@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ open CFrontend_utils
(* run_frontend_checkers_on_stmt in CFrontend_error module.*)
(* - If it is a declaration invoke it from run_frontend_checkers_on_decl *)
type warning_desc = {
type issue_desc = {
name : string; (* name for the checker, this will be a kind of bug *)
description : string; (* Description in the error message *)
suggestion : string; (* an optional suggestion or correction *)
loc : Location.t; (* location in the code *)
kind : Exceptions.err_kind; (* issue kind *)
(* Helper functions *)
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ let assign_pointer_warning decl_info pname obj_c_property_decl_info =
suggestion = "Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`.";
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning
else None
@ -195,7 +197,9 @@ let strong_delegate_warning decl_info pname obj_c_property_decl_info =
description = "Property or ivar "^pname.Clang_ast_t.ni_name^" declared strong";
suggestion = "In general delegates should be declared weak or assign";
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info; }
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning
else None
(* GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INITIALIZED_WITH_FUNCTION_OR_METHOD_CALL warning: a global variable initialization should not *)
@ -216,7 +220,9 @@ let global_var_init_with_calls_warning decl =
description = "Global variable " ^ gvar ^
" is initialized using a function or method call";
suggestion = "If the function/method call is expensive, it can affect the starting time of the app.";
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info; }
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning
else None
(* Direct Atomic Property access:
@ -245,7 +251,8 @@ let direct_atomic_property_access_warning method_decl stmt_info ivar_decl_ref =
description = "Direct access to ivar " ^ ivar_name ^
" of an atomic property";
suggestion = "Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic";
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info; }
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning }
else None
| _ -> None
@ -267,7 +274,8 @@ let captured_cxx_ref_in_objc_block_warning stmt_info captured_vars =
" captured by Objective-C block";
suggestion = "C++ References are unmanaged and may be invalid " ^
"by the time the block executes.";
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info; }
loc = location_from_sinfo stmt_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning}
else None
@ -291,5 +299,6 @@ let checker_NSNotificationCenter decl_info decls =
name = Localise.to_string (Localise.registered_observer_being_deallocated);
description = Localise.registered_observer_being_deallocated_str CFrontend_config.self;
suggestion = "Consider removing the object from the notification center before its deallocation.";
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info; }
loc = location_from_dinfo decl_info;
kind = Exceptions.Kwarning }
else None