Add "unnamed" (i.e. numbered) variables to syntax.

Rohan Jacob-Rao 10 years ago
parent 2dc796542a
commit 6dc20cd4e6

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
; Definition of main function
define i32 @main() {
ret i32 %0

@ -9,9 +9,13 @@
(** Representation of LLVM constructs *)
type variable_id =
| Name of string
| Number of int
type variable =
| Global of string
| Local of string
| Global of variable_id
| Local of variable_id
type constant =
| Cint of int
@ -42,4 +46,8 @@ type func_def = FuncDef of variable * typ option * (typ * string) list * instr l
type prog = Prog of func_def list
let string_of_variable : variable -> string = function
| Global str | Local str -> str
| Global var_id | Local var_id ->
begin match var_id with
| Name str -> str
| Number i -> string_of_int i

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ let comment = ';' [^ '\n']*
let nonzero_digit = ['1'-'9']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let pos_int = nonzero_digit digit*
let nonneg_int = '0' | pos_int
let intlit = '-'? digit+
let lower = ['a'-'z']
@ -150,9 +151,11 @@ rule token = parse
(*| "va_arg" { VA_ARG }*)
(*| "landingpad" { LANDINGPAD }*)
(* identifiers *)
| '@' (id as str) { GLOBAL str }
| '%' (id as str) { LOCAL str }
| '@' (id as str) { NAMED_GLOBAL str }
| '%' (id as str) { NAMED_LOCAL str }
| '@' (nonneg_int as i) { NUMBERED_GLOBAL (int_of_string i) }
| '%' (nonneg_int as i) { NUMBERED_LOCAL (int_of_string i) }
| id as str { IDENT str }
| eof { EOF }

@ -125,8 +125,10 @@
(*%token VA_ARG*)
(*%token LANDINGPAD*)
%token <string> GLOBAL
%token <string> LOCAL
%token <string> NAMED_GLOBAL
%token <string> NAMED_LOCAL
%token <int> NUMBERED_GLOBAL
%token <int> NUMBERED_LOCAL
%token <string> IDENT
%token EOF
@ -140,32 +142,32 @@
| defs=list(func_def) EOF { Prog defs }
| defs = list(func_def) EOF { Prog defs }
| DEFINE ret_tp=ret_typ name=variable LPAREN params=separated_list(COMMA, pair(typ, IDENT)) RPAREN instrs=block {
| DEFINE ret_tp = ret_typ name = variable LPAREN params = separated_list(COMMA, pair(typ, IDENT)) RPAREN instrs = block {
FuncDef (name, ret_tp, params, instrs) }
| VOID { None }
| tp=typ { Some tp }
| tp = typ { Some tp }
| tp=element_typ { tp }
| tp = element_typ { tp }
(*| X86_MMX { () }*)
| tp=vector_typ { tp }
| LSQBRACK sz=SIZE X tp=element_typ RSQBRACK { Tarray (sz, tp) } (* array type *)
| tp = vector_typ { tp }
| LSQBRACK sz = SIZE X tp = element_typ RSQBRACK { Tarray (sz, tp) } (* array type *)
| LABEL { Tlabel }
| METADATA { Tmetadata }
(* TODO structs *)
| LANGLE sz=SIZE X tp=element_typ RANGLE { Tvector (sz, tp) }
| LANGLE sz = SIZE X tp = element_typ RANGLE { Tvector (sz, tp) }
| width=INT { Tint width }
| width = INT { Tint width }
| floating_typ { Tfloat }
| tp=ptr_typ { Tptr tp }
| tp = ptr_typ { Tptr tp }
| HALF { () }
@ -176,23 +178,23 @@ floating_typ:
| PPC_FP128 { () }
| tp=typ STAR { tp }
| tp = typ STAR { tp }
| LBRACE instrs=list(instr) RBRACE { instrs }
| LBRACE instrs = list(instr) RBRACE { instrs }
| term=terminator { term }
| term = terminator { term }
| variable EQUALS binop { Ret None } (* TODO *)
| var=variable EQUALS LOAD tp=ptr_typ ptr=variable { Load (var, tp, ptr) }
| STORE val_tp=typ value=operand COMMA ptr_tp=ptr_typ var=variable { Store (value, val_tp, var) }
| var = variable EQUALS LOAD tp = ptr_typ ptr = variable { Load (var, tp, ptr) }
| STORE val_tp = typ value = operand COMMA ptr_tp = ptr_typ var = variable { Store (value, val_tp, var) }
(* don't yet know why val_tp and ptr_tp would be different *)
| RET tp=typ op=operand { Ret (Some (tp, op)) }
| RET tp = typ op = operand { Ret (Some (tp, op)) }
| RET VOID { Ret None }
| BR LABEL lbl=variable { UncondBranch lbl }
| BR BIT op=operand COMMA LABEL lbl1=variable COMMA LABEL lbl2=variable { CondBranch (op, lbl1, lbl2) }
| BR LABEL lbl = variable { UncondBranch lbl }
| BR BIT op = operand COMMA LABEL lbl1 = variable COMMA LABEL lbl2 = variable { CondBranch (op, lbl1, lbl2) }
| switch
| indirectbr
@ -237,13 +239,15 @@ binop_args:
(* below is fuzzy *)
| var=variable { Var var }
| const=constant { Const const }
| var = variable { Var var }
| const = constant { Const const }
| id=GLOBAL { Global id }
| id=LOCAL { Local id }
| name = NAMED_GLOBAL { Global (Name name) }
| name = NAMED_LOCAL { Local (Name name) }
| num = NUMBERED_GLOBAL { Global (Number num) }
| num = NUMBERED_LOCAL { Local (Number num) }
| i=CONSTINT { Cint i }
| i = CONSTINT { Cint i }
| NULL { Cnull }
