@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module Tags = struct
(* line where value was last assigned *)
let bucket = "bucket"
(* bucket to classify likelyhood of real bug *)
(* bucket to classify likelihood of real bug *)
let call_procedure = "call_procedure"
(* name of the procedure called *)
@ -146,18 +146,17 @@ let error_desc_get_tags err_desc = err_desc.tags
let error_desc_get_dotty err_desc = err_desc.dotty
module BucketLevel = struct
(** highest likelihood *)
let b1 = "B1"
(* highest likelyhood *)
let b2 = "B2"
let b3 = "B3"
let b4 = "B4"
(** lowest likelihood *)
let b5 = "B5"
(* lowest likelyhood *)
(** takes in input a tag to extract from the given error_desc
@ -178,12 +177,14 @@ let error_desc_get_tag_call_procedure error_desc =
(** get the bucket value of an error_desc, if any *)
let error_desc_get_bucket err_desc = Tags.get err_desc.tags Tags.bucket
(** set the bucket value of an error_desc; the boolean indicates where the bucket should be shown in the message *)
let error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket show_in_message =
let tags' = Tags.add err_desc.tags Tags.bucket bucket in
let l = err_desc.descriptions in
let l' = if not show_in_message then l else ("[" ^ bucket ^ "]") :: l in
{err_desc with descriptions= l'; tags= tags'}
(** set the bucket value of an error_desc *)
let error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket =
let tags = Tags.add err_desc.tags Tags.bucket bucket in
let descriptions =
if Config.show_buckets then Printf.sprintf "[%s]" bucket :: err_desc.descriptions
else err_desc.descriptions
{err_desc with descriptions; tags}
(** get the value tag, if any *)
let get_value_line_tag tags =
@ -791,7 +792,7 @@ let desc_leak hpred_type_opt value_str_opt resource_opt resource_action_opt loc
let desc_buffer_overrun bucket desc =
let err_desc = {no_desc with descriptions= [desc]} in
error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket Config.show_buckets
error_desc_set_bucket err_desc bucket
(** kind of precondition not met *)
type pnm_kind = Pnm_bounds | Pnm_dangling