@ -52,24 +52,33 @@ module PostDomain : BaseDomainSig
collapse into one. * *)
module PreDomain : BaseDomainSig
module PostStatus : sig
type t = ISLOk | ISLError [@@deriving equal]
(** biabduction-style pre/post state + skipped calls *)
(** Execution status, similar to {!PulseExecutionDomain} but for ISL (Incorrectness Separation
Logic) mode, where {!PulseExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram} can also contain "error specs" that
describe what happens when some addresses are invalid explicitly instead of relying on
[MustBeValid] attributes. *)
type isl_status =
| ISLOk (** ok triple: the program executes without error *)
| ISLError
(** Error specification: an invalid address recorded in the precondition will cause an error *)
[@@deriving equal]
(** pre/post on a single program path *)
type t = private
{ post: PostDomain.t (** state at the current program point*)
; pre: PreDomain.t (** inferred pre at the current program point *)
; topl: PulseTopl.state (** state at of the Topl monitor at the current program point *)
; skipped_calls: SkippedCalls.t (** set of skipped calls *)
; path_condition: PathCondition.t (** arithmetic facts *)
; isl_status: PostStatus.t (** isl summary status *) }
; pre: PreDomain.t (** inferred procedure pre-condition leading to the current program point *)
; path_condition: PathCondition.t
(** arithmetic facts true along the path (holding for both [pre] and [post] since abstract
values are immutable) *)
; topl: PulseTopl.state
(** state at of the Topl monitor at the current program point, when Topl is enabled *)
; skipped_calls: SkippedCalls.t (** metadata: procedure calls for which no summary was found *)
; isl_status: isl_status }
val leq : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val set_isl_status : PostStatus.t -> t -> t
val set_isl_status : isl_status -> t -> t
val mk_initial : Procdesc.t -> t