@ -215,9 +215,11 @@ Definition nfits_def:
0 < size ∧ n < 2 ** size
(* Convert an integer to an unsigned number, following the 2's complement,
* assuming (ifits i size). This looks like what OCaml's Z.extract does, which
* is used in LLAIR for Convert expressions *)
(* Convert an integer to an unsigned number, following the 2's complement
* representation, assuming (ifits i size). This is what OCaml's Z.extract does,
* which is used in LLAIR for Convert expressions and unsigned operations, e.g.,
* <. The difference between LLAIR's extract and i2n is that i2n assumes that i
* fits into size rather than truncating it first. *)
Definition i2n_def:
i2n (IntV i size) : num =
if i < 0 then