[starvation] make analysis work with sil instead of hil

Summary: Subtle false positives and negatives in Hil make Sil preferable. This diff gets rid of the CFG-emulation of Hil, while still using Hil expressions.

Reviewed By: da319

Differential Revision: D23815026

fbshipit-source-id: 731a6d299
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 3dc96deea5
commit 63586d98df

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module F = Format
module Types = struct
type 'astate bottom_lifted = Bottom | NonBottom of 'astate
type 'astate top_lifted = Top | NonTop of 'astate
type 'astate top_lifted = Top | NonTop of 'astate [@@deriving equal]
type ('below, 'astate, 'above) below_above = Below of 'below | Above of 'above | Val of 'astate

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open! IStd
module Types : sig
type 'astate bottom_lifted = Bottom | NonBottom of 'astate
type 'astate top_lifted = Top | NonTop of 'astate
type 'astate top_lifted = Top | NonTop of 'astate [@@deriving equal]
type ('below, 'astate, 'above) below_above = Below of 'below | Above of 'above | Val of 'astate

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Domain = StarvationDomain
(* given a scheduled-work item, read the summary of the scheduled method from the disk
and adapt its contents to the thread it was scheduled too *)
let get_summary_of_scheduled_work (work_item : Domain.ScheduledWorkItem.t) =
let astate = {Domain.bottom with thread= work_item.thread} in
let astate = {Domain.initial with thread= work_item.thread} in
let callsite = CallSite.make work_item.procname work_item.loc in
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* {Summary.payloads= {starvation}} = Summary.OnDisk.get work_item.procname in

