[litho] Check and report on all nodes where return calls

Summary: This diff check and report on every nodes. Problem of the previous design is that it has to report alarms only with the abstract memory of the exit node. However, the new abstract value becomes imprecise at every join points on the path to the exit node, since it is using inverted map, i.e., under-approximation on collecting called methods. As a solution, this diff report on every nodes where `.build` is called with the abstract memory at that node.

Reviewed By: ezgicicek

Differential Revision: D18809449

fbshipit-source-id: 4fd6165d1
Sungkeun Cho 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9df0c678de
commit 5f77a3c1a5

@ -84,6 +84,18 @@ module Make (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.HIL) (HilConfig : HilConfig)
(Some instr, bindings)
let hil_instrs_of_sil bindings instrs =
let rev_hil_instrs, _bindings =
Instrs.fold instrs ~init:([], bindings) ~f:(fun (rev_hil_instrs, bindings) instr ->
let hil_instr_opt, bindings = hil_instr_of_sil bindings instr in
let rev_hil_instrs =
Option.fold hil_instr_opt ~init:rev_hil_instrs ~f:(fun acc hil_instr -> hil_instr :: acc)
(rev_hil_instrs, bindings) )
List.rev rev_hil_instrs
let exec_instr ((actual_state, bindings) as astate) extras node instr =
let actual_state', bindings' =
match hil_instr_of_sil bindings instr with
@ -103,6 +115,11 @@ module type S = sig
val compute_post :
Interpreter.TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:domain -> domain option
val exec_pdesc :
Interpreter.TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:domain -> Interpreter.invariant_map
val hil_instrs_of_sil : Bindings.t -> Instrs.not_reversed_t -> HilInstr.t list
module MakeAbstractInterpreterWithConfig
@ -127,6 +144,14 @@ module MakeAbstractInterpreterWithConfig
Interpreter.compute_post ~pp_instr proc_data ~initial:initial' |> Option.map ~f:fst
let exec_pdesc proc_data ~initial =
let initial' = (initial, Bindings.empty) in
Interpreter.exec_pdesc proc_data ~initial:initial'
let hil_instrs_of_sil = LowerHilInterpreter.hil_instrs_of_sil
module MakeAbstractInterpreter (TransferFunctions : TransferFunctions.HIL) =

@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ module type S = sig
val compute_post :
Interpreter.TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:domain -> domain option
(** compute and return the postcondition for the given procedure starting from [initial]. *)
val exec_pdesc :
Interpreter.TransferFunctions.extras ProcData.t -> initial:domain -> Interpreter.invariant_map
(** compute and return the invariant map for the given procedure starting from [initial]. *)
val hil_instrs_of_sil : Bindings.t -> Instrs.not_reversed_t -> HilInstr.t list
(** construct HIL instructions from SIL instructions with initial bindings. *)
(** Wrapper around Interpreter to prevent clients from having to deal with IdAccessPathMapDomain.

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module LithoContext = struct
LithoFramework.is_on_create_layout (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
let report astate _tenv summary =
let report_on_post astate _tenv summary =
let report_graphql_getter access_path call_chain =
let call_strings =
@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ module LithoContext = struct
Domain.iter_call_chains ~f:report_graphql_getter astate
(* This checker will be removed later. *)
let report_on_inv_map ~inv_map_iter:_ _tenv _summary = ()
let session_name = "litho graphql field access"

@ -197,6 +197,12 @@ module NewDomain = struct
MethodCalls.check_required_props ~check_on_string_set typ_name method_calls
iter f x
let check_required_props_of_created ~check_on_string_set ({CreatedLocation.typ_name} as created)
x =
Option.iter (find_opt created x) ~f:(fun method_calls ->
MethodCalls.check_required_props ~check_on_string_set typ_name method_calls )
type t = {created: Created.t; method_called: MethodCalled.t}
@ -246,6 +252,16 @@ module NewDomain = struct
let check_required_props ~check_on_string_set {method_called} =
MethodCalled.check_required_props ~check_on_string_set method_called
let check_required_props_of_receiver ~pname ~check_on_string_set receiver {created; method_called}
let check_on_created_location created =
MethodCalled.check_required_props_of_created ~check_on_string_set created method_called
let receiver_path = LocalAccessPath.make_from_access_expression receiver pname in
let created_locations = Created.lookup receiver_path created in
CreatedLocations.iter check_on_created_location created_locations
include struct
@ -285,6 +301,10 @@ include struct
let check_required_props ~check_on_string_set =
lift_new (NewDomain.check_required_props ~check_on_string_set)
let check_required_props_of_receiver ~pname ~check_on_string_set receiver =
lift_new (NewDomain.check_required_props_of_receiver ~pname ~check_on_string_set receiver)
let substitute ~(f_sub : LocalAccessPath.t -> LocalAccessPath.t option) ((_, new_astate) as astate)

