Remove dead Config.pp_simple

Reviewed By: jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D9751480

fbshipit-source-id: 1aa91b760
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 348d0a0326
commit 4c0e217410

@ -66,18 +66,14 @@ let pp_translation_unit fmt = function None -> () | Some fname -> SourceFile.pp
let pp_ f pv =
let name = pv.pv_name in
match pv.pv_kind with
| Local_var n ->
if !Config.pp_simple then Mangled.pp f name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a" Typ.Procname.pp n Mangled.pp name
| Callee_var n ->
if !Config.pp_simple then F.fprintf f "%a|callee" Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$%a|callee" Typ.Procname.pp n Mangled.pp name
| Abduced_retvar (n, l) ->
if !Config.pp_simple then F.fprintf f "%a|abducedRetvar" Mangled.pp name
else F.fprintf f "%a$[%a]%a|abducedRetvar" Typ.Procname.pp n Location.pp l Mangled.pp name
| Abduced_ref_param (n, index, l) ->
if !Config.pp_simple then F.fprintf f "%a|abducedRefParam%d" Mangled.pp name index
else F.fprintf f "%a$[%a]%a|abducedRefParam" Typ.Procname.pp n Location.pp l Mangled.pp name
| Local_var _ ->
Mangled.pp f name
| Callee_var _ ->
F.fprintf f "%a|callee" Mangled.pp name
| Abduced_retvar _ ->
F.fprintf f "%a|abducedRetvar" Mangled.pp name
| Abduced_ref_param (_, index, _) ->
F.fprintf f "%a|abducedRefParam%d" Mangled.pp name index
| Global_var (translation_unit, is_const, is_pod, _, _) ->
F.fprintf f "#GB<%a%s%s>$%a" pp_translation_unit translation_unit
(if is_const then "|const" else "")

@ -919,14 +919,11 @@ let process_summary filters formats_by_report_kind linereader stats summary issu
let file = (Summary.get_loc summary).Location.file in
let proc_name = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
let error_filter = error_filter filters proc_name in
let pp_simple_saved = !Config.pp_simple in
Config.pp_simple := true ;
let issues_acc' =
pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind summary error_filter linereader stats file
if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.do_summary proc_name summary ;
Config.pp_simple := pp_simple_saved ;

@ -1207,8 +1207,6 @@ let print_icfg_dotty source cfg =
(** Dotty printing for specs *)
let pp_speclist_dotty f (splist : Prop.normal BiabductionSummary.spec list) =
let pp_simple_saved = !Config.pp_simple in
Config.pp_simple := true ;
reset_proposition_counter () ;
reset_dotty_spec_counter () ;
F.fprintf f "@\n@\n@\ndigraph main { @\nnode [shape=box]; @\n" ;
@ -1220,18 +1218,14 @@ let pp_speclist_dotty f (splist : Prop.normal BiabductionSummary.spec list) =
(BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop s.BiabductionSummary.pre)
s.BiabductionSummary.posts )
splist ;
F.fprintf f "@\n}" ;
Config.pp_simple := pp_simple_saved
F.fprintf f "@\n}"
let pp_speclist_to_file (filename : DB.filename) spec_list =
let pp_simple_saved = !Config.pp_simple in
Config.pp_simple := true ;
let outc = Out_channel.create (DB.filename_to_string (DB.filename_add_suffix filename ".dot")) in
let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
let () = F.fprintf fmt "#### Dotty version: ####@\n%a@\n@\n" pp_speclist_dotty spec_list in
Out_channel.close outc ;
Config.pp_simple := pp_simple_saved
Out_channel.close outc
let pp_speclist_dotty_file (filename : DB.filename) spec_list =

@ -3029,9 +3029,6 @@ let run_in_footprint_mode f x = set_reference_and_call_function footprint true f
let run_in_re_execution_mode f x = set_reference_and_call_function footprint false f x
(** if true, user simple pretty printing *)
let pp_simple = ref true
let reset_abs_val () = abs_val := abs_val_orig
let run_with_abs_val_equal_zero f x = set_reference_and_call_function abs_val 0 f x

@ -680,8 +680,6 @@ val run_in_re_execution_mode : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** Call f x with footprint set to false.
Restore the initial value of footprint also in case of exception. *)
val pp_simple : bool ref
(** {2 Global variables with initial values specified by command-line options} *)
val abs_val : int ref

@ -111,21 +111,6 @@ let compare_prop p1 p2 = compare (fun _ _ -> 0) p1 p2
(** {1 Functions for Pretty Printing} *)
(** Pretty print a footprint. *)
let pp_footprint pe_ f fp =
let pe = {pe_ with Pp.cmap_norm= pe_.Pp.cmap_foot} in
let pp_pi f () =
if fp.pi_fp <> [] then
F.fprintf f "%a ;@\n"
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:{pe with break_lines= false} (Sil.pp_atom pe))
if fp.pi_fp <> [] || fp.sigma_fp <> [] then
F.fprintf f "@\n[footprint@\n @[%a%a@] ]" pp_pi ()
(Pp.semicolon_seq ~print_env:pe (Sil.pp_hpred pe))
let pp_texp_simple pe =
match pe.Pp.opt with SIM_DEFAULT -> Sil.pp_texp pe | SIM_WITH_TYP -> Sil.pp_texp_full pe
@ -294,9 +279,7 @@ let create_pvar_env (sigma : sigma) : Exp.t -> Exp.t =
(** Update the object substitution given the stack variables in the prop *)
let prop_update_obj_sub pe prop =
if !Config.pp_simple then Pp.set_obj_sub pe (create_pvar_env prop.sigma) else pe
let prop_update_obj_sub pe prop = Pp.set_obj_sub pe (create_pvar_env prop.sigma)
(** Pretty print a footprint in simple mode. *)
let pp_footprint_simple pe_ env f fp =
@ -326,21 +309,19 @@ let pp_prop pe0 f prop =
if subl <> [] then F.fprintf f "%a ;@\n" (pp_subl pe) subl ;
if pi <> [] then F.fprintf f "%a ;@\n" (pp_pi pe) pi
if !Config.pp_simple then
let env = prop_pred_env prop in
let iter_f n hpara = F.fprintf f "@,@[<h>%a@]" (pp_hpara_simple pe env n) hpara in
let iter_f_dll n hpara_dll =
F.fprintf f "@,@[<h>%a@]" (pp_hpara_dll_simple pe env n) hpara_dll
let pp_predicates _ () =
if Sil.Predicates.is_empty env then ()
else (
F.fprintf f "@,where" ;
Sil.Predicates.iter env iter_f iter_f_dll )
F.fprintf f "%a%a%a%a" pp_pure () (pp_sigma_simple pe env) prop.sigma
(pp_footprint_simple pe env) prop pp_predicates ()
else F.fprintf f "%a%a%a" pp_pure () (pp_sigma pe) prop.sigma (pp_footprint pe) prop
let env = prop_pred_env prop in
let iter_f n hpara = F.fprintf f "@,@[<h>%a@]" (pp_hpara_simple pe env n) hpara in
let iter_f_dll n hpara_dll =
F.fprintf f "@,@[<h>%a@]" (pp_hpara_dll_simple pe env n) hpara_dll
let pp_predicates _ () =
if Sil.Predicates.is_empty env then ()
else (
F.fprintf f "@,where" ;
Sil.Predicates.iter env iter_f iter_f_dll )
F.fprintf f "%a%a%a%a" pp_pure () (pp_sigma_simple pe env) prop.sigma
(pp_footprint_simple pe env) prop pp_predicates ()
match pe0.Pp.kind with
| Pp.HTML ->
