[Uninit][5/13] Use callee_formals directly

Reviewed By: jeremydubreil

Differential Revision: D10250131

fbshipit-source-id: 528d1ee4b
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent fcf2ce1e8f
commit 6ca6de80c3

@ -61,13 +61,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let is_array t = match t.Typ.desc with Typ.Tarray _ -> true | _ -> false
let get_formals call =
match Ondemand.get_proc_desc call with
| Some proc_desc ->
Procdesc.get_formals proc_desc
| _ ->
let get_formals pname = Ondemand.get_proc_desc pname |> Option.map ~f:Procdesc.get_formals
let should_report_var pdesc tenv uninit_vars access_expr =
let base = AccessExpression.get_base access_expr in
@ -81,32 +75,31 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let nth_formal_param callee_pname idx =
let formals = get_formals callee_pname in
List.nth formals idx
get_formals callee_pname |> Option.bind ~f:(fun formals -> List.nth formals idx)
let function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param callee_pname idx =
match nth_formal_param callee_pname idx with Some (_, typ) -> Typ.is_pointer typ | _ -> false
let function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param callee_formals idx =
match List.nth callee_formals idx with Some (_, typ) -> Typ.is_pointer typ | _ -> false
let is_struct_field_passed_by_ref call t access_expr idx =
let is_struct_field_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx =
is_struct t
&& (not (AccessExpression.is_base access_expr))
&& function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param call idx
&& function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param callee_formals idx
let is_array_element_passed_by_ref call t access_expr idx =
let is_array_element_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx =
is_array t
&& (not (AccessExpression.is_base access_expr))
&& function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param call idx
&& function_expects_a_pointer_as_nth_param callee_formals idx
let is_fld_or_array_elem_passed_by_ref t access_expr idx call =
is_struct_field_passed_by_ref call t access_expr idx
|| is_array_element_passed_by_ref call t access_expr idx
let is_fld_or_array_elem_passed_by_ref t access_expr idx callee_formals =
is_struct_field_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx
|| is_array_element_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx
let report_on_function_params pdesc tenv uninit_vars actuals loc summary call =
let report_on_function_params pdesc tenv uninit_vars actuals loc summary callee_formals_opt =
~f:(fun idx e ->
match e with
@ -115,7 +108,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
should_report_var pdesc tenv uninit_vars access_expr
&& (not (Typ.is_pointer t))
&& not (is_struct_field_passed_by_ref call t access_expr idx)
&& not
(Option.exists callee_formals_opt ~f:(fun callee_formals ->
is_struct_field_passed_by_ref callee_formals t access_expr idx ))
then report_intra access_expr loc summary
else ()
| _ ->
@ -184,7 +179,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let is_dummy_constructor_of_a_struct call =
let is_dummy_constructor_of_struct =
match get_formals call with
| [(_, {Typ.desc= Typ.Tptr ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _}, _)})] ->
| Some [(_, {Typ.desc= Typ.Tptr ({Typ.desc= Tstruct _}, _)})] ->
| _ ->
@ -301,6 +296,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* in case of intraprocedural only analysis we assume that parameters passed by reference
to a function will be initialized inside that function *)
let pname_opt = match call with Direct pname -> Some pname | Indirect _ -> None in
let callee_formals_opt = Option.bind pname_opt ~f:get_formals in
let uninit_vars =
List.foldi ~init:astate.uninit_vars actuals ~f:(fun idx acc actual_exp ->
match actual_exp with
@ -314,9 +310,9 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
D.remove access_expr acc
| _, t
(* Access to a field of a struct or an element of an array by reference *)
when Option.value_map ~default:false
when Option.exists
~f:(is_fld_or_array_elem_passed_by_ref t access_expr idx)
pname_opt -> (
callee_formals_opt -> (
match pname_opt with
| Some pname when Config.uninit_interproc ->
remove_initialized_params pdesc pname acc idx access_expr_to_remove false
@ -344,9 +340,11 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| _ ->
acc )
Option.value_map ~default:()
~f:(report_on_function_params pdesc tenv uninit_vars actuals loc summary)
pname_opt ;
( match call with
| Direct _ ->
report_on_function_params pdesc tenv uninit_vars actuals loc summary callee_formals_opt
| Indirect _ ->
() ) ;
{astate with uninit_vars}
| Assume (expr, _, _, loc) ->
( match expr with
