[clang] do not error on bogus arguments to `fsanitize`

Summary: Simpler approach than having to look into argfiles

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D6546388

fbshipit-source-id: 3d08001
Jules Villard 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent d7dc9b38f7
commit 5ce024bf6e

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ BUILD_SYSTEMS_TESTS += \
clang_multiple_files \
clang_translation \
clang_unknown_ext \
clang_with_blacklisted_flags \
clang_with_E_flag \
clang_with_M_flag \
clang_with_MD_flag \

@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ let pp_argfile fmt fname =
let cli_args fmt args =
F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n%a"
(seq ~sep:(String.of_char CLOpt.env_var_sep) string)
args (seq ~sep:"\n" pp_argfile)
F.fprintf fmt "'%a'@\n%a" (seq ~sep:"' '" string) args (seq ~sep:"\n" pp_argfile)
(List.filter_map ~f:(String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"@") args)

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let cc1_capture clang_cmd =
let root = Unix.getcwd () in
let orig_argv = ClangCommand.get_orig_argv clang_cmd in
(* the source file is always the last argument of the original -cc1 clang command *)
Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root orig_argv.(Array.length orig_argv - 1)
Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root (List.last_exn orig_argv)
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "@\n*** Beginning capture of file %s ***@\n" source_path ;
if Config.equal_analyzer Config.analyzer Config.CompileOnly

@ -130,11 +130,8 @@ let clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer cmd =
let mk quoting_style ~prog ~args =
(* Some arguments break the compiler so they need to be removed even before the normalization step *)
let blacklisted_flags = ["-fsanitize=builtin"] in
let blacklisted_flags_with_arg = ["-index-store-path"] in
let sanitized_args =
filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ~blacklisted_flags ~blacklisted_flags_with_arg args
let sanitized_args = filter_and_replace_unsupported_args ~blacklisted_flags_with_arg args in
{exec= prog; orig_argv= sanitized_args; argv= sanitized_args; quoting_style}
@ -197,4 +194,4 @@ let prepend_args args clang_args = {clang_args with argv= args @ clang_args.argv
let append_args args clang_args = {clang_args with argv= clang_args.argv @ args}
let get_orig_argv {exec; orig_argv} = Array.of_list (exec :: orig_argv)
let get_orig_argv {exec; orig_argv} = exec :: orig_argv

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ val prepend_args : string list -> t -> t
val append_args : string list -> t -> t
val get_orig_argv : t -> string array
val get_orig_argv : t -> string list
val with_exec : string -> t -> t
(** update the executable to be run *)

@ -94,13 +94,17 @@ let normalize ~prog ~args : action_item list =
(* commands generated by `clang -### ...` start with ' "/absolute/path/to/binary"' *)
Str.regexp " \"/\\|clang[^ :]*: \\(error\\|warning\\): "
let ignored_errors =
Str.regexp "clang[^ :]*: \\(error\\|warning\\): unsupported argument .* to option 'fsanitize='"
let consume_input i =
while true do
let line = In_channel.input_line_exn i in
(* keep only commands and errors *)
if Str.string_match commands_or_errors line 0 then normalized_commands
:= one_line line :: !normalized_commands
if Str.string_match commands_or_errors line 0
&& not (Str.string_match ignored_errors line 0)
then normalized_commands := one_line line :: !normalized_commands
with End_of_file -> ()
@ -110,13 +114,13 @@ let normalize ~prog ~args : action_item list =
let exec_action_item = function
let exec_action_item ~prog ~args = function
| ClangError error ->
(* An error in the output of `clang -### ...`. Outputs the error and fail. This is because
`clang -###` pretty much never fails, but warns of failures on stderr instead. *)
L.(die UserError)
"Failed to execute compilation command. Output:@\n%s@\n*** Infer needs a working compilation command to run."
"Failed to execute compilation command:@\n'%s' %a@\n@\nError message:@\n%s@\n@\n*** Infer needs a working compilation command to run."
prog Pp.cli_args args error
| ClangWarning warning ->
L.external_warning "%s@\n" warning
| Command clang_cmd ->
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@ let exe ~prog ~args =
| None ->
(clang_xx, false)
List.iter ~f:exec_action_item commands ;
List.iter ~f:(exec_action_item ~prog ~args) commands ;
if List.is_empty commands || should_run_original_command then (
if List.is_empty commands then
(* No command to execute after -###, let's execute the original command

@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ let pp_mode fmt mode =
(* these are pretty boring, do not log anything *)
| Javac (_, prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Javac driver mode:@\nprog = %s@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
F.fprintf fmt "Javac driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
| Maven (prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Maven driver mode:@\nprog = %s@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
F.fprintf fmt "Maven driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
| Clang (_, prog, args) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Clang driver mode:@\nprog = %s@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
F.fprintf fmt "Clang driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args
(* A clean command for each driver mode to be suggested to the user

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ANALYZER = checkers
# a folder, is not discarded, and Clang considers it as a source file. This
# leads to an error. This weird case can be observed when -index-store-path is
# passed in a sequence like the one in CLANG_OPTIONS.
CLANG_OPTIONS = -x c -index-store-path . -c -fsanitize=builtin
CLANG_OPTIONS = -x c -index-store-path . -c -fsanitize=builtin -fsanitize=address,builtin
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --developer-mode --project-root ../codetoanalyze
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
