@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ default: infer
i n c l u d e $( ROOT_DIR ) / M a k e f i l e . c o n f i g
# override this for faster builds (but slower infer)
@ -635,17 +636,17 @@ devsetup: Makefile.autoconf
# expand all occurrences of "~" in PATH and MANPATH
$( QUIET) infer_repo_is_in_path = $$ ( echo $$ { PATH//\~ /$$ HOME} | grep -q " $( ABSOLUTE_ROOT_DIR) " /infer/bin; echo $$ ?) ; \
infer_repo_is_in_manpath = $$ ( echo $$ { MANPATH//\~ /$$ HOME} | grep -q " $( ABSOLUTE_ROOT_DIR) " /infer/man; echo $$ ?) ; \
if [ " $$ infer_repo_is_in_path " != "0" ] || [ " $$ infer_repo_is_in_manpath " != "0" ] ; then \
shell_config_file = "<could not auto-detect, please fill in yourself>" ; \
if [ $$ ( basename " $( ORIG_SHELL) " ) = "bash" ] ; then \
if [ " $( PLATFORM) " = "Linux" ] ; then \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.bashrc; \
else \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.bash_profile; \
fi ; \
elif [ $$ ( basename " $( ORIG_SHELL) " ) = "zsh" ] ; then \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.zshrc; \
shell_config_file = "<could not auto-detect, please fill in yourself>" ; \
if [ $$ ( basename " $( ORIG_SHELL) " ) = "bash" ] ; then \
if [ " $( PLATFORM) " = "Linux" ] ; then \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.bashrc; \
else \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.bash_profile; \
fi ; \
elif [ $$ ( basename " $( ORIG_SHELL) " ) = "zsh" ] ; then \
shell_config_file = " $$ HOME " /.zshrc; \
fi ; \
if [ " $$ infer_repo_is_in_path " != "0" ] || [ " $$ infer_repo_is_in_manpath " != "0" ] ; then \
echo >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: `infer` is not in your PATH or MANPATH. If you are hacking on infer, you may$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: want to make infer executables and manuals available in your terminal. Type$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
@ -665,16 +666,17 @@ devsetup: Makefile.autoconf
printf " $( TERM_INFO) echo 'export MANPATH=\"%s/infer/man\":\$ $MANPATH ' >> \" $$ shell_config_file\" $( TERM_RESET) \n " " $( ABSOLUTE_ROOT_DIR) " >& 2; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
test " $$ BUILD_MODE " = "default" || \
if [ -z " $( ORIG_SHELL_BUILD_MODE) " ] ; then \
echo >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: Set `BUILD_MODE=default` in your shell to disable flambda by default.$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: Compiling with flambda is ~5 times slower than without, so unless you are$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: testing infer on a very large project it will not be worth it. Use the$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: commands below to set the default build mode. You can then use `make BUILD_MODE= opt`$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: commands below to set the default build mode. You can then use `make opt`$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: when you really do want to enable flambda.$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \
echo >& 2; \
printf " $( TERM_INFO) export BUILD_MODE=default $( TERM_RESET) \n " >& 2; \
printf " $( TERM_INFO) echo 'export BUILD_MODE=default' >> \" $$ shell_config_file\" $( TERM_RESET) \n " >& 2
printf " $( TERM_INFO) echo 'export BUILD_MODE=default' >> \" $$ shell_config_file\" $( TERM_RESET) \n " >& 2; \
$( QUIET) PATH = $( ORIG_SHELL_PATH) ; if [ " $$ (ocamlc -where 2>/dev/null) " != " $$ ( $( OCAMLC) -where) " ] ; then \
echo >& 2; \
echo '$(TERM_INFO)*** NOTE: The current shell is not set up for the right opam switch.$(TERM_RESET)' >& 2; \