@ -317,10 +317,28 @@ module Term = struct
let t' = Trm.map_vars ~f t in
if t' == t then c else `Trm t'
let map_vars ~f = function
let map_vars e ~f =
match e with
| `Fml p -> `Fml (Fml.map_vars ~f p)
| #cnd as c -> (map_vars_c ~f c :> exp)
let rec map_trms_c ~f c =
match c with
| `Ite (cnd, thn, els) ->
let cnd' = Fml.map_trms ~f cnd in
let thn' = map_trms_c ~f thn in
let els' = map_trms_c ~f els in
if cnd' == cnd && thn' == thn && els' == els then c
else _Ite cnd' thn' els'
| `Trm t ->
let t' = f t in
if t' == t then c else `Trm t'
let map_trms e ~f =
match e with
| `Fml p -> `Fml (Fml.map_trms ~f p)
| #cnd as c -> (map_trms_c ~f c :> exp)
let fold_map_vars e s0 ~f =
let s = ref s0 in
let f x =