[Uninit][10/13] Other non-functional changes

Reviewed By: ddino

Differential Revision: D10250252

fbshipit-source-id: d0574daf1
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 8360465284
commit 5e2d5c6f6b

@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let report_on_function_params pdesc tenv maybe_uninit_vars actuals loc summary callee_formals_opt
~f:(fun idx e ->
List.iteri actuals ~f:(fun idx e ->
match e with
| HilExp.AccessExpression access_expr ->
let _, t = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
@ -114,10 +113,8 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(Option.exists callee_formals_opt ~f:(fun callee_formals ->
is_struct_field_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx ))
then report_intra access_expr loc summary
else ()
| _ ->
() )
let is_dummy_constructor_of_a_struct call =
@ -157,20 +154,20 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
else None
let remove_initialized_params pdesc call acc idx access_expr remove_fields =
let remove_initialized_params pdesc call maybe_uninit_vars idx access_expr remove_fields =
match Payload.read pdesc call with
| Some {pre= initialized_formal_params; post= _} -> (
match init_nth_actual_param call idx initialized_formal_params with
| Some nth_formal ->
let acc' = MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr acc in
let base = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
| Some {pre= init_formals; post= _} -> (
match init_nth_actual_param call idx init_formals with
| Some var_formal ->
let maybe_uninit_vars = MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr maybe_uninit_vars in
if remove_fields then
MaybeUninitVars.remove_init_fields base nth_formal acc' initialized_formal_params
else acc'
let base = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
MaybeUninitVars.remove_init_fields base var_formal maybe_uninit_vars init_formals
else maybe_uninit_vars
| _ ->
acc )
maybe_uninit_vars )
| _ ->
(* true if a function initializes at least a param or a field of a struct param *)
@ -214,14 +211,14 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
check_hil_expr ~loc rhs_expr
| _ ->
() ) ;
let maybe_uninit_vars' = MaybeUninitVars.remove lhs_access_expr astate.maybe_uninit_vars in
let maybe_uninit_vars = MaybeUninitVars.remove lhs_access_expr astate.maybe_uninit_vars in
let maybe_uninit_vars =
if AccessExpression.is_base lhs_access_expr then
(* if we assign to the root of a struct then we need to remove all the fields *)
let lhs_base = AccessExpression.get_base lhs_access_expr in
MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_fields tenv lhs_base maybe_uninit_vars'
MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_fields tenv lhs_base maybe_uninit_vars
|> MaybeUninitVars.remove_dereference_access lhs_base
else maybe_uninit_vars'
else maybe_uninit_vars
let prepost = update_prepost lhs_access_expr rhs_expr in
{astate with maybe_uninit_vars; prepost}
@ -234,17 +231,24 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
correctly all fields when there is an implementation of the constructor that initilizes at least one
field. If there is no explicit implementation we cannot assume fields are initialized *)
if function_initializes_some_formal_params pdesc call then
let maybe_uninit_vars' =
let maybe_uninit_vars =
(* in HIL/SIL the default constructor has only one param: the struct *)
MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_fields tenv base astate.maybe_uninit_vars
{astate with maybe_uninit_vars= maybe_uninit_vars'}
{astate with maybe_uninit_vars}
else astate
| Call (_, call, actuals, _, loc) ->
(* in case of intraprocedural only analysis we assume that parameters passed by reference
to a function will be initialized inside that function *)
let pname_opt = match call with Direct pname -> Some pname | Indirect _ -> None in
let callee_formals_opt = Option.bind pname_opt ~f:get_formals in
let is_initializing_all_args =
match call with
| Direct pname ->
Models.is_initializing_all_args pname
| Indirect _ ->
let maybe_uninit_vars =
List.foldi ~init:astate.maybe_uninit_vars actuals ~f:(fun idx acc actual_exp ->
match actual_exp with
@ -253,41 +257,32 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
match access_expr with AddressOf ae -> ae | _ -> access_expr
match AccessExpression.get_base access_expr with
| _, {Typ.desc= Tarray _}
when Option.exists pname_opt ~f:Models.is_initializing_all_args ->
| _, {Typ.desc= Tarray _} when is_initializing_all_args ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr acc
| _, t
(* Access to a field of a struct or an element of an array by reference *)
when Option.exists
~f:(is_fld_or_array_elem_passed_by_ref t access_expr idx)
callee_formals_opt -> (
when Option.exists callee_formals_opt
~f:(is_fld_or_array_elem_passed_by_ref t access_expr idx) -> (
match pname_opt with
| Some pname when Config.uninit_interproc ->
remove_initialized_params pdesc pname acc idx access_expr_to_remove false
| _ ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr_to_remove acc )
| base
when Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:Typ.Procname.is_constructor pname_opt
| base when Option.exists pname_opt ~f:Typ.Procname.is_constructor ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_fields tenv base
(MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr_to_remove acc)
| (_, {Typ.desc= Tptr _}) as base -> (
| _, {Typ.desc= Tptr _} -> (
match pname_opt with
| Some pname when Config.uninit_interproc ->
remove_initialized_params pdesc pname acc idx access_expr_to_remove true
| _ ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove access_expr_to_remove acc
|> MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_fields tenv base
|> MaybeUninitVars.remove_all_array_elements base
|> MaybeUninitVars.remove_dereference_access base )
MaybeUninitVars.remove_everything_under tenv access_expr_to_remove acc )
| _ ->
acc )
| HilExp.Closure (_, apl) ->
(* remove the captured variables of a block/lambda *)
~f:(fun acc' (base, _) ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove (AccessExpression.Base base) acc' )
~init:acc apl
List.fold apl ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (base, _) ->
MaybeUninitVars.remove (AccessExpression.Base base) acc )
| _ ->
acc )

