[componentkit] Initializer With Side-Effect Analyzer

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D4063217

fbshipit-source-id: 7196a64
Ryan Rhee 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 4f6aa5e408
commit 5580be8dcc

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ let class_cast_exception = "CLASS_CAST_EXCEPTION"
let comparing_floats_for_equality = "COMPARING_FLOAT_FOR_EQUALITY"
let condition_is_assignment = "CONDITION_IS_ASSIGNMENT"
let component_factory_function = "COMPONENT_FACTORY_FUNCTION"
let component_initializer_with_side_effects = "COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS"
let component_with_multiple_factory_methods = "COMPONENT_WITH_MULTIPLE_FACTORY_METHODS"
let component_with_unconventional_superclass = "COMPONENT_WITH_UNCONVENTIONAL_SUPERCLASS"
let condition_always_false = "CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE"

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ val condition_always_false : t
val condition_always_true : t
val context_leak : t
val component_factory_function : t
val component_initializer_with_side_effects : t
val component_with_multiple_factory_methods : t
val component_with_unconventional_superclass : t
val cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block : t

@ -505,6 +505,7 @@ let module IssuesTests = {

@ -11,9 +11,13 @@ type context = {
translation_unit_context : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context;
current_method : Clang_ast_t.decl option;
in_synchronized_block: bool;
is_ck_translation_unit: bool;
(** True if the translation unit contains an ObjC class impl that's a subclass
of CKComponent or CKComponentController. *)
is_ck_translation_unit: bool;
(** If inside an objc class impl, contains the objc class impl decl. *)
current_objc_impl : Clang_ast_t.decl option;
(** True if inside an objc static factory method (a class-level initializer, like +new) *)
in_objc_static_factory_method : bool;
let empty translation_unit_context = {
@ -21,4 +25,6 @@ let empty translation_unit_context = {
in_synchronized_block = false;
is_ck_translation_unit = false;
current_objc_impl = None;
in_objc_static_factory_method = false;

@ -219,3 +219,48 @@ let component_with_multiple_factory_methods_advice context decl =
| Some d when is_ck_context context decl -> check_interface d
| _ -> None)
| _ -> assert false
let in_ck_class (context: CLintersContext.context) =
Option.map_default is_component_or_controller_descendant_impl false context.current_objc_impl
&& General_utils.is_objc_extension context.translation_unit_context
(** Components shouldn't have side-effects in its initializer.
The only current way we look for side-effects is by looking for
asynchronous execution (dispatch_async, dispatch_after) and execution that
relies on other threads (dispatch_sync). Other side-effects, like reading
of global variables, is not checked by this analyzer, although still an
infraction of the rule. *)
let rec component_initializer_with_side_effects_advice
(context: CLintersContext.context) call_stmt =
let condition =
in_ck_class context
&& context.in_objc_static_factory_method
&& (match context.current_objc_impl with
| Some d -> Ast_utils.is_in_main_file context.translation_unit_context d
| None -> false) in
if condition then
match call_stmt with
| Clang_ast_t.ImplicitCastExpr (_, stmt :: _, _, _) ->
component_initializer_with_side_effects_advice context stmt
| Clang_ast_t.DeclRefExpr (_, _, _, decl_ref_expr_info) ->
let refs = [decl_ref_expr_info.drti_decl_ref;
decl_ref_expr_info.drti_found_decl_ref] in
(match IList.find_map_opt Ast_utils.name_of_decl_ref_opt refs with
| Some "dispatch_after"
| Some "dispatch_async"
| Some "dispatch_sync" ->
Some {
CIssue.issue = CIssue.Component_initializer_with_side_effects;
CIssue.description = "No Side-effects";
CIssue.suggestion = Some "Your +new method should not modify any \
global variables or global state.";
CIssue.loc = CFrontend_checkers.location_from_stmt context call_stmt
| _ -> None)
| _->

