@ -639,20 +639,27 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
guarded_by_str = "this" in
(* find A.guarded_by_fld_str |-> B and return Some B, or None if there is no such hpred *)
let find_guarded_by_exp guarded_by_str sigma =
let extract_guarded_by_strexp (fld, strexp) =
let is_guarded_by_strexp (fld, _) =
(* this comparison needs to be somewhat fuzzy, since programmers are free to write
@GuardedBy("mLock"), @GuardedBy("MyClass.mLock"), or use other conventions *)
if Ident.fieldname_to_flat_string fld = guarded_by_str ||
Ident.fieldname_to_string fld = guarded_by_str
then Some strexp
else None in
Ident.fieldname_to_flat_string fld = guarded_by_str ||
Ident.fieldname_to_string fld = guarded_by_str in
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Estruct (flds, _), _) ->
IList.find_map_opt extract_guarded_by_strexp flds
| Sil.Hpointsto (Lvar pvar, rhs_exp, _)
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, Estruct (flds, _), Sil.Sizeof (typ, _, _)) ->
let fld, strexp = IList.find is_guarded_by_strexp flds in
match Annotations.get_field_type_and_annotation fld typ with
| Some (fld_typ, _) -> Some (strexp, fld_typ)
| None -> None
with Not_found -> None
| Sil.Hpointsto (Lvar pvar, rhs_exp, Sil.Sizeof (typ, _, _))
when guarded_by_str_is_this guarded_by_str && Pvar.is_this pvar ->
Some rhs_exp
Some (rhs_exp, typ)
| _ ->
sigma in
@ -675,18 +682,29 @@ let add_guarded_by_constraints prop lexp pdesc =
Localise.desc_unsafe_guarded_by_access pname accessed_fld guarded_by_str loc in
let exn = Exceptions.Unsafe_guarded_by_access (err_desc, __POS__) in
Reporting.log_error pname exn in
let rec is_read_write_lock typ =
let str_is_read_write_lock str = string_is_suffix "ReadWriteUpdateLock" str in
match typ with
| Typ.Tstruct { struct_name=Some name} -> str_is_read_write_lock (Mangled.to_string name)
| Typ.Tvar name -> str_is_read_write_lock (Typename.to_string name)
| Typ.Tptr (typ, _) -> is_read_write_lock typ
| _ -> false in
let has_lock guarded_by_exp =
(* procedure is synchronized and guarded by this *)
(guarded_by_str_is_this guarded_by_str && Cfg.Procdesc.is_java_synchronized pdesc) ||
(* or the prop says we already have the lock *)
| Sil.Alocked -> true
| _ -> false)
(Prop.get_exp_attributes prop guarded_by_exp) in
match find_guarded_by_exp guarded_by_str (Prop.get_sigma prop) with
| Some (Sil.Eexp (guarded_by_exp, _)) ->
let has_lock =
(* procedure is synchronized and guarded by this *)
(guarded_by_str_is_this guarded_by_str && Cfg.Procdesc.is_java_synchronized pdesc) ||
(* or the prop says we already have the lock *)
| Sil.Alocked -> true
| _ -> false)
(Prop.get_exp_attributes prop guarded_by_exp) in
if has_lock
| Some (Sil.Eexp (guarded_by_exp, _), typ) ->
if is_read_write_lock typ
(* TODO: model/understand read-write locks rather than ignoring them *)
else if has_lock guarded_by_exp
(* we have the lock; no need to add a proof obligation *)
(* TODO: materialize [fld], but don't add [fld] to the footprint. *)