[clang] Store original data in compilation database and modify it on access

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D4048707

fbshipit-source-id: 6d9c89a
Andrzej Kotulski 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 60db0dd67e
commit 644c7d716a

@ -20,18 +20,6 @@ let capture_text =
if Config.analyzer = Some Config.Linters then "linting"
else "translating"
let swap_command cmd =
let clang = "clang" in
let clangplusplus = "clang++" in
if Utils.string_is_suffix clang cmd then
Config.wrappers_dir // clang
else if Utils.string_is_suffix clangplusplus cmd then
Config.wrappers_dir // clangplusplus
(* The command in the compilation database json emitted by buck can only be clang or clang++ *)
failwithf "Unexpected command name in Buck compilation database: %s" cmd
let replace_header_file_with_source_file file_path =
let file_path = DB.source_file_to_abs_path file_path in
let possible_file_replacements file_path =
@ -71,22 +59,6 @@ let add_file_to_compilation_database file_path cmd_options changed_files compila
if add_file then
compilation_database := StringMap.add file_path cmd_options !compilation_database
(** We have to replace the .o files because the path in buck-out doesn't exist at this point.
Moreover, in debug mode we create debug files in the place where the .o files are created,
so having all that in the results directory is convenient for finding the files and for
scanning the directory for running clang_frontend_stats. *)
let replace_clang_args arg =
if Filename.check_suffix arg ".o" then
let dir = Config.results_dir // Config.clang_build_output_dir_name in
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding (DB.source_file_from_string arg) in
dir // abbrev_source_file
else arg
(* Doing this argument manipulation here rather than in the wrappers because it seems to
be needed only with this integration.*)
let remove_clang_arg arg args =
if (arg = "-include-pch") || (Filename.check_suffix arg ".gch")
then args else arg :: args
(** Parse the compilation database json file into the compilationDatabase
map. The json file consists of an array of json objects that contain the file
@ -94,13 +66,11 @@ let remove_clang_arg arg args =
and as a string. We pack this information into the compilationDatabase map, and remove the
clang invocation part, because we will use a clang wrapper. *)
let decode_compilation_database changed_files compilation_database _ path =
let collect_arguments compilation_argument args =
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file path in
let parse_argument compilation_argument =
match compilation_argument with
| `String arg ->
let arg' = replace_clang_args arg in
remove_clang_arg arg' args
| `String arg -> arg
| _ -> failwith ("Json file doesn't have the expected format") in
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file path in
let rec parse_json json =
match json with
| `List arguments ->
@ -109,11 +79,10 @@ let decode_compilation_database changed_files compilation_database _ path =
("file", `String file_path);
("arguments", `List compilation_arguments);
("command", `String _) ] ->
(match IList.fold_right collect_arguments compilation_arguments [] with
(match IList.map parse_argument compilation_arguments with
| [] -> failwith ("Command cannot be empty")
| cmd :: args ->
let wrapper_cmd = swap_command cmd in
let compilation_data = { dir; command = wrapper_cmd; args;} in
| command :: args ->
let compilation_data = { dir; command; args;} in
add_file_to_compilation_database file_path compilation_data changed_files
| _ ->
@ -147,15 +116,42 @@ let create_files_stack compilation_database =
StringMap.iter add_to_stack !compilation_database;
let swap_command cmd =
let clang = "clang" in
let clangplusplus = "clang++" in
if Utils.string_is_suffix clang cmd then
Config.wrappers_dir // clang
else if Utils.string_is_suffix clangplusplus cmd then
Config.wrappers_dir // clangplusplus
(* The command in the compilation database json emitted by buck can only be clang or clang++ *)
failwithf "Unexpected command name in Buck compilation database: %s" cmd
(** We have to replace the .o files because the path in buck-out doesn't exist at this point.
Moreover, in debug mode we create debug files in the place where the .o files are created,
so having all that in the results directory is convenient for finding the files and for
scanning the directory for running clang_frontend_stats. *)
let replace_clang_arg arg =
if Filename.check_suffix arg ".o" then
let dir = Config.results_dir // Config.clang_build_output_dir_name in
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding (DB.source_file_from_string arg) in
[dir // abbrev_source_file]
(* Doing this argument manipulation here rather than in the wrappers because it seems to
be needed only with this integration.*)
else if (arg = "-include-pch") || (Filename.check_suffix arg ".gch") then []
else [arg]
let run_compilation_file compilation_database file =
let compilation_data = StringMap.find file !compilation_database in
Unix.chdir compilation_data.dir;
let args = Array.of_list (compilation_data.command::compilation_data.args) in
let wrapper_cmd = swap_command compilation_data.command in
let replaced_args = IList.map replace_clang_arg compilation_data.args |> IList.flatten in
let args = Array.of_list (wrapper_cmd::replaced_args) in
let env = Array.append
(Array.of_list ["FCP_RUN_SYNTAX_ONLY=1"]) in
Process.exec_command compilation_data.command args env
Process.exec_command wrapper_cmd args env
with Not_found ->
Process.print_error_and_exit "Failed to find compilation data for %s \n%!" file