@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref (astate : Domain.t) silexp typ =
let f_resolve_id var = Domain.VarDomain.get var astate.var_state in
HilExp.of_sil ~include_array_indexes:false ~f_resolve_id ~add_deref silexp typ
let hilexp_of_sils ~add_deref astate silexps =
List.map silexps ~f:(fun (exp, typ) -> hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref astate exp typ)
let rec get_access_expr (hilexp : HilExp.t) =
match hilexp with
| AccessExpression access_exp ->
@ -56,12 +65,14 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{acc with attributes} )
match HilExp.get_access_exprs assume_exp with
| [access_expr] when AttributeDomain.is_thread_guard access_expr astate.attributes ->
HilExp.eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp
|> Option.fold ~init:astate ~f:add_thread_choice
| [access_expr] when AttributeDomain.is_future_done_guard access_expr astate.attributes ->
HilExp.eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp
|> Option.fold ~init:astate ~f:(add_future_done_choice access_expr)
| [access_expr] ->
if AttributeDomain.is_thread_guard access_expr astate.attributes then
HilExp.eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp
|> Option.fold ~init:astate ~f:add_thread_choice
else if AttributeDomain.is_future_done_guard access_expr astate.attributes then
HilExp.eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp
|> Option.fold ~init:astate ~f:(add_future_done_choice access_expr)
else astate
| _ ->
@ -214,8 +225,33 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
|> Option.value ~default:astate
let do_metadata (metadata : Sil.instr_metadata) astate =
match metadata with ExitScope (vars, _) -> Domain.remove_dead_vars astate vars | _ -> astate
let do_load tenv ~lhs rhs_exp rhs_typ (astate : Domain.t) =
let lhs_var = fst lhs in
let add_deref = match (lhs_var : Var.t) with LogicalVar _ -> true | ProgramVar _ -> false in
let rhs_hil_exp = hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref astate rhs_exp rhs_typ in
let astate =
get_access_expr rhs_hil_exp
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun acc_exp ->
{astate with var_state= Domain.VarDomain.set lhs_var acc_exp astate.var_state} )
let lhs_hil_acc_exp = HilExp.AccessExpression.base lhs in
do_assignment tenv lhs_hil_acc_exp rhs_hil_exp astate
let do_cast tenv id base_typ actuals astate =
match actuals with
| [(e, typ); _sizeof] ->
do_load tenv ~lhs:(Var.of_id id, base_typ) e typ astate
| _ ->
let exec_instr (astate : Domain.t) ({interproc= {proc_desc; tenv}; formals} as analysis_data) _
(instr : HilInstr.t) =
instr =
let open ConcurrencyModels in
let open StarvationModels in
let get_lock_path = Domain.Lock.make formals in
@ -225,68 +261,84 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
List.filter_map ~f:get_lock_path locks |> Domain.acquire ~tenv astate ~procname ~loc
let do_unlock locks astate = List.filter_map ~f:get_lock_path locks |> Domain.release astate in
match instr with
| Assign (lhs_access_exp, rhs_exp, _) ->
do_assignment tenv lhs_access_exp rhs_exp astate
| Metadata (Sil.ExitScope (vars, _)) ->
{astate with attributes= Domain.AttributeDomain.exit_scope vars astate.attributes}
| Metadata _ ->
| Assume (assume_exp, _, _, _) ->
do_assume assume_exp astate
| Call (_, Indirect _, _, _, _) ->
match (instr : Sil.instr) with
| Metadata metadata ->
do_metadata metadata astate
| Prune (exp, _loc, _then_branch, _if_kind) ->
let hil_exp = hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref:false astate exp Typ.boolean in
do_assume hil_exp astate
| Load {id} when Ident.is_none id ->
| Call (_, Direct callee, actuals, _, _) when should_skip_analysis tenv callee actuals ->
| Load {id; e; typ} ->
do_load tenv ~lhs:(Var.of_id id, typ) e typ astate
| Store {e1= Lvar lhs_pvar; typ; e2} when Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp lhs_pvar ->
do_load tenv ~lhs:(Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar, typ) e2 typ astate
| Store {e1; typ; e2} ->
let rhs_hil_exp = hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref:false astate e2 typ in
hilexp_of_sil ~add_deref:true astate e1 (Typ.mk_ptr typ)
|> get_access_expr
|> Option.value_map ~default:astate ~f:(fun lhs_hil_acc_exp ->
do_assignment tenv lhs_hil_acc_exp rhs_hil_exp astate )
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), actuals, _, _)
when should_skip_analysis tenv callee (hilexp_of_sils ~add_deref:false astate actuals) ->
| Call (ret_base, Direct callee, actuals, _, loc) -> (
match get_lock_effect callee actuals with
| Lock locks ->
do_lock locks loc astate
| GuardLock guard ->
Domain.lock_guard tenv astate guard ~procname ~loc
| GuardConstruct {guard; lock; acquire_now} -> (
match get_lock_path lock with
| Some lock_path ->
Domain.add_guard tenv astate guard lock_path ~acquire_now ~procname ~loc
| None ->
log_parse_error "Couldn't parse lock in guard constructor" callee actuals ;
astate )
| Unlock locks ->
do_unlock locks astate
| GuardUnlock guard ->
Domain.unlock_guard astate guard
| GuardDestroy guard ->
Domain.remove_guard astate guard
| LockedIfTrue _ | GuardLockedIfTrue _ ->
| NoEffect when is_synchronized_library_call tenv callee ->
(* model a synchronized call without visible internal behaviour *)
let locks = List.hd actuals |> Option.to_list in
do_lock locks loc astate |> do_unlock locks
| NoEffect when is_java && is_strict_mode_violation tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.strict_mode_call ~callee ~loc astate
| NoEffect when is_java && is_monitor_wait tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.wait_on_monitor ~loc formals actuals astate
| NoEffect when is_java && is_future_get tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.future_get ~callee ~loc actuals astate
| NoEffect when is_java -> (
let ret_exp = HilExp.AccessExpression.base ret_base in
let astate = do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc astate in
match may_block tenv callee actuals with
| Some sev ->
Domain.blocking_call ~callee sev ~loc astate
| Call ((id, base_typ), Const (Cfun callee), actuals, _, _)
when Procname.equal callee BuiltinDecl.__cast ->
do_cast tenv id base_typ actuals astate
| Call ((id, typ), Const (Cfun callee), sil_actuals, loc, _) -> (
let ret_base = (Var.of_id id, typ) in
let actuals = hilexp_of_sils ~add_deref:false astate sil_actuals in
match get_lock_effect callee actuals with
| Lock locks ->
do_lock locks loc astate
| GuardLock guard ->
Domain.lock_guard tenv astate guard ~procname ~loc
| GuardConstruct {guard; lock; acquire_now} -> (
match get_lock_path lock with
| Some lock_path ->
Domain.add_guard tenv astate guard lock_path ~acquire_now ~procname ~loc
| None ->
do_call analysis_data ret_exp callee actuals loc astate )
| NoEffect ->
(* in C++/Obj C we only care about deadlocks, not starvation errors *)
let ret_exp = HilExp.AccessExpression.base ret_base in
do_call analysis_data ret_exp callee actuals loc astate )
log_parse_error "Couldn't parse lock in guard constructor" callee actuals ;
astate )
| Unlock locks ->
do_unlock locks astate
| GuardUnlock guard ->
Domain.unlock_guard astate guard
| GuardDestroy guard ->
Domain.remove_guard astate guard
| LockedIfTrue _ | GuardLockedIfTrue _ ->
| NoEffect when is_synchronized_library_call tenv callee ->
(* model a synchronized call without visible internal behaviour *)
let locks = List.hd actuals |> Option.to_list in
do_lock locks loc astate |> do_unlock locks
| NoEffect when is_java && is_strict_mode_violation tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.strict_mode_call ~callee ~loc astate
| NoEffect when is_java && is_monitor_wait tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.wait_on_monitor ~loc formals actuals astate
| NoEffect when is_java && is_future_get tenv callee actuals ->
Domain.future_get ~callee ~loc actuals astate
| NoEffect when is_java -> (
let ret_exp = HilExp.AccessExpression.base ret_base in
let astate = do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc astate in
match may_block tenv callee actuals with
| Some sev ->
Domain.blocking_call ~callee sev ~loc astate
| None ->
do_call analysis_data ret_exp callee actuals loc astate )
| NoEffect ->
(* in C++/Obj C we only care about deadlocks, not starvation errors *)
let ret_exp = HilExp.AccessExpression.base ret_base in
do_call analysis_data ret_exp callee actuals loc astate )
| Call ((id, _), _, _, _, _) ->
(* call havocs LHS *)
Domain.remove_dead_vars astate [Var.of_id id]
let pp_session_name _node fmt = F.pp_print_string fmt "starvation"
module Analyzer = LowerHil.MakeAbstractInterpreter (TransferFunctions (ProcCfg.Normal))
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.MakeRPO (TransferFunctions (ProcCfg.Normal))
(** Compute the attributes (of static variables) set up by the class initializer. *)
let set_class_init_attributes procname (astate : Domain.t) =
@ -378,7 +430,7 @@ let analyze_procedure ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv} as interproc) =
else Fn.id
let initial =
(* set the attributes of instance variables set up by all constructors or the class initializer *)
|> set_initial_attributes interproc
|> set_lock_state_for_synchronized_proc |> set_thread_status_by_annotation

