@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ let log_issue _ekind err_log loc node_id_key session ltr pre_opt exn =
let d = match ekind with
| Exceptions.Kerror -> L.d_error
| Exceptions.Kwarning -> L.d_warning
| Exceptions.Kinfo -> L.d_info in
| Exceptions.Kinfo | Exceptions.Kadvice -> L.d_info in
d warn_str; L.d_ln();
end in
if should_print_now then print_now ()
@ -251,13 +251,15 @@ module Err_table = struct
let map_warn_fp = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_warn_re = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_info = ref LocMap.empty in
let map_advice = ref LocMap.empty in
let add_err nslm (ekind , in_fp, err_name, desc, _) =
let map = match in_fp, ekind with
| true, Exceptions.Kerror -> map_err_fp
| false, Exceptions.Kerror -> map_err_re
| true, Exceptions.Kwarning -> map_warn_fp
| false, Exceptions.Kwarning -> map_warn_re
| _, Exceptions.Kinfo -> map_info in
| _, Exceptions.Kinfo -> map_info
| _, Exceptions.Kadvice -> map_advice in
let err_list = LocMap.find nslm !map in
map := LocMap.add nslm ((err_name, desc) :: err_list) !map