@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open! Utils
module F = Format
module InstrCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode (ProcCfg.Normal)
module InstrCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode (ProcCfg.Exceptional)
let tests =
let cfg = Cfg.Node.create_cfg () in
@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ let tests =
let dummy_instr1 = Sil.Remove_temps ([], Location.dummy) in
let dummy_instr2 = Sil.Abstract Location.dummy in
let dummy_instr3 = Sil.Stackop (Pop, Location.dummy) in
let dummy_instr4 = Sil.Remove_temps ([], Location.dummy) in
let instrs1 = [dummy_instr1; dummy_instr2;] in
let instrs2 = [dummy_instr3] in
let instrs3 = [] in
let instrs3 = [dummy_instr4] in
let instrs4 = [] in
let create_node cfg instrs =
Cfg.Node.create cfg Location.dummy (Cfg.Node.Stmt_node "") instrs test_pdesc in
@ -50,29 +51,47 @@ let tests =
let instrs = InstrCfg.instrs node in
assert_bool "Nodes should contain one instruction" ((IList.length instrs) = 1);
IList.hd instrs in
let assert_one_succ node =
let succs = InstrCfg.succs instr_cfg node in
let assert_one_normal_succ node =
let succs = InstrCfg.normal_succs instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one succ" ((IList.length succs) = 1);
IList.hd succs in
let assert_one_normal_pred node =
let preds = InstrCfg.normal_preds instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one pred" ((IList.length preds) = 1);
IList.hd preds in
let assert_one_exceptional_succ node =
let exceptional_succs = InstrCfg.exceptional_succs instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one exceptional succ" ((IList.length exceptional_succs) = 1);
IList.hd exceptional_succs in
(* walk forward through the CFG and make sure everything looks ok *)
let start_node = InstrCfg.start_node instr_cfg in
let instr1 = assert_one_instr start_node in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 = dummy_instr1);
let succ_node1 = assert_one_succ start_node in
let succ_node1 = assert_one_normal_succ start_node in
let instr2 = assert_one_instr succ_node1 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 = dummy_instr2);
let succ_node2 = assert_one_succ succ_node1 in
let succ_node2 = assert_one_normal_succ succ_node1 in
let instr3 = assert_one_instr succ_node2 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr3" (instr3 = dummy_instr3);
(* test exceptional edges *)
"internal nodes should have no exceptional succs"
((InstrCfg.exceptional_succs instr_cfg start_node) = []);
"external nodes should have no exceptional preds"
((InstrCfg.exceptional_preds instr_cfg succ_node1) = []);
let exceptional_succ = assert_one_exceptional_succ succ_node1 in
let exc_instr = assert_one_instr exceptional_succ in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_inst4" (exc_instr = dummy_instr4);
let exceptional_preds = InstrCfg.exceptional_preds instr_cfg exceptional_succ in
"n3 should have two exceptional preds"
((IList.length exceptional_preds) = 2);
(* now, do the same thing going backward *)
let assert_one_pred node =
let preds = InstrCfg.preds instr_cfg node in
assert_bool "Should only have one pred" ((IList.length preds) = 1);
IList.hd preds in
let pred_node1 = assert_one_pred succ_node2 in
let pred_node1 = assert_one_normal_pred succ_node2 in
let instr2 = assert_one_instr pred_node1 in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 = dummy_instr2);
let start_node = assert_one_pred pred_node1 in
let start_node = assert_one_normal_pred pred_node1 in
let instr1 = assert_one_instr start_node in
assert_bool "instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 = dummy_instr1) in
"instr_cfg_test">::instr_cfg_test_ in