@ -109,6 +109,54 @@ module Lock = struct
String.compare (mk_str t1) (mk_str t2)
module AccessExpressionDomain = struct
open AbstractDomain.Types
type t = HilExp.AccessExpression.t top_lifted [@@deriving equal]
let pp fmt = function
| Top ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "AccExpTop"
| NonTop lock ->
HilExp.AccessExpression.pp fmt lock
let top = Top
let is_top = function Top -> true | NonTop _ -> false
let join lhs rhs = if equal lhs rhs then lhs else top
let leq ~lhs ~rhs = equal (join lhs rhs) rhs
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
module VarDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain.SafeInvertedMap (Var) (AccessExpressionDomain)
let exit_scope init deadvars =
List.fold deadvars ~init ~f:(fun acc deadvar ->
(fun _key acc_exp_opt ->
match acc_exp_opt with
| Top ->
(* should never happen in a safe inverted map *)
| NonTop acc_exp ->
let var, _ = HilExp.AccessExpression.get_base acc_exp in
not (Var.equal var deadvar) )
|> remove deadvar )
let get var astate =
match find_opt var astate with None | Some Top -> None | Some (NonTop x) -> Some x
let set var acc_exp astate = add var (NonTop acc_exp) astate
module Event = struct
type t =
| LockAcquire of Lock.t
@ -598,33 +646,26 @@ type t =
; critical_pairs: CriticalPairs.t
; attributes: AttributeDomain.t
; thread: ThreadDomain.t
; scheduled_work: ScheduledWorkDomain.t }
; scheduled_work: ScheduledWorkDomain.t
; var_state: VarDomain.t }
let bottom =
let initial =
{ guard_map= GuardToLockMap.empty
; lock_state= LockState.top
; critical_pairs= CriticalPairs.empty
; attributes= AttributeDomain.empty
; thread= ThreadDomain.bottom
; scheduled_work= ScheduledWorkDomain.bottom }
let is_bottom astate =
GuardToLockMap.is_empty astate.guard_map
&& LockState.is_top astate.lock_state
&& CriticalPairs.is_empty astate.critical_pairs
&& AttributeDomain.is_top astate.attributes
&& ThreadDomain.is_bottom astate.thread
&& ScheduledWorkDomain.is_bottom astate.scheduled_work
; scheduled_work= ScheduledWorkDomain.bottom
; var_state= VarDomain.top }
let pp fmt astate =
F.fprintf fmt
"{guard_map= %a; lock_state= %a; critical_pairs= %a; attributes= %a; thread= %a; \
scheduled_work= %a}"
scheduled_work= %a; var_state= %a}"
GuardToLockMap.pp astate.guard_map LockState.pp astate.lock_state CriticalPairs.pp
astate.critical_pairs AttributeDomain.pp astate.attributes ThreadDomain.pp astate.thread
ScheduledWorkDomain.pp astate.scheduled_work
ScheduledWorkDomain.pp astate.scheduled_work VarDomain.pp astate.var_state
let join lhs rhs =
@ -633,7 +674,8 @@ let join lhs rhs =
; critical_pairs= CriticalPairs.join lhs.critical_pairs rhs.critical_pairs
; attributes= AttributeDomain.join lhs.attributes rhs.attributes
; thread= ThreadDomain.join lhs.thread rhs.thread
; scheduled_work= ScheduledWorkDomain.join lhs.scheduled_work rhs.scheduled_work }
; scheduled_work= ScheduledWorkDomain.join lhs.scheduled_work rhs.scheduled_work
; var_state= VarDomain.join lhs.var_state rhs.var_state }
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
@ -645,6 +687,7 @@ let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
&& AttributeDomain.leq ~lhs:lhs.attributes ~rhs:rhs.attributes
&& ThreadDomain.leq ~lhs:lhs.thread ~rhs:rhs.thread
&& ScheduledWorkDomain.leq ~lhs:lhs.scheduled_work ~rhs:rhs.scheduled_work
&& VarDomain.leq ~lhs:lhs.var_state ~rhs:rhs.var_state
let add_critical_pair ?tenv lock_state event thread ~loc acc =
@ -825,3 +868,16 @@ let summary_of_astate : Procdesc.t -> t -> summary =
; scheduled_work= astate.scheduled_work
; attributes
; return_attribute }
let remove_dead_vars (astate : t) deadvars =
let deadvars =
(* The liveness analysis will kill any variable (such as [this]) immediately after its
last use. This is bad for attributes that need to live until the end of the method,
so we restrict to SSA variables. *)
List.rev_filter deadvars ~f:(fun (v : Var.t) ->
match v with LogicalVar _ -> true | ProgramVar pvar -> Pvar.is_ssa_frontend_tmp pvar )
let var_state = VarDomain.exit_scope astate.var_state deadvars in
let attributes = AttributeDomain.exit_scope deadvars astate.attributes in
{astate with var_state; attributes}

