[sledge] Replace RecRecord uninterpreted function symbol with Ancestor term

References from a record to one of its ancestor records are used to
represent cyclic or recursive record values. While the current
interpretation is weak, these logically are part of the record theory
and should be interpreted with the rest of the record terms.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D24306091

fbshipit-source-id: 41553741d
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 598cb0a449
commit 615f245027

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type trm =
| Select of {idx: int; rcd: trm}
| Update of {idx: int; rcd: trm; elt: trm}
| Record of trm array
| Ancestor of int
| Tuple of trm array
| Project of {ary: int; idx: int; tup: trm}
| Apply of Funsym.t * trm
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ let _Concat es = Concat es
let _Select idx rcd = Select {idx; rcd}
let _Update idx rcd elt = Update {idx; rcd; elt}
let _Record es = Record es
let _Ancestor i = Ancestor i
let _Tuple es = Tuple es
let _Project ary idx tup = Project {ary; idx; tup}
let _Apply f a = Apply (f, a)
@ -455,6 +457,7 @@ let rec ppx_t strength fs trm =
| Select {idx; rcd} -> pf "%a[%i]" pp rcd idx
| Update {idx; rcd; elt} -> pf "[%a@ @[| %i → %a@]]" pp rcd idx pp elt
| Record xs -> pf "{%a}" (ppx_record strength) xs
| Ancestor i -> pf "(ancestor %i)" i
| Tuple xs -> pf "(%a)" (Array.pp ",@ " (ppx_t strength)) xs
| Project {ary; idx; tup} -> pf "proj(%i,%i)(%a)" ary idx pp tup
| Apply (f, Tuple [||]) -> pf "%a" Funsym.pp f
@ -537,7 +540,7 @@ let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let rec fold_vars_t e ~init ~f =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> f init (Var.of_ v)
| Z _ | Q _ -> init
| Z _ | Q _ | Ancestor _ -> init
| Neg x
|Mulq (_, x)
|Splat x
@ -626,7 +629,7 @@ let rec map_trms_f ~f b =
let rec map_vars_t ~f e =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> (f (Var.of_ v) : var :> trm)
| Z _ | Q _ -> e
| Z _ | Q _ | Ancestor _ -> e
| Neg x -> map1 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Neg x
| Add (x, y) -> map2 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Add x y
| Sub (x, y) -> map2 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Sub x y
@ -871,6 +874,7 @@ module Term = struct
let select ~rcd ~idx = ap1t (_Select idx) rcd
let update ~rcd ~idx ~elt = ap2t (_Update idx) rcd elt
let record elts = apNt (fun es -> _Record (Array.of_list es)) elts
let ancestor i = `Trm (_Ancestor i)
(* tuples *)
@ -1098,10 +1102,10 @@ let rec t_to_ses : trm -> Ses.Term.t = function
Ses.Term.update ~rcd:(t_to_ses rcd) ~idx ~elt:(t_to_ses elt)
| Record es ->
Ses.Term.record (IArray.of_array (Array.map ~f:t_to_ses es))
| Ancestor i -> Ses.Term.rec_record i
| Apply (Mul, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.mul (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Div, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.div (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (Rem, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.rem (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (RecRecord i, Tuple [||]) -> Ses.Term.rec_record i
| Apply (BitAnd, Tuple [|x; y|]) ->
Ses.Term.and_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
| Apply (BitOr, Tuple [|x; y|]) -> Ses.Term.or_ (t_to_ses x) (t_to_ses y)
@ -1265,7 +1269,7 @@ and of_ses : Ses.Term.t -> exp =
update ~rcd:(of_ses rcd) ~idx ~elt:(of_ses elt)
| ApN (Record, elts) ->
record (Array.map ~f:of_ses (IArray.to_array elts))
| RecRecord i -> uap0 (RecRecord i)
| RecRecord i -> ancestor i
| Apply (sym, args) ->
apply sym (Array.map ~f:of_ses (IArray.to_array args))
@ -1641,7 +1645,7 @@ module Term_of_Llair = struct
update ~rcd:(exp rcd) ~idx ~elt:(exp elt)
| ApN (Record, _, elts) ->
record (Array.map ~f:exp (IArray.to_array elts))
| RecRecord (i, _) -> uap0 (RecRecord i)
| RecRecord (i, _) -> ancestor i
| Ap1 (Splat, _, byt) -> splat (exp byt)

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ type t =
| Mul
| Div
| Rem
| RecRecord of int
| BitAnd
| BitOr
| BitXor
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ let pp ppf f =
| Mul -> pf "@<1>×"
| Div -> pf "/"
| Rem -> pf "%%"
| RecRecord i -> pf "(rec_record %i)" i
| BitAnd -> pf "&&"
| BitOr -> pf "||"
| BitXor -> pf "xor"

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ type t =
| Rem
(** Remainder of division, satisfies [a = b * div a b + rem a b] and
for integers [rem a b] has same sign as [a], and [|rem a b| < |b|] *)
| RecRecord of int
| BitAnd (** Bitwise logical And *)
| BitOr (** Bitwise logical inclusive Or *)
| BitXor (** Bitwise logical eXclusive or *)