@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ val call_build_method : ret:LocalAccessPath.t -> receiver:LocalAccessPath.t -> t
val check_required_props :
check_on_string_set:(Typ.name -> MethodCall.t list -> String.Set.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val check_required_props_of_receiver :
-> check_on_string_set:(Typ.name -> MethodCall.t list -> String.Set.t -> unit)
-> HilExp.access_expression
-> t
-> unit
val substitute : f_sub:(LocalAccessPath.t -> LocalAccessPath.t option) -> t -> t
(** Substitute each access path in the domain using [f_sub]. If [f_sub] returns None, the original
access path is retained; otherwise, the new one is used *)

@ -88,7 +88,10 @@ module type LithoContext = sig
val should_report : Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> bool
val report : t -> Tenv.t -> Summary.t -> unit
val report_on_post : t -> Tenv.t -> Summary.t -> unit
val report_on_inv_map :
inv_map_iter:(f:(HilInstr.t list -> Domain.t -> unit) -> unit) -> Tenv.t -> Summary.t -> unit
val session_name : string
@ -207,19 +210,40 @@ module MakeAnalyzer (LithoContext : LithoContext with type t = Domain.t) = struc
module TF = TransferFunctions (ProcCfg.Normal) (LithoContext)
module A = LowerHil.MakeAbstractInterpreter (TF)
let inv_map_iter proc_desc inv_map ~(f : HilInstr.t list -> Domain.t -> unit) =
let f node =
let node_id = Procdesc.Node.get_id node in
Option.iter (A.Interpreter.extract_state node_id inv_map)
~f:(fun {AbstractInterpreter.State.pre= _, bindings; post= astate, _} ->
let sil_instrs = Procdesc.Node.get_instrs node in
f (A.hil_instrs_of_sil bindings sil_instrs) astate )
Procdesc.iter_nodes f proc_desc
let checker {Callbacks.summary; exe_env} =
let proc_desc = Summary.get_proc_desc summary in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_tenv exe_env (Summary.get_proc_name summary) in
let proc_data = ProcData.make_default summary tenv in
match A.compute_post proc_data ~initial:Domain.empty with
| Some post ->
if LithoContext.should_report proc_desc tenv then LithoContext.report post tenv summary ;
let post_opt =
if Config.new_litho_domain then (
let inv_map = A.exec_pdesc proc_data ~initial:Domain.empty in
if LithoContext.should_report proc_desc tenv then
LithoContext.report_on_inv_map ~inv_map_iter:(inv_map_iter proc_desc inv_map) tenv summary ;
let exit_node_id = Procdesc.Node.get_id (TF.CFG.exit_node proc_desc) in
A.Interpreter.extract_post exit_node_id inv_map |> Option.map ~f:fst )
let post_opt = A.compute_post proc_data ~initial:Domain.empty in
Option.iter post_opt ~f:(fun post ->
if LithoContext.should_report proc_desc tenv then
LithoContext.report_on_post post tenv summary ) ;
Option.value_map post_opt ~default:summary ~f:(fun post ->
let postprocess astate formal_map : Domain.t =
let f_sub access_path = Domain.LocalAccessPath.to_formal_option access_path formal_map in
Domain.substitute ~f_sub astate
let payload = postprocess post (FormalMap.make proc_desc) in
TF.Payload.update_summary payload summary
| None ->
TF.Payload.update_summary payload summary )

