@ -150,8 +150,7 @@ let command_error_handling ~always_die ~prog ~args = function
L . external_error
else L . die InternalError
log " Error running '%s' %a:@ \n %s " prog Pp . cli_args args
( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status )
log " %a:@ \n %s " Pp . cli_args ( prog :: args ) ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . to_string_hum status )
let run_command ~ prog ~ args ? ( cleanup = command_error_handling ~ always_die : false ~ prog ~ args ) () =
@ -218,16 +217,17 @@ let capture ~changed_files mode =
let infer_py = Config . lib_dir ^/ " python " ^/ " infer.py " in
let args =
List . rev_append Config . anon_args
( [ " --analyzer "
; List . Assoc . find_exn ~ equal : Config . equal_analyzer
( List . map ~ f : ( fun ( n , a ) -> ( a , n ) ) Config . string_to_analyzer )
Config . analyzer ]
@ ( match Config . blacklist with
( ( match Config . blacklist with
| Some s when in_buck_mode ->
[ " --blacklist-regex " ; s ]
| _ ->
[] )
@ ( if not Config . continue_capture then [] else [ " --continue " ] )
@ ( match Config . force_integration with
| None ->
| Some tool ->
[ " --force-integration " ; Config . string_of_build_system tool ] )
@ ( match Config . java_jar_compiler with
| None ->
@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ let capture ~changed_files mode =
| _ ->
[] )
@ ( if not Config . debug_mode then [] else [ " --debug " ] )
@ ( if not Config . debug_exceptions then [] else [ " --debug-exceptions " ] )
@ ( if Config . filtering then [] else [ " --no-filtering " ] )
@ ( if not Config . flavors | | not in_buck_mode then [] else [ " --use-flavors " ] )
@ " -j "
@ -248,7 +247,6 @@ let capture ~changed_files mode =
@ ( if not Config . pmd_xml then [] else [ " --pmd-xml " ] )
@ [ " --project-root " ; Config . project_root ]
@ ( if not Config . quiet then [] else [ " --quiet " ] )
@ ( if not Config . reactive_mode then [] else [ " --reactive " ] )
@ " --out "
:: Config . results_dir
@ -464,9 +462,9 @@ let mode_of_build_command build_cmd =
| prog :: args ->
let build_system =
match Config . force_integration with
| Some build_system ->
| Some build_system when CLOpt . is_originator ->
| None ->
| _ ->
Config . build_system_of_exe_name ( Filename . basename prog )
assert_supported_build_system build_system ;
@ -492,6 +490,8 @@ let mode_of_build_command build_cmd =
Python args
| BXcode when Config . xcpretty ->
XcodeXcpretty ( prog , args )
| BBuck when not Config . flavors && Config . reactive_mode ->
L . die UserError " The Buck Java integration does not support --reactive@. "
| ( BAnt | BBuck | BGradle | BNdk | BXcode ) as build_system ->
PythonCapture ( build_system , build_cmd )