Eliminate unnecessary recursion for strexp type

Remove recursion from strexp type and functions that is no longer

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D3548070

fbshipit-source-id: c4999b7
Josh Berdine 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 7
parent e62bfb44a3
commit 54403206fd

@ -615,15 +615,18 @@ type inst =
type strexp =
| Eexp of exp inst /** Base case: expression with instrumentation */
| Estruct of (list (Ident.fieldname, strexp)) inst /** C structure */
| Earray of exp (list (exp, strexp)) inst /** Array of given length */
/** There are two conditions imposed / used in the array case.
First, if some index and value pair appears inside an array
in a strexp, then the index is less than the length of the array.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1] implies that e1 <= 9.
Second, if two indices appear in an array, they should be different.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1, e2: v2] implies that e1 != e2. */
/** Array of given length
There are two conditions imposed / used in the array case.
First, if some index and value pair appears inside an array
in a strexp, then the index is less than the length of the array.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1] implies that e1 <= 9.
Second, if two indices appear in an array, they should be different.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1, e2: v2] implies that e1 != e2. */
| Earray of exp (list (exp, strexp)) inst;
/** an atomic heap predicate */
and hpred =
type hpred =
| Hpointsto of exp strexp exp
/** represents [exp|->strexp:typexp] where [typexp]
is an expression representing a type, e.h. [sizeof(t)]. */
@ -1041,7 +1044,7 @@ let rec dexp_has_tmp_var =
| Dunknown
| Dsizeof _ None _ => false;
let rec attribute_compare (att1: attribute) (att2: attribute) :int =>
let attribute_compare (att1: attribute) (att2: attribute) :int =>
switch (att1, att2) {
| (Aresource ra1, Aresource ra2) =>
let n = res_act_kind_compare ra1.ra_kind ra2.ra_kind;
@ -1100,9 +1103,11 @@ let rec attribute_compare (att1: attribute) (att2: attribute) :int =>
| (Aunsubscribed_observer, Aunsubscribed_observer) => 0
| (Aunsubscribed_observer, _) => (-1)
| (_, Aunsubscribed_observer) => 1
/** Compare epressions. Variables come before other expressions. */
and exp_compare (e1: exp) (e2: exp) :int =>
let rec exp_compare (e1: exp) (e2: exp) :int =>
switch (e1, e2) {
| (Var id1, Var id2) => Ident.compare id2 id1
| (Var _, _) => (-1)
@ -1298,9 +1303,11 @@ let rec strexp_compare se1 se2 =>
and fld_strexp_compare fse1 fse2 => pair_compare Ident.fieldname_compare strexp_compare fse1 fse2
and fld_strexp_list_compare fsel1 fsel2 => IList.compare fld_strexp_compare fsel1 fsel2
and exp_strexp_compare ese1 ese2 => pair_compare exp_compare strexp_compare ese1 ese2
and exp_strexp_list_compare esel1 esel2 => IList.compare exp_strexp_compare esel1 esel2
and exp_strexp_list_compare esel1 esel2 => IList.compare exp_strexp_compare esel1 esel2;
/** Comparsion between heap predicates. Hpointsto comes before others. */
and hpred_compare hpred1 hpred2 =>
let rec hpred_compare hpred1 hpred2 =>
if (hpred1 === hpred2) {
} else {
@ -1830,10 +1837,13 @@ let rec _pp_exp pe0 pp_t f e0 => {
color_post_wrapper changed pe0 f
and pp_exp pe f e => _pp_exp pe (Typ.pp pe) f e
let pp_exp pe f e => _pp_exp pe (Typ.pp pe) f e;
/** Convert an expression to a string */
and exp_to_string e => pp_to_string (pp_exp pe_text) e;
let exp_to_string e => pp_to_string (pp_exp pe_text) e;
/** dump an expression. */
@ -2395,9 +2405,11 @@ let rec pp_sexp_env pe0 envo f se => {
F.fprintf f "[%a|%a]%a" (pp_exp pe) len (pp_seq_diff pp_diff pe) nel (pp_inst_if_trace pe) inst
color_post_wrapper changed pe0 f
/** Pretty print an hpred with an optional predicate env */
and pp_hpred_env pe0 envo f hpred => {
let rec pp_hpred_env pe0 envo f hpred => {
let (pe, changed) = color_pre_wrapper pe0 f hpred;
switch hpred {
| Hpointsto e se te =>
@ -2644,8 +2656,9 @@ let rec strexp_instmap (f: inst => inst) strexp =>
| Earray len idx_se_list inst =>
let f_idx_se (idx, se) => (idx, strexp_instmap f se);
Earray len (IList.map f_idx_se idx_se_list) (f inst)
and hpara_instmap (f: inst => inst) hpara => {
let rec hpara_instmap (f: inst => inst) hpara => {
body: IList.map (hpred_instmap f) hpara.body
@ -2799,8 +2812,9 @@ let rec exp_fpv =
/* | Sizeof _ None _ => [] */
/* | Sizeof _ (Some l) _ => exp_fpv l */
| Sizeof _ _ _ => []
| Attribute _ => []
and exp_list_fpv el => IList.flatten (IList.map exp_fpv el);
| Attribute _ => [];
let exp_list_fpv el => IList.flatten (IList.map exp_fpv el);
let atom_fpv =
@ -2818,8 +2832,9 @@ let rec strexp_fpv =
let fpv_in_len = exp_fpv len;
let f (idx, se) => exp_fpv idx @ strexp_fpv se;
fpv_in_len @ IList.flatten (IList.map f idx_se_list)
and hpred_fpv =
let rec hpred_fpv =
| Hpointsto base se te => exp_fpv base @ strexp_fpv se @ exp_fpv te
| Hlseg _ para e1 e2 elist => {

@ -396,15 +396,18 @@ let inst_partial_meet: inst => inst => inst;
type strexp =
| Eexp of exp inst /** Base case: expression with instrumentation */
| Estruct of (list (Ident.fieldname, strexp)) inst /** C structure */
| Earray of exp (list (exp, strexp)) inst /** Array of given length */
/** There are two conditions imposed / used in the array case.
First, if some index and value pair appears inside an array
in a strexp, then the index is less than the length of the array.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1] implies that e1 <= 9.
Second, if two indices appear in an array, they should be different.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1, e2: v2] implies that e1 != e2. */
/** Array of given length
There are two conditions imposed / used in the array case.
First, if some index and value pair appears inside an array
in a strexp, then the index is less than the length of the array.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1] implies that e1 <= 9.
Second, if two indices appear in an array, they should be different.
For instance, x |->[10 | e1: v1, e2: v2] implies that e1 != e2. */
| Earray of exp (list (exp, strexp)) inst;
/** an atomic heap predicate */
and hpred =
type hpred =
| Hpointsto of exp strexp exp
/** represents [exp|->strexp:typexp] where [typexp]
is an expression representing a type, e.g. [sizeof(t)]. */
