@ -794,26 +794,35 @@ module ConditionWithTrace = struct
{report_issue_type; propagate}
let report ~report ((cwt, checked) as default) =
let report_errors ~report (cwt, checked) =
match checked.report_issue_type with
| NotIssue | SymbolicIssue ->
| Issue issue_type ->
report cwt.cond cwt.trace issue_type ;
if checked.propagate then ({cwt with reported= Some (Reported.make issue_type)}, checked)
else default
report cwt.cond cwt.trace issue_type
let forget_locs locs cwt = {cwt with cond= Condition.forget_locs locs cwt.cond}
let for_summary cwt = {cwt with trace= ConditionTrace.for_summary cwt.trace}
let for_summary ~forget_locs = function
| _, {propagate= false} | _, {report_issue_type= NotIssue} ->
| {cond; trace; reported; reachability}, {report_issue_type} ->
let reported =
match report_issue_type with
| NotIssue ->
assert false
| SymbolicIssue ->
| Issue issue_type ->
Some (Reported.make issue_type)
let cond = Condition.forget_locs forget_locs cond in
let trace = ConditionTrace.for_summary trace in
Some {cond; trace; reported; reachability}
module ConditionSet = struct
type 'cond_trace t0 = 'cond_trace ConditionWithTrace.t0 list
type t = ConditionTrace.intra_cond_trace t0
type checked_t = (ConditionTrace.intra_cond_trace ConditionWithTrace.t0 * checked_condition) list
type summary_t = unit t0
@ -923,10 +932,12 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
List.fold condset ~f:subst_add_cwt ~init:[]
let check_all ~report condset =
|> List.map ~f:(ConditionWithTrace.report ~report)
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun (cwt, {propagate}) -> Option.some_if propagate cwt)
let report_errors ~report condset =
List.iter condset ~f:(ConditionWithTrace.report_errors ~report)
let for_summary ~forget_locs condset =
List.filter_map condset ~f:(ConditionWithTrace.for_summary ~forget_locs)
let pp_summary : F.formatter -> _ t0 -> unit =
@ -946,14 +957,6 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
F.fprintf fmt "Safety conditions:@;@[<hov 2>{ %a }@]"
(IList.pp_print_list ~max:30 ~pp_sep pp_elem)
let forget_locs : AbsLoc.PowLoc.t -> 'a t0 -> 'a t0 =
fun locs x -> List.map x ~f:(ConditionWithTrace.forget_locs locs)
let for_summary : _ t0 -> summary_t =
fun condset -> List.map condset ~f:ConditionWithTrace.for_summary
let description ~markup cond trace =