@ -12,29 +12,33 @@ module Domain = AbstractDomain.InvertedSet (AccessExpression)
module MaybeUninitVars = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (AccessExpression)
let remove_init_fields base formal_var maybe_uninit_vars init_fields =
let subst_formal_actual_fields actual_base_var initialized_fields =
(fun access_expr ->
let v, t = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
let v' = if Var.equal v formal_var then actual_base_var else v in
let t' =
match t.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _ as desc}, _) ->
(* a pointer to struct needs to be changed into struct
let subst_formal_actual_fields formal_var actual_base_var init_formals =
(fun access_expr ->
let v, t = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
let v' = if Var.equal v formal_var then actual_base_var else v in
let t' =
match t.desc with
| Typ.Tptr ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _ as desc}, _) ->
(* a pointer to struct needs to be changed into struct
as the actual is just type struct and it would make it
equality fail. Not sure why the actual are type struct when
passed by reference *)
{t with Typ.desc}
| _ ->
AccessExpression.replace_base ~remove_deref_after_base:true (v', t') access_expr )
match base with
{t with Typ.desc}
| _ ->
AccessExpression.replace_base ~remove_deref_after_base:true (v', t') access_expr )
let remove_init_fields actual_base formal_var maybe_uninit_vars init_formals =
match actual_base with
| actual_base_var, {Typ.desc= Tptr ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _}, _) | Tstruct _} ->
diff maybe_uninit_vars (subst_formal_actual_fields actual_base_var init_fields)
let actuals_to_remove =
subst_formal_actual_fields formal_var actual_base_var init_formals
diff maybe_uninit_vars actuals_to_remove
| _ ->
@ -67,6 +71,12 @@ module MaybeUninitVars = struct
remove (AccessExpression.ArrayOffset (Base base, elt, [])) maybe_uninit_vars
| _ ->
let remove_everything_under tenv access_expr maybe_uninit_vars =
let base = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
maybe_uninit_vars |> remove access_expr |> remove_all_fields tenv base
|> remove_all_array_elements base |> remove_dereference_access base
type 'a prepost = {pre: 'a; post: 'a}
