[Cost] Add a Java model for functions to be considered invariant

fbshipit-source-id: e2fa74b19
Ezgi Çiçek 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 070f541226
commit 527fb90bbe

@ -959,6 +959,11 @@ and continue =
a procedure was changed beforehand, keep the changed marking.)"
and cost_invariant_by_default =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"invariant-by-default" ~default:false
"[Cost]Consider functions to be invariant by default"
and current_to_previous_script =
CLOpt.mk_string_opt ~long:"current-to-previous-script"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Diff, manual_generic)]
@ -2523,6 +2528,8 @@ and continue_capture = !continue
and cost = !cost
and cost_invariant_by_default = !cost_invariant_by_default
and current_to_previous_script = !current_to_previous_script
and crashcontext = !crashcontext

@ -287,6 +287,8 @@ val continue_capture : bool
val cost : bool
val cost_invariant_by_default : bool
val crashcontext : bool
val current_to_previous_script : string option

@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ let checker ({Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc} as callback_args) : Summary.t =
(* compute loop invariant map for control var analysis *)
let loop_inv_map =
LoopInvariant.get_loop_inv_var_map reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes
LoopInvariant.get_loop_inv_var_map tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes
(* given the semantics computes the upper bound on the number of times a node could be executed *)
let bound_map =

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type model = Invariant | Variant
let is_invariant = function Invariant -> true | Variant -> false
module Call = struct
let dispatch : (Tenv.t, model) ProcnameDispatcher.Call.dispatcher =
let open ProcnameDispatcher.Call in
[ -"__cast" <>--> Invariant
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection &:: "iterator" <>--> Variant
; +PatternMatch.implements_iterator &:: "hasNext" <>--> Variant
; +PatternMatch.implements_iterator &:: "next" <>--> Variant
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection &:: "size" <>--> Invariant ]

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open! IStd
module L = Logging
module InvariantVars = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Var)
module LoopNodes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Procdesc.Node)
module Models = InvariantModels
(** Map loop header node -> all nodes in the loop *)
module LoopHeadToLoopNodes = Procdesc.NodeMap
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ let is_defined_outside loop_nodes reaching_defs var =
(* check if the def of var is unique and satisfies function f_exp *)
let is_def_unique_and_satisfy var (loop_nodes: LoopNodes.t) f_exp =
let is_def_unique_and_satisfy tenv var (loop_nodes: LoopNodes.t) f_exp =
let equals_var id = Var.equal var (Var.of_id id) in
(* Use O(1) is_singleton check *)
(* tedious parameter wrangling to make IContainer's fold interface happy *)
@ -29,11 +31,22 @@ let is_def_unique_and_satisfy var (loop_nodes: LoopNodes.t) f_exp =
(fun node ->
Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node
|> Instrs.exists ~f:(function
| Sil.Load (id, exp_rhs, _, _) when Var.equal (Var.of_id id) var && f_exp exp_rhs ->
| Sil.Load (id, exp_rhs, _, _) when equals_var id && f_exp exp_rhs ->
| Sil.Store (exp_lhs, _, exp_rhs, _)
when Exp.equal exp_lhs (Var.to_exp var) && f_exp exp_rhs ->
true (* function calls are ignored at the moment *)
| Sil.Call ((id, _), Const (Cfun callee_pname), params, _, _) when equals_var id -> (
(* Take into account invariance behavior of modeled
functions *)
Models.Call.dispatch tenv callee_pname params
| Some inv ->
InvariantModels.is_invariant inv
&& List.for_all ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> f_exp exp) params
| None ->
Config.cost_invariant_by_default )
| _ ->
false ) )
@ -71,7 +84,7 @@ let get_vars_in_loop loop_nodes =
(* A variable is invariant if
- its reaching definition is outside of the loop
- o.w. its definition is constant or invariant itself *)
let get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes =
let get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes =
let process_var_once var inv_vars =
(* if a variable is marked invariant once, it can't be invalidated
(i.e. invariance is monotonic) *)
@ -87,7 +100,7 @@ let get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes =
if LoopNodes.is_empty in_loop_defs then (InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true)
else if
(* its definition is unique and invariant *)
is_def_unique_and_satisfy var def_nodes
is_def_unique_and_satisfy tenv var def_nodes
(is_exp_invariant inv_vars loop_nodes reaching_defs)
then (InvariantVars.add var inv_vars, true)
else (inv_vars, false) )
@ -114,11 +127,11 @@ let get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes =
(** Map loop head -> invariant vars in loop *)
module LoopHeadToInvVars = Procdesc.NodeMap
let get_loop_inv_var_map reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes =
let get_loop_inv_var_map tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes =
(fun loop_head loop_nodes inv_map ->
let inv_vars_in_loop =
get_inv_vars_in_loop reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes
get_inv_vars_in_loop tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head loop_nodes
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n>>> loop head: %a --> inv vars: %a @\n" Procdesc.Node.pp loop_head InvariantVars.pp

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import java.util.List;
class Invariant {
// x is invariant
@ -48,15 +50,18 @@ class Invariant {
// m will be invariant
void do_while_invariant(int m, int k){
void do_while_invariant(int m, int k) {
int i = 0;
do {
m = k;
while (i < m);
} while (i < m);
// before, we were getting items.size()^2 since all functions were
// assumed to be impure
void list_size_invariant(List<?> items) {
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {}

@ -85,9 +85,11 @@ codetoanalyze/java/performance/EvilCfg.java, EvilCfg.foo(int,int,boolean):void,
codetoanalyze/java/performance/FieldAccess.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.FieldAccess.iterate_upto_field_size(codetoanalyze.java.performance.FieldAccess$Test):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 1 + 6 * test.a.ub, degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/FieldAccess.java, codetoanalyze.java.performance.FieldAccess.iterate_upto_field_size(codetoanalyze.java.performance.FieldAccess$Test):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 2 + 6 * test.a.ub, degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.do_while_invariant(int,int):void, 3, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 7 * (k.ub + -1), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.do_while_invariant(int,int):void, 6, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 7 * (k.ub + -1), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.do_while_invariant(int,int):void, 6, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 7 * (k.ub + -1), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.do_while_invariant(int,int):void, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 7 * (k.ub + -1), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.do_while_invariant(int,int):void, 5, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 7 * (k.ub + -1), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.formal_not_invariant_FP(int,int):void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.list_size_invariant(java.util.List):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 6 + 9 * items.length.ub, degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.list_size_invariant(java.util.List):void, 1, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 5 + 9 * items.length.ub, degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.local_not_invariant_FP(int):void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.x_is_invariant_ok(int):void, 7, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 8 + 6 * (size.ub + 20), degree = 1]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/Invariant.java, Invariant.x_is_invariant_ok(int):void, 7, EXPENSIVE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, [with estimated cost 7 + 6 * (size.ub + 20), degree = 1]
