@ -92,20 +92,42 @@ let fold_globals_of_stack call_loc stack call_state ~f =
Ok call_state )
let and_aliasing_arith ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller0 call_state =
match AddressMap . find_opt addr_callee call_state . subst with
| Some ( addr_caller' , _ ) when not ( AbstractValue . equal addr_caller' addr_caller0 ) ->
(* NOTE: discarding new equalities here instead of passing them to
{ ! AbductiveDomain . incorporate_new_eqs } because it would be too slow to do each time we
visit a new address . We should re - normalize at the end of the call instead ( TODO ) . * )
let path_condition , _ new_eqs =
PathCondition . and_eq_vars addr_caller0 addr_caller'
call_state . astate . AbductiveDomain . path_condition
if PathCondition . is_unsat_cheap path_condition then raise ( Contradiction PathCondition )
{ call_state with astate = AbductiveDomain . set_path_condition path_condition call_state . astate }
| _ ->
let visit call_state ~ pre ~ addr_callee ~ addr_hist_caller =
let addr_caller = fst addr_hist_caller in
( match AddressMap . find_opt addr_caller call_state . rev_subst with
| Some addr_callee' when not ( AbstractValue . equal addr_callee addr_callee' ) ->
(* [addr_caller] corresponds to several values in the callee, see if that's a problem for
applying the pre - condition , i . e . if both values are addresses in the callee's heap , which
means they must be disjoint . If so , raise a contradiction , but if not then continue as it
just means that the callee doesn't care about the value of these variables . * )
BaseMemory . mem addr_callee pre . BaseDomain . heap
&& BaseMemory . mem addr_callee' pre . BaseDomain . heap
then raise ( Contradiction ( Aliasing { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; addr_callee' ; call_state } ) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
let call_state =
match AddressMap . find_opt addr_caller call_state . rev_subst with
| Some addr_callee' when not ( AbstractValue . equal addr_callee addr_callee' ) ->
(* [addr_caller] corresponds to several values in the callee, see if that's a problem for
applying the pre - condition , i . e . if both values are addresses in the callee's heap ,
which means they must be disjoint . If so , raise a contradiction , but if not then
continue as it just means that the callee doesn't care about the value of these
variables , but record that they are equal . * )
BaseMemory . mem addr_callee pre . BaseDomain . heap
&& BaseMemory . mem addr_callee' pre . BaseDomain . heap
then raise ( Contradiction ( Aliasing { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; addr_callee' ; call_state } ) )
else and_aliasing_arith ~ addr_callee : addr_callee' ~ addr_caller0 : addr_caller call_state
| _ ->
let call_state = and_aliasing_arith ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller0 : addr_caller call_state in
if AddressSet . mem addr_callee call_state . visited then ( ` AlreadyVisited , call_state )
( ` NotAlreadyVisited