@ -64,11 +64,12 @@ module SourceKind = struct
let get_external_source class_name method_name =
(* check the list of externally specified sources *)
let procedure = class_name ^ "." ^ method_name in
~f:(fun (procedure_regex, kind) ->
if Str.string_match procedure_regex procedure 0 then Some (of_string kind, return)
else None )
let sources =
List.filter_map external_sources ~f:(fun (procedure_regex, kind) ->
if Str.string_match procedure_regex procedure 0 then Some (of_string kind, return)
else None )
Option.some_if (not (List.is_empty sources)) sources
match pname with
| Typ.Procname.Java pname ->
@ -76,46 +77,47 @@ module SourceKind = struct
let taint_matching_supertype typename =
match (Typ.Name.name typename, method_name) with
| "android.app.Activity", "getIntent" ->
Some (Intent, return)
Some [(Intent, return)]
| "android.content.Intent", "<init>"
when actual_has_type 2 "android.net.Uri" actuals tenv ->
(* taint the [this] parameter passed to the constructor *)
Some (IntentFromURI, Some 0)
Some [(IntentFromURI, Some 0)]
| ( "android.content.Intent"
, ( "parseUri"
| "setData"
| "setDataAndNormalize"
| "setDataAndType"
| "setDataAndTypeAndNormalize" ) ) ->
Some (IntentFromURI, return)
Some [(IntentFromURI, return)]
| "android.content.Intent", "getStringExtra" ->
Some (Intent, return)
Some [(Intent, return)]
| "android.content.SharedPreferences", "getString" ->
Some (PrivateData, return)
Some [(PrivateData, return)]
| ( ("android.content.ClipboardManager" | "android.text.ClipboardManager")
, ("getPrimaryClip" | "getText") ) ->
Some (UserControlledString, return)
Some [(UserControlledString, return)]
| ( "android.location.Location"
, ("getAltitude" | "getBearing" | "getLatitude" | "getLongitude" | "getSpeed") ) ->
Some (PrivateData, return)
Some [(PrivateData, return)]
| ( "android.telephony.TelephonyManager"
, ( "getDeviceId"
| "getLine1Number"
| "getSimSerialNumber"
| "getSubscriberId"
| "getVoiceMailNumber" ) ) ->
Some (PrivateData, return)
Some [(PrivateData, return)]
| "android.webkit.WebResourceRequest", "getUrl" ->
Some (UserControlledURI, return)
Some [(UserControlledURI, return)]
| "android.widget.EditText", "getText" ->
Some (UserControlledString, return)
Some [(UserControlledString, return)]
| "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferTaint", "inferSecretSource" ->
Some (Other, return)
Some [(Other, return)]
| class_name, method_name ->
get_external_source class_name method_name
PatternMatch.supertype_find_map_opt tenv taint_matching_supertype
(Typ.Name.Java.from_string (Typ.Procname.Java.get_class_name pname))
|> Option.value ~default:[]
| Typ.Procname.C _ when Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__global_access -> (
(* accessed global will be passed to us as the only parameter *)
match List.map actuals ~f:HilExp.ignore_cast with
@ -126,14 +128,14 @@ module SourceKind = struct
(* checking substring instead of prefix because we expect field names like
com.myapp.R$drawable.whatever *)
if String.is_substring ~substring:AndroidFramework.drawable_prefix pvar_string then
Some (DrawableResource pvar, None)
else None
[(DrawableResource pvar, None)]
else []
| _ ->
None )
[] )
| _ ->
None )
[] )
| pname when BuiltinDecl.is_declared pname ->
| pname ->
L.(die InternalError) "Non-Java procname %a in Java analysis" Typ.Procname.pp pname