@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ val component_with_unconventional_superclass_advice :
val component_with_multiple_factory_methods_advice :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> CIssue.issue_desc option
val component_initializer_with_side_effects_advice :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> CIssue.issue_desc option

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ val checker_NSNotificationCenter :
val global_var_init_with_calls_warning :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> CIssue.issue_desc option
val location_from_stmt :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> Location.t
val location_from_dinfo :
CLintersContext.context -> Clang_ast_t.decl_info -> Location.t

@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ let rec do_frontend_checks_stmt (context:CLintersContext.context) stmt =
let stmts = Ast_utils.get_stmts_from_stmt stmt in
IList.iter (do_all_checks_on_stmts) stmts
and do_frontend_checks_decl context decl =
and do_frontend_checks_decl (context: CLintersContext.context) decl =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple decl in
CLocation.update_curr_file context.CLintersContext.translation_unit_context info;
CLocation.update_curr_file context.translation_unit_context info;
let context' =
(match decl with
| FunctionDecl(_, _, _, fdi)
@ -79,7 +79,18 @@ and do_frontend_checks_decl context decl =
| None -> ());
| ObjCMethodDecl (_, _, mdi) ->
let context' = {context with CLintersContext.current_method = Some decl } in
let if_decl_opt =
(match context.current_objc_impl with
| Some ObjCImplementationDecl (_, _, _, _, impl_decl_info) ->
Ast_utils.get_decl_opt_with_decl_ref impl_decl_info.oidi_class_interface
| _ -> None) in
let is_factory_method =
(match if_decl_opt with
| Some if_decl -> Ast_utils.is_objc_factory_method if_decl decl
| _ -> false) in
let context' = {context with
CLintersContext.current_method = Some decl;
CLintersContext.in_objc_static_factory_method = is_factory_method} in
(match mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_body with
| Some stmt ->
do_frontend_checks_stmt context' stmt
@ -95,7 +106,7 @@ and do_frontend_checks_decl context decl =
| _ -> context) in
let context'' = CFrontend_errors.run_frontend_checkers_on_decl context' decl in
let context_with_orig_current_method =
{context'' with CLintersContext.current_method = context.CLintersContext.current_method } in
{context'' with CLintersContext.current_method = context.current_method } in
match Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_context_tuple decl with
| Some (decls, _) -> IList.iter (do_frontend_checks_decl context_with_orig_current_method) decls
| None -> ()

@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ let objc_impl_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.checker_NSNotificationCenter;
let checkers_for_objc_impl decl checker context =
checker context decl
let call_expr_checker_list = [ComponentKit.component_initializer_with_side_effects_advice]
(* Invocation of checker belonging to call_expr_checker_list *)
let checkers_for_call_expr stmt checker context =
checker context stmt
(* List of checkers on variables *)
let var_checker_list = [CFrontend_checkers.global_var_init_with_calls_warning;
@ -164,18 +170,24 @@ let run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt context instr =
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_stmt cond in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker context key while_stmt_checker_list;
| CallExpr (_, called_func_stmt :: _, _) ->
let call_checker = checkers_for_call_expr called_func_stmt in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_stmt called_func_stmt in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_checker context key call_expr_checker_list;
| ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt _ ->
{ context with CLintersContext.in_synchronized_block = true }
| _ -> context
let run_frontend_checkers_on_decl context dec =
let run_frontend_checkers_on_decl (context: CLintersContext.context) dec =
let open Clang_ast_t in
match dec with
| ObjCImplementationDecl _ ->
let call_objc_impl_checker = checkers_for_objc_impl dec in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_decl dec in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_objc_impl_checker context key objc_impl_checker_list;
let context' = {context with current_objc_impl = Some dec} in
invoke_set_of_checkers call_objc_impl_checker context' key objc_impl_checker_list;
| ObjCProtocolDecl _ ->
let call_objc_protocol_checker = checkers_for_objc_protocol dec in
let key = Ast_utils.generate_key_decl dec in

