@ -126,25 +126,21 @@ let get_enum_constant_exp enum_constant_pointer =
ClangPointers.Map.find_exn !CFrontend_config.enum_map enum_constant_pointer
let get_type ?source_range type_ptr =
let source_range = match source_range with Some sr -> sr | None -> dummy_source_range () in
let get_type type_ptr =
match type_ptr with
(* There is chance for success only if type_ptr is in fact clang pointer *)
| Clang_ast_types.TypePtr.Ptr raw_ptr ->
let typ = Int.Table.find ClangPointers.pointer_type_table raw_ptr in
if Option.is_none typ then
CFrontend_config.incorrect_assumption __POS__ source_range
"type with pointer %d not found@\n" raw_ptr ;
Int.Table.find ClangPointers.pointer_type_table raw_ptr
| _ ->
(* TODO(T30739447): investigate why this happens *)
(* otherwise, function fails *)
let type_str = Clang_ast_extend.type_ptr_to_string type_ptr in
L.(debug Capture Medium) "type %s is not clang pointer@\n" type_str ;
let get_desugared_type ?source_range type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_type ?source_range type_ptr in
let get_desugared_type type_ptr =
let typ_opt = get_type type_ptr in
match typ_opt with
| Some typ
-> (