[sledge] Replace uses of Base.With_return with Iterators

Expressing the sort of short-circuit evaluation in the changed code is
conceptually more direct using iterators.

Also, when using With_return, getting usable backtraces relies on the
compiler recognizing that the `raise` in the implementation of
`Base.Exn.raise_without_backtrace` should be a `reraise`. Using
iterators avoids this potential fragility.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24306094

fbshipit-source-id: b1abe04fb
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 1697382344
commit 5574c5e078

@ -214,4 +214,3 @@ val violates : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> _
module Hashtbl : sig end [@@deprecated "Use HashTable instead of Hashtbl"]
module With_return = Base.With_return

@ -231,4 +231,3 @@ let violates f x =
(** Deprecated *)
module Hashtbl = struct end
module With_return = Base.With_return

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ end
let pop seq =
match head seq with Some x -> Some (x, drop 1 seq) | None -> None
let find_map seq ~f = find_map ~f seq
let find seq ~f = find (CCOpt.if_ f) seq
let find_exn seq ~f = CCOpt.get_exn (find ~f seq)

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ end
val pop : 'a iter -> ('a * 'a iter) option
val find : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a option
val find_exn : 'a t -> f:('a -> bool) -> 'a
val find_map : 'a iter -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option
val contains_dup : 'a iter -> cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> bool
val fold_opt : 'a t -> init:'s -> f:('s -> 'a -> 's option) -> 's option

@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ end) : S with type key = Key.t = struct
let fold m ~init ~f = M.fold (fun key data acc -> f ~key ~data acc) m init
let to_alist ?key_order:_ = M.to_list
let data m = Iter.to_list (M.values m)
let to_iter = M.to_iter
let to_iter2 l r =
let seq = ref Iter.empty in

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ module type S = sig
?key_order:[`Increasing | `Decreasing] -> 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
val data : 'a t -> 'a list
val to_iter : 'a t -> (key * 'a) iter
val to_iter2 :
'a t

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Subst : sig
val extend : Term.t -> t -> t option
val remove : Var.Set.t -> t -> t
val map_entries : f:(Term.t -> Term.t) -> t -> t
val to_iter : t -> (Term.t * Term.t) iter
val to_alist : t -> (Term.t * Term.t) list
val partition_valid : Var.Set.t -> t -> t * Var.Set.t * t
end = struct
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ end = struct
let fold = Term.Map.fold
let iteri = Term.Map.iteri
let for_alli = Term.Map.for_alli
let to_iter = Term.Map.to_iter
let to_alist = Term.Map.to_alist ~key_order:`Increasing
(** look up a term in a substitution *)
@ -453,10 +455,9 @@ let false_ = {true_ with sat= false}
let lookup r a =
([%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Term.pp a]
let@ {return} = With_return.with_return in
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:b ~data:b' ->
if semi_congruent r a b then return b' ) ;
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (b, b') ->
Option.return_if (semi_congruent r a b) b' )
|> Option.value ~default:a)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Term.pp]
@ -508,20 +509,19 @@ let merge us a b r =
(** find an unproved equation between congruent terms *)
let find_missing r =
let@ {return} = With_return.with_return in
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' ->
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (a, a') ->
let a_subnorm = Term.map ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) a in
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:b ~data:b' ->
Iter.find_map (Subst.to_iter r.rep) ~f:(fun (b, b') ->
(* need to equate a' and b'? *)
let need_a'_eq_b' =
(* optimize: do not consider both a = b and b = a *)
Term.compare a b < 0
(* a and b are not already equal *)
&& (not (Term.equal a' b'))
(* a and b are congruent *)
&& semi_congruent r a_subnorm b
then (* need to equate a' and b' *)
return (Some (a', b')) ) ) ;
Option.return_if need_a'_eq_b' (a', b') ) )
let rec close us r =
if not r.sat then r

@ -1145,9 +1145,7 @@ let iter_vars e ~f =
iter_terms ~f:(fun e -> Option.iter ~f (Var.of_term e)) e
let exists_vars e ~f =
With_return.with_return (fun {return} ->
iter_vars e ~f:(fun v -> if f v then return true) ;
false )
Iter.exists ~f (Iter.from_labelled_iter (iter_vars e))
let fold_vars e ~init ~f =
fold_terms ~f:(fun s e -> Option.fold ~f ~init:s (Var.of_term e)) ~init e