@ -45,6 +45,16 @@ module Lock : sig
(** a stable order for avoiding reporting deadlocks twice based on the root variable type *)
module VarDomain : sig
include AbstractDomain.WithTop
type key = Var.t
val get : key -> t -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t option
val set : key -> HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> t -> t
module Event : sig
type t =
| LockAcquire of Lock.t
@ -140,8 +150,6 @@ module AttributeDomain : sig
val is_future_done_guard : HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> t -> bool
(** does the given expr has attribute [FutureDone x] return [Some x] else [None] *)
val exit_scope : Var.t list -> t -> t
(** A record of scheduled parallel work: the method scheduled to run, where, and on what thread. *)
@ -159,9 +167,13 @@ type t =
; critical_pairs: CriticalPairs.t
; attributes: AttributeDomain.t
; thread: ThreadDomain.t
; scheduled_work: ScheduledWorkDomain.t }
; scheduled_work: ScheduledWorkDomain.t
; var_state: VarDomain.t }
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type t := t
include AbstractDomain.S with type t := t
val initial : t
(** initial domain state *)
val acquire : ?tenv:Tenv.t -> t -> procname:Procname.t -> loc:Location.t -> Lock.t list -> t
(** simultaneously acquire a number of locks, no-op if list is empty *)
@ -226,3 +238,5 @@ val integrate_summary :
val summary_of_astate : Procdesc.t -> t -> summary
val filter_blocking_calls : t -> t
val remove_dead_vars : t -> Var.t list -> t