@ -152,16 +152,15 @@ module LithoContext = struct
&& Procdesc.get_access proc_desc <> PredSymb.Private
let report astate tenv summary =
let check_on_string_set parent_typename call_chain prop_set =
let required_props = get_required_props parent_typename tenv in
~f:(fun required_prop ->
if not (has_prop prop_set required_prop) then
report_missing_required_prop summary required_prop parent_typename
(Summary.get_loc summary) call_chain )
let check_on_string_set tenv summary parent_typename call_chain prop_set =
let required_props = get_required_props parent_typename tenv in
List.iter required_props ~f:(fun required_prop ->
if not (has_prop prop_set required_prop) then
report_missing_required_prop summary required_prop parent_typename
(Summary.get_loc summary) call_chain )
let report_on_post astate tenv summary =
let check_required_prop_chain _ call_chain =
let call_chain =
List.drop_while call_chain ~f:(fun Domain.MethodCall.{procname} ->
@ -179,14 +178,34 @@ module LithoContext = struct
let prop_set =
List.map ~f:Domain.MethodCall.procname_to_string call_chain |> String.Set.of_list
check_on_string_set parent_typename call_chain prop_set
check_on_string_set tenv summary parent_typename call_chain prop_set
| _ ->
() )
| _ ->
if Config.new_litho_domain then Domain.check_required_props ~check_on_string_set astate
else Domain.iter_call_chains ~f:check_required_prop_chain astate
Domain.iter_call_chains ~f:check_required_prop_chain astate
let report_on_inv_map ~inv_map_iter tenv summary =
let find_return_instr instrs =
List.find_map instrs ~f:(fun instr ->
match instr with
| HilInstr.Call (_, Direct callee_pname, HilExp.AccessExpression receiver_ae :: _, _, _)
if LithoFramework.is_call_build_inside callee_pname tenv then
(* TODO: inter-procedural checking *)
else if LithoFramework.is_component_builder callee_pname tenv then Some receiver_ae
else None
| _ ->
None )
let pname = Summary.get_proc_name summary in
let check_on_string_set = check_on_string_set tenv summary in
inv_map_iter ~f:(fun instrs astate ->
Option.iter (find_return_instr instrs) ~f:(fun receiver ->
Domain.check_required_props_of_receiver ~pname ~check_on_string_set receiver astate ) )
let session_name = "litho required props"

@ -322,4 +322,12 @@ public class RequiredProps {
return mMyTreeComponent.create().build();
public Component buildPropLithoMissingInOneBranchBad(boolean b) {
if (b) {
return mMyLithoComponent.create().prop1(new Object()).build();
} else {
return mMyLithoComponent.create().prop1(new Object()).prop2(new Object()).build();

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropLithoMissingBothBad():com.facebook.litho.Component, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop2 is required for component com.facebook.litho.MyLithoComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent.create(),calls MyLithoComponent MyLithoComponent$Builder.build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropLithoMissingBothBad():com.facebook.litho.Component, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop1 is required for component com.facebook.litho.MyLithoComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent.create(),calls MyLithoComponent MyLithoComponent$Builder.build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropLithoMissingInOneBranchBad(boolean):com.facebook.litho.Component, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop2 is required for component com.facebook.litho.MyLithoComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent.create(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent$Builder.prop1(Object),calls MyLithoComponent MyLithoComponent$Builder.build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropLithoMissingOneBad():void, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop2 is required for component com.facebook.litho.MyLithoComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent.create(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent$Builder.prop1(Object),calls Component$Builder Component$Builder.commonProp(Object),calls Component Component$Builder.build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropLithoMissingOneInLoopBad(int):void, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop2 is required for component com.facebook.litho.MyLithoComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent.create(),calls MyLithoComponent$Builder MyLithoComponent$Builder.prop1(Object),calls Component$Builder Component$Builder.commonProp(Object),calls Component Component$Builder.build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/RequiredProps.java, codetoanalyze.java.litho.RequiredProps.buildPropResInCondOk_FP(boolean):void, 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, no_bucket, ERROR, [@Prop prop is required for component codetoanalyze.java.litho.ResPropComponent, but is not set before the call to build(),calls ResPropComponent$Builder ResPropComponent.create(),calls ResPropComponent ResPropComponent$Builder.build()]
