[sledge] Add flag to disable linking in the models

Sometimes the models for the C/C++ runtime and standard libraries are
not needed. Furthermore, sometimes, e.g. when analyzing llvm tests,
trying to link them fails.

Reviewed By: bennostein

Differential Revision: D17725616

fbshipit-source-id: 76a4bcf90
Josh Berdine 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent f699c9b9a8
commit 6ca09b14fd

@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Analyze code in a buck target. This is a convenience wrapper for the sequence `s
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-modules <file>] write list of bitcode files to <file>, or to standard
output if <file> is `-`
[-no-models] do not add models for C/C++ runtime and standard
[-preanalyze-globals] pre-analyze global variables used by each function
[-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
@ -137,6 +139,8 @@ Analyze code in one or more LLVM bitcode files. This is a convenience wrapper fo
[-fuzzer] add a harness for libFuzzer targets
[-llair-output <file>] write generated LLAIR to <file>
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-no-models] do not add models for C/C++ runtime and standard
[-preanalyze-globals] pre-analyze global variables used by each function
[-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
@ -158,6 +162,8 @@ Translate one or more LLVM bitcode files to LLAIR. Each <input> filename may be
[-fuzzer] add a harness for libFuzzer targets
[-llair-output <file>] write generated LLAIR to <file>
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-no-models] do not add models for C/C++ runtime and standard
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)

@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ module List = struct
| xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ;
Option.iter suf ~f:(Format.fprintf fs)
let pop_exn = function x :: xs -> (x, xs) | [] -> raise Caml.Not_found
let find_map_remove xs ~f =
let rec find_map_remove_ ys = function
| [] -> None

@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ module List : sig
-> 'a list pp
(** Pretty-print a list. *)
val pop_exn : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
val find_map_remove :
'a list -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> ('b * 'a list) option

@ -1333,45 +1333,40 @@ let transform : Llvm.llmodule -> unit =
Llvm.PassManager.run_module llmodule pm |> (ignore : bool -> _) ;
Llvm.PassManager.dispose pm
let link_in : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.lllinker -> string -> unit =
fun llcontext link_ctx bc_file ->
let read_and_parse llcontext bc_file =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%s" bc_file]
let read_and_parse bc_file =
let llmemorybuffer =
try Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file bc_file
with Llvm.IoError msg -> fail "%s: %s" bc_file msg ()
try Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext llmemorybuffer
with Llvm_irreader.Error msg -> invalid_llvm msg
let llmemorybuffer =
try Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file bc_file
with Llvm.IoError msg -> fail "%s: %s" bc_file msg ()
Llvm_linker.link_in link_ctx (read_and_parse bc_file)
( try Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext llmemorybuffer
with Llvm_irreader.Error msg -> invalid_llvm msg )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let translate ~fuzzer : string list -> Llair.t =
let link_in : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.lllinker -> string -> unit =
fun llcontext link_ctx bc_file ->
Llvm_linker.link_in link_ctx (read_and_parse llcontext bc_file)
let translate ~models ~fuzzer : string list -> Llair.t =
fun inputs ->
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "%a" (List.pp "@ " Format.pp_print_string) inputs]
Llvm.install_fatal_error_handler invalid_llvm ;
let llcontext = Llvm.global_context () in
let llmodule =
let model_memorybuffer =
(Option.value_exn (Model.read "/cxxabi.bc"))
Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext model_memorybuffer
( if fuzzer then
let lib_fuzzer_memorybuffer =
(Option.value_exn (Model.read "/lib_fuzzer_main.bc"))
Llvm_linker.link_modules' llmodule
(Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext lib_fuzzer_memorybuffer) ) ;
let input, inputs = List.pop_exn inputs in
let llmodule = read_and_parse llcontext input in
let link_ctx = Llvm_linker.get_linker llmodule in
List.iter inputs ~f:(link_in llcontext link_ctx) ;
List.iter ~f:(link_in llcontext link_ctx) inputs ;
let link_model_file name =
Llvm_linker.link_in link_ctx
(Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext
(Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_string (Option.value_exn (Model.read name))))
if models then link_model_file "/cxxabi.bc" ;
if fuzzer then link_model_file "/lib_fuzzer_main.bc" ;
Llvm_linker.linker_dispose link_ctx ;
assert (
Llvm_analysis.verify_module llmodule |> Option.for_all ~f:invalid_llvm

@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
exception Invalid_llvm of string
val translate : fuzzer:bool -> string list -> Llair.t
val translate : models:bool -> fuzzer:bool -> string list -> Llair.t
(** Translate the compilation units in the named (llvm or bitcode) files to
LLAIR. Attempts to raise [Invalid_llvm] when the input is invalid LLVM. *)

@ -130,11 +130,16 @@ let translate =
let%map_open llair_output =
flag "llair-output" (optional string)
~doc:"<file> write generated LLAIR to <file>"
and no_models =
flag "no-models" no_arg
~doc:"do not add models for C/C++ runtime and standard libraries"
and fuzzer =
flag "fuzzer" no_arg ~doc:"add a harness for libFuzzer targets"
fun bitcode_inputs () ->
let program = Frontend.translate ~fuzzer bitcode_inputs in
let program =
Frontend.translate ~models:(not no_models) ~fuzzer bitcode_inputs
Option.iter ~f:(marshal program) llair_output ;

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# executable to test
# additional arguments to pass to sledge
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ default: test
# all analyze tests
@find -L llvm -name '*.ll' -or -name '*.bc' \
| parallel --bar $(SLEDGE) llvm translate $(SLEDGE_ARGS)
| parallel --bar $(SLEDGE) llvm translate -no-models $(SLEDGE_ARGS)
@find -L llvm -name '*.out' \
@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ analyze: compile
# run all tests and generate code coverage information
@cd ..; dune build _build/coverage/src/sledge.exe
@cd ..; dune build _build/_install/coverage/bin/sledge
@mkdir -p $(BISECT_DIR)
@-$(MAKE) BISECT_FILE=$(BISECT_DIR)/bisect SLEDGE_EXE=$(CURDIR)/../_build/coverage/src/sledge.exe test -k
@find $(BISECT_DIR) -type f | xargs bisect-ppx-report -I ../_build/coverage/ -text ../_coverage/summary.txt -html ../_coverage/
@-$(MAKE) BISECT_FILE=$(BISECT_DIR)/bisect SLEDGE_EXE=$(CURDIR)/../_build/_install/coverage/bin/sledge test -k
@find $(BISECT_DIR) -type f | xargs bisect-ppx-report -I ../_build/_install/coverage/ -text ../_coverage/summary.txt -html ../_coverage/
@echo "open ../_coverage/index.html"