@ -82,17 +82,16 @@ class ThreadDeadlock {
Object lockE, lockF, lockG;
public void FP_sequentialEandGOk() {
public void sequentialEandGOk() {
synchronized (lockE) {
synchronized (lockF) {
// at this point we still believe lockE is held
synchronized (lockG) {
public void FP_nestedGthenEOk() {
public void nestedGthenEOk() {
synchronized (lockG) {
synchronized (lockE) {

@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadCalls.java, ThreadCalls.indirectJoinOnUIThre
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadCalls.java, ThreadCalls.indirectSleepOnUIThreadBad():void, 24, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadCalls.indirectSleepOnUIThreadBad()`, locks `this.lock` in `class ThreadCalls`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadCalls.lockAndSleepOnNonUIThread()`, locks `this.lock` in `class ThreadCalls`,Method call: `void ThreadCalls.sleepOnAnyThreadOk()`,calls `void Thread.sleep(long)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadCalls.java, ThreadCalls.joinOnUIThreadBad(java.lang.Thread):void, 40, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ThreadCalls.joinOnUIThreadBad(Thread)`,calls `void Thread.join()`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadCalls.java, ThreadCalls.sleepOnUIThreadBad():void, 17, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ThreadCalls.sleepOnUIThreadBad()`,calls `void Thread.sleep(long)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadDeadlock.java, ThreadDeadlock.FP_nestedGthenEOk():void, 96, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadDeadlock.FP_nestedGthenEOk()`, locks `this.lockG` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockE` in `class ThreadDeadlock`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadDeadlock.FP_sequentialEandGOk()`, locks `this.lockE` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockG` in `class ThreadDeadlock`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadDeadlock.java, ThreadDeadlock.FP_sequentialEandGOk():void, 86, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadDeadlock.FP_sequentialEandGOk()`, locks `this.lockE` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockG` in `class ThreadDeadlock`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadDeadlock.FP_nestedGthenEOk()`, locks `this.lockG` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockE` in `class ThreadDeadlock`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadDeadlock.java, ThreadDeadlock.annotatedUiThreadBad():void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadDeadlock.annotatedUiThreadBad()`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockB` in `class ThreadDeadlock`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadDeadlock.annotatedWorkerThreadBad()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadDeadlock.java, ThreadDeadlock.annotatedWorkerThreadBad():void, 42, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadDeadlock.annotatedWorkerThreadBad()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadDeadlock.annotatedUiThreadBad()`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockB` in `class ThreadDeadlock`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ThreadDeadlock.java, ThreadDeadlock.assertOnBackgroundThreadBad():void, 60, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void ThreadDeadlock.assertOnBackgroundThreadBad()`, locks `this.lockC` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`,[Trace 2] `void ThreadDeadlock.assertOnUIThreadBad()`, locks `this` in `class ThreadDeadlock`, locks `this.lockC` in `class ThreadDeadlock`]
