[erl-frontend] Translate expressions to blocks

Summary: Refactor Erlang expression translation. Previously expressions were translated to a list of instructions to be put in the single node. This will not work for expressions that require control flow (e.g., case, if). With this change, expressions are translated to blocks.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D29391068

fbshipit-source-id: 5f353e490
Akos Hajdu 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent bb4963b6ab
commit 661df0ca16

@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ let sequence_blocks ~(continue : block -> Procdesc.Node.t) ~(stop : block -> Pro
(first_block.start, continue_node, new_stop)
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a conjunctive style: a failure in any block leads to a global
failure, and successes lead to the next block. *)
let all_blocks env (blocks : block list) : block =
match blocks with
| [] ->
@ -164,6 +166,8 @@ let all_blocks env (blocks : block list) : block =
{start; exit_success; exit_failure}
(** Chain a list of blocks together in a disjunctive style: a success in any block leads to a global
success, and failures lead to the next block. *)
let any_block env (blocks : block list) : block =
match blocks with
| [] ->
@ -248,12 +252,23 @@ let rec translate_pattern env (value : Ident.t) {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
| e ->
(* TODO: Cover all cases. *)
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslate.translate_pattern %s@."
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslator.translate_pattern %s@."
(Sexp.to_string (Ast.sexp_of_simple_expression e)) ;
make_block_failure env
let rec instructions_of_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} : Sil.instr list =
let make_instruction_block env instructions =
let exit_success = Node.make_stmt env ~kind:ErlangExpression instructions in
let exit_failure = Node.make_nop env in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let make_load_block env id e typ =
let instruction = Sil.Load {id; e; root_typ= typ; typ; loc= env.location} in
make_instruction_block env [instruction]
let rec translate_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} =
let env = update_location line env in
let any = typ_of_name Any in
let procdesc = Option.value_exn env.procdesc in
@ -261,7 +276,7 @@ let rec instructions_of_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} : Sil.instr
let ret_var =
match env.result with Some (Var ret_var) -> ret_var | _ -> Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal
let instructions =
let expression_block =
match simple_expression with
| Call
{ module_= None
@ -280,32 +295,33 @@ let rec instructions_of_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} : Sil.instr
Procname.make_erlang ~module_name ~function_name ~arity
let args_with_ids = List.map ~f:(fun a -> (a, Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal)) args in
let args_instructions =
let args_blocks =
let f (one_arg_expression, one_arg_ret_var) =
let result = Some (Exp.Var one_arg_ret_var) in
instructions_of_expression {env with result} one_arg_expression
translate_expression {env with result} one_arg_expression
List.concat_map ~f args_with_ids
List.map ~f args_with_ids
let fun_exp = Exp.Const (Cfun callee_procname) in
let args_ids_and_types =
List.map ~f:(function _, id -> (Exp.Var id, any)) args_with_ids
@ [Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args_ids_and_types, env.location, CallFlags.default)]
let call_instruction =
Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args_ids_and_types, env.location, CallFlags.default)
let call_block = make_instruction_block env [call_instruction] in
all_blocks env (args_blocks @ [call_block])
| Cons {head; tail} ->
let head_var = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let tail_var = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in
let head_instructions =
instructions_of_expression {env with result= Some (Var head_var)} head
let tail_instructions =
instructions_of_expression {env with result= Some (Var tail_var)} tail
let head_block = translate_expression {env with result= Some (Var head_var)} head in
let tail_block = translate_expression {env with result= Some (Var tail_var)} tail in
let fun_exp = Exp.Const (Cfun BuiltinDecl.__erlang_make_cons) in
let args : (Exp.t * Typ.t) list = [(Var head_var, any); (Var tail_var, any)] in
head_instructions @ tail_instructions
@ [Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args, env.location, CallFlags.default)]
let call_instruction =
Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, args, env.location, CallFlags.default)
all_blocks env [head_block; tail_block; make_instruction_block env [call_instruction]]
| Literal (Atom atom) ->
let hash =
(* With this hack, an atom may accidentaly be considered equal to an unrelated integer.
@ -313,34 +329,32 @@ let rec instructions_of_expression env {Ast.line; simple_expression} : Sil.instr
String.hash atom lsl 16
let e = Exp.Const (Cint (IntLit.of_int hash)) in
[Sil.Load {id= ret_var; e; root_typ= any; typ= any; loc= env.location}]
make_load_block env ret_var e any
| Literal (String s) ->
let e = Exp.Const (Cstr s) in
[Sil.Load {id= ret_var; e; root_typ= any; typ= any; loc= env.location}]
make_load_block env ret_var e any
| Nil ->
let fun_exp = Exp.Const (Cfun BuiltinDecl.__erlang_make_nil) in
[Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, [], env.location, CallFlags.default)]
let instruction = Sil.Call ((ret_var, any), fun_exp, [], env.location, CallFlags.default) in
make_instruction_block env [instruction]
| Variable vname ->
let e = Exp.Lvar (Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string vname) procname) in
[Sil.Load {id= ret_var; e; root_typ= any; typ= any; loc= env.location}]
make_load_block env ret_var e any
| todo ->
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslate.instructions_of_expression %s@."
L.debug Capture Verbose "@[todo ErlangTranslator.translate_expression %s@."
(Sexp.to_string (Ast.sexp_of_simple_expression todo)) ;
make_block_success env
(* Add extra nodes/instructions to store return value if needed *)
match env.result with
| None | Some (Var _) ->
| Some result ->
@ [Sil.Store {e1= result; root_typ= any; typ= any; e2= Var ret_var; loc= env.location}]
let translate_expression env expression =
let instructions = instructions_of_expression env expression in
let exit_success = Node.make_stmt env ~kind:ErlangExpression instructions in
let exit_failure = Node.make_nop env in
{start= exit_success; exit_success; exit_failure}
let store_instr =
Sil.Store {e1= result; root_typ= any; typ= any; e2= Var ret_var; loc= env.location}
let store_block = make_instruction_block env [store_instr] in
all_blocks env [expression_block; store_block]
let translate_body env body : block =
