@ -136,56 +136,59 @@ let issue_of_cost cost_info ~delta ~prev_cost ~curr_cost =
else if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_zero curr_cost then IssueType.zero_execution_time_call
else IssueType.performance_variation
let qualifier =
let pp_delta fmt delta =
match delta with
| `Decreased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decreased"
| `Increased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "increased"
if (not Config.filtering) || issue_type.IssueType.enabled then
let qualifier =
let pp_delta fmt delta =
match delta with
| `Decreased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decreased"
| `Increased ->
Format.fprintf fmt "increased"
let pp_raw_cost fmt cost_polynomial =
if Config.developer_mode then
Format.fprintf fmt " Cost is %a (degree is %a)" CostDomain.BasicCost.pp cost_polynomial
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree cost_polynomial
else ()
Format.asprintf "Complexity of this function has %a from %a to %a.%a"
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_bold pp_delta)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree_hum)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree_hum)
curr_cost pp_raw_cost curr_cost
let pp_raw_cost fmt cost_polynomial =
if Config.developer_mode then
Format.fprintf fmt " Cost is %a (degree is %a)" CostDomain.BasicCost.pp cost_polynomial
CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree cost_polynomial
else ()
let line = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.lnum in
let column = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.cnum in
let trace =
[Errlog.make_trace_element 0 {Location.line; col= column; file= source_file} "" []]
Format.asprintf "Complexity of this function has %a from %a to %a.%a"
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_bold pp_delta)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree_hum)
(MarkupFormatter.wrap_monospaced CostDomain.BasicCost.pp_degree_hum)
curr_cost pp_raw_cost curr_cost
let line = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.lnum in
let column = cost_info.Jsonbug_t.loc.cnum in
let trace =
[Errlog.make_trace_element 0 {Location.line; col= column; file= source_file} "" []]
let severity = Exceptions.Warning in
{ Jsonbug_j.bug_type= issue_type.IssueType.unique_id
; qualifier
; severity= Exceptions.severity_string severity
; visibility= Exceptions.string_of_visibility Exceptions.Exn_user
; line
; column
; procedure= cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_id
; procedure_start_line= 0
; file
; bug_trace= InferPrint.loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record trace severity
; key= ""
; node_key= None
; hash= cost_info.Jsonbug_t.hash
; dotty= None
; infer_source_loc= None
; bug_type_hum= issue_type.IssueType.hum
; linters_def_file= None
; doc_url= None
; traceview_id= None
; censored_reason= InferPrint.censored_reason issue_type source_file
; access= None
; extras= None }
let severity = Exceptions.Warning in
{ Jsonbug_j.bug_type= issue_type.IssueType.unique_id
; qualifier
; severity= Exceptions.severity_string severity
; visibility= Exceptions.string_of_visibility Exceptions.Exn_user
; line
; column
; procedure= cost_info.Jsonbug_t.procedure_id
; procedure_start_line= line
; file
; bug_trace= InferPrint.loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record trace severity
; key= ""
; node_key= None
; hash= cost_info.Jsonbug_t.hash
; dotty= None
; infer_source_loc= None
; bug_type_hum= issue_type.IssueType.hum
; linters_def_file= None
; doc_url= None
; traceview_id= None
; censored_reason= InferPrint.censored_reason issue_type source_file
; access= None
; extras= None }
else None
(** Differential of cost reports, based on degree variations.
@ -207,18 +210,18 @@ let of_costs ~(current_costs : Jsonbug_t.costs_report) ~(previous_costs : Jsonbu
let curr_cost_info, curr_cost = max_degree_polynomial current in
let _, prev_cost = max_degree_polynomial previous in
let cmp = CostDomain.BasicCost.compare_by_degree curr_cost prev_cost in
let concat_opt l v = match v with Some v' -> v' :: l | None -> l in
if cmp > 0 then
(* introduced *)
let left' =
let issue = issue_of_cost curr_cost_info ~delta:`Increased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost in
issue :: left
issue_of_cost curr_cost_info ~delta:`Increased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost |> concat_opt left
(left', both, right)
else if cmp < 0 then
(* fixed *)
let right' =
let issue = issue_of_cost curr_cost_info ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost in
issue :: right
issue_of_cost curr_cost_info ~delta:`Decreased ~prev_cost ~curr_cost
|> concat_opt right
(left, both, right')