(** "normalized" is not to be taken too seriously, it just means *some* normalization was applied
that could result in discovering something is unsatisfiable *)
type 'a normalized = Unsat | Sat of 'a
module SatUnsatMonad = struct
let map_normalized f norm = match norm with Unsat -> Unsat | Sat phi -> Sat (f phi)
@ -632,213 +841,6 @@ module SatUnsatMonad = struct
let ( let* ) phi f = bind_normalized f phi
(** Linear Arithmetic*)
module LinArith : sig
(** linear combination of variables, eg [2·x + 3/4·y + 12] *)
type t
val pp : (F.formatter -> Var.t -> unit) -> F.formatter -> t -> unit
val is_zero : t -> bool
val add : t -> t -> t
val minus : t -> t
val subtract : t -> t -> t
val solve_eq : t -> t -> (Var.t * t) option normalized
(** [solve_eq l1 l2] is [Sat (Some (x, l))] if [l1=l2 <=> x=l], [Sat None] if [l1 = l2] is always
true, and [Unsat] if it is always false *)
val of_var : Var.t -> t
val of_intlit : IntLit.t -> t
val of_operand : operand -> t
val of_term : Term.t -> t option
(** more or less syntactic attempt at detecting when an arbitrary term is a linear formula; call
{!Atom.eval_term} first for best results *)
val get_as_const : t -> Q.t option
(** [get_as_const l] is [Some c] if [l=c], else [None] *)
val get_as_var : t -> Var.t option
(** [get_as_var l] is [Some x] if [l=x], else [None] *)
val has_var : Var.t -> t -> bool
val subst : Var.t -> Var.t -> t -> t
val subst_vars : f:(Var.t -> t) -> t -> t
val get_variables : t -> Var.t Seq.t
val fold_map_variables : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a * Var.t) -> 'a * t
end = struct
(** invariant: the representation is always "canonical": coefficients cannot be [Q.zero] *)
type t = Q.t Var.Map.t * Q.t
let pp pp_var fmt (vs, c) =
if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Q.pp_print fmt c
let pp_c fmt c =
if Q.is_zero c then ()
let plusminus, c_pos = if Q.geq c Q.zero then ('+', c) else ('-', Q.neg c) in
F.fprintf fmt " %c%a" plusminus Q.pp_print c_pos
let pp_coeff fmt q =
if Q.is_one q then ()
else if Q.is_minus_one q then F.pp_print_string fmt "-"
else F.fprintf fmt "%a·" Q.pp_print q
let pp_vs fmt vs =
Pp.collection ~sep:" + "
~fold:(IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold)
~pp_item:(fun fmt (v, q) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_coeff q pp_var v)
fmt vs
F.fprintf fmt "@[<h>%a%a@]" pp_vs vs pp_c c
let add (vs1, c1) (vs2, c2) =
( Var.Map.union
(fun _v c1 c2 ->
let c = Q.add c1 c2 in
if Q.is_zero c then None else Some c )
vs1 vs2
, Q.add c1 c2 )
let minus (vs, c) = (Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.neg c) vs, Q.neg c)
let subtract l1 l2 = add l1 (minus l2)
let zero = (Var.Map.empty, Q.zero)
let is_zero (vs, c) = Q.is_zero c && Var.Map.is_empty vs
let mult q ((vs, c) as l) =
if Q.is_zero q then (* needed for correction: coeffs cannot be zero *) zero
else if Q.is_one q then (* purely an optimisation *) l
else (Var.Map.map (fun c -> Q.mul q c) vs, Q.mul q c)
let solve_eq_zero (vs, c) =
match Var.Map.min_binding_opt vs with
| None ->
if Q.is_zero c then Sat None else Unsat
| Some (x, coeff) ->
let d = Q.neg coeff in
let vs' =
(fun v' coeff' vs' ->
if Var.equal v' x then vs' else Var.Map.add v' (Q.div coeff' d) vs' )
vs Var.Map.empty
let c' = Q.div c d in
Sat (Some (x, (vs', c')))
let solve_eq l1 l2 = solve_eq_zero (subtract l1 l2)
let of_var v = (Var.Map.singleton v Q.one, Q.zero)
let of_q q = (Var.Map.empty, q)
let of_intlit i = IntLit.to_big_int i |> Q.of_bigint |> of_q
let of_operand = function AbstractValueOperand v -> of_var v | LiteralOperand i -> of_intlit i
(* don't duplicate simplifications between here and {!Atom.eval_term} *)
let rec of_term (t : Term.t) =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
match t with
| Var v ->
Some (of_var v)
| Const c ->
Some (of_q c)
| Minus t ->
let+ l = of_term t in
minus l
| Add (t1, t2) ->
let* l1 = of_term t1 in
let+ l2 = of_term t2 in
add l1 l2
| Mult (Const c, t) | Mult (t, Const c) ->
let+ l = of_term t in
mult c l
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.is_not_zero c ->
let+ l = of_term t in
mult (Q.inv c) l
| Mult _
| Div _
| Mod _
| BitNot _
| BitAnd _
| BitOr _
| BitShiftLeft _
| BitShiftRight _
| BitXor _
| Not _
| And _
| Or _
| LessThan _
| LessEqual _
| Equal _
| NotEqual _ ->
let get_as_const (vs, c) = if Var.Map.is_empty vs then Some c else None
let get_as_var (vs, c) =
if Q.is_zero c then
match Var.Map.is_singleton_or_more vs with
| Singleton (x, cx) when Q.is_one cx ->
Some x
| _ ->
else None
let has_var x (vs, _) = Var.Map.mem x vs
let subst x y ((vs, c) as l) =
match Var.Map.find_opt x vs with
| None ->
| Some cx ->
let vs' = Var.Map.remove x vs |> Var.Map.add y cx in
(vs', c)
let subst_vars ~f (vs, c) = Var.Map.fold (fun v q l -> mult q (f v) |> add l) vs (Var.Map.empty, c)
let fold_map_variables (vs_foreign, c) ~init ~f =
let acc_f, vs =
(fun v_foreign q0 (acc_f, vs) ->
let acc_f, v = f acc_f v_foreign in
let vs =
match Var.Map.find_opt v vs with
| None ->
Var.Map.add v q0 vs
| Some q ->
let q' = Q.add q q0 in
if Q.is_zero q' then Var.Map.remove v vs else Var.Map.add v q vs
(acc_f, vs) )
vs_foreign (init, Var.Map.empty)
(acc_f, (vs, c))
let get_variables (vs, _) = Var.Map.to_seq vs |> Seq.map fst
module VarUF =
@ -1050,7 +1052,7 @@ end = struct
| None ->
| Some (Atom.Equal (t1, t2) as atom') -> (
match Option.both (LinArith.of_term t1) (LinArith.of_term t2) with
match Option.both (Term.to_lin_arith t1) (Term.to_lin_arith t2) with
| None ->
Sat (phi, Atom.Set.add atom' facts)
| Some (l1, l2) ->