@ -505,6 +505,14 @@ struct
(return_type_matches_class_type omdi.omdi_result_type if_type_decl_pointer)
| _ -> false
let name_of_decl_ref_opt (decl_ref_opt: Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option) =
match decl_ref_opt with
| Some decl_ref ->
(match decl_ref.dr_name with
| Some named_decl_info -> Some named_decl_info.ni_name
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let rec getter_attribute_opt attributes =
match attributes with

@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ sig
(** A class method that returns an instance of the class is a factory method. *)
val is_objc_factory_method : Clang_ast_t.decl -> Clang_ast_t.decl -> bool
val name_of_decl_ref_opt : Clang_ast_t.decl_ref option -> string option
module General_utils :

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ type issue =
| Assign_pointer_warning
| Bad_pointer_comparison
| Component_factory_function
| Component_initializer_with_side_effects
| Component_with_multiple_factory_methods
| Component_with_unconventional_superclass
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block
@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ let to_string issue =
| Component_factory_function ->
| Component_initializer_with_side_effects ->
| Component_with_multiple_factory_methods ->
| Component_with_unconventional_superclass ->
@ -57,6 +60,7 @@ let severity_of_issue issue =
| Registered_observer_being_deallocated
| Strong_delegate_warning -> Exceptions.Kwarning
| Component_factory_function
| Component_initializer_with_side_effects
| Component_with_multiple_factory_methods
| Component_with_unconventional_superclass
| Mutable_local_variable_in_component_file -> Exceptions.Kadvice

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ type issue =
| Assign_pointer_warning
| Bad_pointer_comparison
| Component_factory_function
| Component_initializer_with_side_effects
| Component_with_multiple_factory_methods
| Component_with_unconventional_superclass
| Cxx_reference_captured_in_objc_block

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FakeComponentKitHeader.h"
@interface FooComponent : CKCompositeComponent
@implementation FooComponent
+ (instancetype)newDerp {
dispatch_async( // error
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
dispatch_sync( // error
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
dispatch_after( // error
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
// make sure nested things are caught
dispatch_sync( // error
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
dispatch_async( // error
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
return nil;
- (void)derp {
// not an error (only run on factory functions)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
@interface BarComponent : NSObject // not a real component
@implementation BarComponent
+ (instancetype)newDerp {
// not an error (only run on actual components)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
// do something
return nil;

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
componentkit/FactoryFunctionTest.mm, ExampleFunctionAfterImpl, 35, COMPONENT_FACTORY_FUNCTION
componentkit/FactoryFunctionTest.mm, ExampleFunctionBeforeImpl, 21, COMPONENT_FACTORY_FUNCTION
componentkit/FactoryFunctionTest.mm, ExampleFunctionInsideImpl, 29, COMPONENT_FACTORY_FUNCTION
componentkit/InitializerWithSideEffectTest.mm, FooComponent_newDerp, 19, COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS
componentkit/InitializerWithSideEffectTest.mm, FooComponent_newDerp, 24, COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS
componentkit/InitializerWithSideEffectTest.mm, FooComponent_newDerp, 29, COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS
componentkit/InitializerWithSideEffectTest.mm, __objc_anonymous_block_______1, 37, COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS
componentkit/InitializerWithSideEffectTest.mm, __objc_anonymous_block_______2, 41, COMPONENT_INITIALIZER_WITH_SIDE_EFFECTS
componentkit/MultipleFactoryMethodsTest.h, Linters_dummy_method, 18, COMPONENT_WITH_MULTIPLE_FACTORY_METHODS
componentkit/MultipleFactoryMethodsTest.h, Linters_dummy_method, 27, COMPONENT_WITH_MULTIPLE_FACTORY_METHODS
componentkit/MutableLocalVariablesTest.mm, BarComponent_new, 85, MUTABLE_LOCAL_VARIABLE_IN_COMPONENT_FILE
