@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module StrexpMatch : sig
type t
val find_path : sigma -> path -> t
(* * Find a strexp at the given path. Can raise [Not_found ] *)
(* * Find a strexp at the given path. Can raise [Not_found _s/Caml.Not_found ] *)
val find : Tenv . t -> sigma -> ( strexp_data -> bool ) -> t list
(* * Find a strexp with the given property. *)
@ -165,14 +165,14 @@ end = struct
(* * Store hpred using physical equality, and offset list for an array *)
type t = sigma * Predicates . hpred * syn_offset list
(* * Find an array at the given path. Can raise [Not_found ] *)
(* * Find an array at the given path. Can raise [Not_found _s/Caml.Not_found ] *)
let find_path sigma ( root , syn_offs ) : t =
let filter = function Predicates . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) -> Exp . equal root e | _ -> false in
let hpred = List . find_exn ~ f : filter sigma in
( sigma , hpred , syn_offs )
(* * Find a sub strexp with the given property. Can raise [Not_found ] *)
(* * Find a sub strexp with the given property. Can raise [Not_found _s/Caml.Not_found ] *)
let find tenv ( sigma : sigma ) ( pred : strexp_data -> bool ) : t list =
let found = ref [] in
let rec find_offset_sexp sigma_other hpred root offs se ( typ : Typ . t ) =
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ let blur_array_index tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (in
let sigma_fp' = StrexpMatch . replace_index tenv true matched_fp index fresh_index in
Prop . set p ~ sigma_fp : sigma_fp'
else Prop . expose p
with Caml . Not_found -> Prop . expose p
with Not_found_s _ | Caml . Not_found -> Prop . expose p
let p3 =
let matched = StrexpMatch . find_path p . Prop . sigma path in
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ let blur_array_index tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (in
prop_replace_path_index tenv p3 path map
Prop . normalize tenv p4
with Caml . Not_found -> p
with Not_found_s _ | Caml . Not_found -> p
(* * Given [p] containing an array at [root], blur [indices] in it *)
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ let keep_only_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (i
( sigma' , true )
| _ ->
( sigma , false )
with Caml . Not_found -> ( sigma , false )
with Not_found_s _ | Caml . Not_found -> ( sigma , false )
prop_update_sigma_and_fp_sigma tenv p prune_sigma