Minor cleanup of Prop.Attributes interface

Summary: The atom_get operation is essentially redundant now.

Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D3683836

fbshipit-source-id: 741cc1a
Josh Berdine 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 5
parent 4053d24bed
commit 60496f2ae4

@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ let pi_partial_join mode
| None -> None
| Some (a_res, a_op) ->
if mode = JoinState.Pre then join_atom_check_pre p_op a_op;
if Prop.Attribute.atom_is a then join_atom_check_attribute p_op a_op;
if Prop.Attribute.is_pred a then join_atom_check_attribute p_op a_op;
if not (Prover.check_atom p_op a_op) then None
else begin
match Prop.atom_exp_le_const a_op with

@ -1776,15 +1776,11 @@ let prop_reset_inst inst_map prop =
(** {2 Attributes} *)
module Attribute = struct
(** Return the exp and attribute marked in the atom if any, and return None otherwise *)
let atom_get atom =
match atom with
| Sil.Apred _ | Anpred _ -> Some atom
| _ -> None
(** Check whether an atom is used to mark an attribute *)
let atom_is a =
atom_get a <> None
let is_pred atom =
match atom with
| Sil.Apred _ | Anpred _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** Add an attribute associated to the argument expressions *)
let add ?(footprint = false) ?(polarity = true) prop attr args =
@ -1826,9 +1822,7 @@ module Attribute = struct
(** Get all the attributes of the prop *)
let get_all prop =
let res = ref [] in
let do_atom a = match atom_get a with
| Some attr -> res := attr :: !res
| None -> () in
let do_atom a = if is_pred a then res := a :: !res in
IList.iter do_atom prop.pi;
IList.rev !res

@ -283,10 +283,7 @@ val conjoin_neq : ?footprint: bool -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> normal t -> normal t
module Attribute : sig
(** Check whether an atom is used to mark an attribute *)
val atom_is : atom -> bool
(** Return the exp and attribute marked in the atom if any, and return None otherwise *)
val atom_get : atom -> atom option
val is_pred : atom -> bool
(** Add an attribute associated to the argument expressions *)
val add : ?footprint: bool -> ?polarity: bool -> normal t -> PredSymb.t -> Exp.t list -> normal t

@ -599,14 +599,14 @@ let prop_copy_footprint_pure p1 p2 =
(Prop.get_sigma_footprint p1) (Prop.replace_pi_footprint (Prop.get_pi_footprint p1) p2) in
let pi2 = Prop.get_pi p2' in
let pi2_attr, pi2_noattr = IList.partition Prop.Attribute.atom_is pi2 in
let pi2_attr, pi2_noattr = IList.partition Prop.Attribute.is_pred pi2 in
let res_noattr = Prop.replace_pi (Prop.get_pure p1 @ pi2_noattr) p2' in
let replace_attr prop atom = (* call replace_atom_attribute which deals with existing attibutes *)
(* if [atom] represents an attribute [att], add the attribure to [prop] *)
match Prop.Attribute.atom_get atom with
| None -> prop
| Some atom ->
Prop.Attribute.add_or_replace_check_changed check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop atom in
if Prop.Attribute.is_pred atom then
Prop.Attribute.add_or_replace_check_changed check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop atom
prop in
IList.fold_left replace_attr (Prop.normalize res_noattr) pi2_attr
(** check if an expression is an exception *)
@ -935,12 +935,12 @@ let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub actual_
let combined_pi = calling_pi @ missing_pi_sub in
(* build a map from exp -> [taint attrs, untaint attrs], keeping only exprs with both kinds of
attrs (we will flag errors on those exprs) *)
let collect_taint_untaint_exprs acc_map atom =
match Prop.Attribute.atom_get atom with
| Some (Apred (Ataint _, [e])) ->
let collect_taint_untaint_exprs acc_map (atom: Sil.atom) =
match atom with
| Apred (Ataint _, [e]) ->
let taint_atoms, untaint_atoms = try Exp.Map.find e acc_map with Not_found -> ([], []) in
Exp.Map.add e (atom :: taint_atoms, untaint_atoms) acc_map
| Some (Apred (Auntaint _, [e])) ->
| Apred (Auntaint _, [e]) ->
let taint_atoms, untaint_atoms = try Exp.Map.find e acc_map with Not_found -> ([], []) in
Exp.Map.add e (taint_atoms, atom :: untaint_atoms) acc_map
| _ -> acc_map in
@ -954,9 +954,9 @@ let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub actual_
"kind" (e.g. security, privacy) of the taint and untaint match, but for now we don't look at
the untaint atoms *)
let report_taint_errors e (taint_atoms, _untaint_atoms) =
let report_one_error taint_atom =
let taint_info = match Prop.Attribute.atom_get taint_atom with
| Some (Apred (Ataint taint_info, _)) -> taint_info
let report_one_error (taint_atom: Sil.atom) =
let taint_info = match taint_atom with
| Apred (Ataint taint_info, _) -> taint_info
| _ -> failwith "Expected to get taint attr on atom" in
report_taint_error e taint_info callee_pname caller_pname calling_prop in
IList.iter report_one_error taint_atoms in
@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ let quantify_path_idents_remove_constant_strings (prop: Prop.normal Prop.t) : Pr
(** Strengthen the footprint by adding pure facts from the current part *)
let prop_pure_to_footprint (p: 'a Prop.t) : Prop.normal Prop.t =
let is_footprint_atom_not_attribute a =
not (Prop.Attribute.atom_is a)
not (Prop.Attribute.is_pred a)
let a_fav = Sil.atom_fav a in
Sil.fav_for_all a_fav Ident.is_footprint in
