@ -86,24 +86,40 @@ end
(** represents the inferred pre-condition at each program point, biabduction style *)
module PreDomain : BaseDomainSig = PostDomain
module PostStatus = struct
type t = ISLOk | ISLError [@@deriving equal]
let pp f s =
match s with
| ISLOk ->
F.pp_print_string f "ISLOk:"
| ISLError ->
F.pp_print_string f "ISLError:"
(** biabduction-style pre/post state + skipped calls *)
type t =
{ post: PostDomain.t (** state at the current program point*)
; pre: PreDomain.t (** inferred pre at the current program point *)
; topl: (PulseTopl.state[@yojson.opaque])
; skipped_calls: SkippedCalls.t (** set of skipped calls *)
; path_condition: PathCondition.t }
; path_condition: PathCondition.t
; isl_status: (PostStatus.t[@yojson.opaque]) }
[@@deriving yojson_of]
let pp f {post; pre; topl; path_condition; skipped_calls} =
F.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@;TOPL=%a@]" PathCondition.pp path_condition
PostDomain.pp post PreDomain.pp pre SkippedCalls.pp skipped_calls PulseTopl.pp_state topl
let pp f {post; pre; topl; path_condition; skipped_calls; isl_status} =
F.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@;%a@;%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@;TOPL=%a@]" PathCondition.pp
path_condition PostStatus.pp isl_status PostDomain.pp post PreDomain.pp pre SkippedCalls.pp
skipped_calls PulseTopl.pp_state topl
let set_isl_error_status astate = {astate with isl_status= PostStatus.ISLError}
let set_path_condition path_condition astate = {astate with path_condition}
let leq ~lhs ~rhs =
SkippedCalls.leq ~lhs:lhs.skipped_calls ~rhs:rhs.skipped_calls
&& PostStatus.equal lhs.isl_status rhs.isl_status
BaseDomain.isograph_map BaseDomain.empty_mapping
@ -154,7 +170,8 @@ module Stack = struct
; pre
; topl= astate.topl
; skipped_calls= astate.skipped_calls
; path_condition= astate.path_condition }
; path_condition= astate.path_condition
; isl_status= astate.isl_status }
, addr_hist )
@ -271,6 +288,53 @@ module AddressAttributes = struct
let find_opt address astate =
BaseAddressAttributes.find_opt address (astate.post :> base_domain).attrs
let check_valid_isl access_trace addr ?(null_noop = false) astate =
L.d_printfln "*****check_valid_isl: addr*** %a@\n" AbstractValue.pp addr ;
match BaseAddressAttributes.get_invalid addr (astate.post :> BaseDomain.t).attrs with
| None -> (
BaseAddressAttributes.get_must_be_valid_or_allocated_isl addr
(astate.post :> BaseDomain.t).attrs
| None ->
let is_eq_null = PathCondition.is_known_zero astate.path_condition addr in
let null_astates =
if PathCondition.is_known_neq_zero astate.path_condition addr then []
let null_attr =
Attribute.Invalid (Invalidation.ConstantDereference IntLit.zero, access_trace)
let null_astate =
{astate with isl_status= (if null_noop then astate.isl_status else ISLError)}
|> add_one addr null_attr
let null_astate =
if is_eq_null then null_astate else abduce_attribute addr null_attr null_astate
if is_eq_null then Ok null_astates
let valid_astate =
let abdalloc = Attribute.ISLAbduced access_trace in
let valid_attr = Attribute.MustBeValid access_trace in
add_one addr abdalloc astate |> abduce_attribute addr valid_attr
|> abduce_attribute addr abdalloc
let invalid_free =
(*C or Cpp?*)
let invalid_attr = Attribute.Invalid (CFree, access_trace) in
{astate with isl_status= ISLError}
|> abduce_attribute addr invalid_attr
|> add_one addr invalid_attr
Ok ([valid_astate; invalid_free] @ null_astates)
| Some _ ->
Ok [astate] )
| Some (invalidation, invalidation_trace) ->
Error (invalidation, invalidation_trace, {astate with isl_status= ISLError})
module Memory = struct
@ -314,7 +378,8 @@ module Memory = struct
; pre= PreDomain.update astate.pre ~heap:foot_heap
; topl= astate.topl
; skipped_calls= astate.skipped_calls
; path_condition= astate.path_condition }
; path_condition= astate.path_condition
; isl_status= astate.isl_status }
, addr_hist_dst )
@ -361,31 +426,58 @@ let mk_initial proc_desc =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let location = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let formals_and_captured =
let init_var mangled =
let init_var mangled typ =
let pvar = Pvar.mk mangled proc_name in
(Var.of_pvar pvar, (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [ValueHistory.FormalDeclared (pvar, location)]))
( Var.of_pvar pvar
, typ
, (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [ValueHistory.FormalDeclared (pvar, location)]) )
let formals =
Procdesc.get_formals proc_desc |> List.map ~f:(fun (mangled, _) -> init_var mangled)
Procdesc.get_formals proc_desc |> List.map ~f:(fun (mangled, typ) -> init_var mangled typ)
let captured =
Procdesc.get_captured proc_desc |> List.map ~f:(fun {CapturedVar.name} -> init_var name)
Procdesc.get_captured proc_desc
|> List.map ~f:(fun {CapturedVar.name; CapturedVar.typ} -> init_var name typ)
captured @ formals
let initial_stack =
List.fold formals_and_captured ~init:(PreDomain.empty :> BaseDomain.t).stack
~f:(fun stack (formal, addr_loc) -> BaseStack.add formal addr_loc stack)
~f:(fun stack (formal, _, addr_loc) -> BaseStack.add formal addr_loc stack)
let pre =
let initial_heap =
List.fold formals_and_captured ~init:(PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).heap
~f:(fun heap (_, (addr, _)) -> BaseMemory.register_address addr heap)
let initial_heap =
let register heap (_, _, (addr, _)) = BaseMemory.register_address addr heap in
let isl_register_and_add_edge heap ((_, typ, (addr, _)) as arg) =
let heap = register heap arg in
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tptr _ ->
let addr_dst = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
BaseMemory.add_edge addr Dereference (addr_dst, []) heap
|> BaseMemory.register_address addr_dst
| _ ->
PreDomain.update ~stack:initial_stack ~heap:initial_heap PreDomain.empty
List.fold formals_and_captured ~init:(PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).heap
~f:(if Config.pulse_isl then isl_register_and_add_edge else register)
let initial_attrs =
if Config.pulse_isl then
List.fold formals_and_captured ~init:(PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).attrs
~f:(fun attrs (_, _, (addr, _)) ->
BaseAddressAttributes.add_one addr (MustBeValid (Immediate {location; history= []})) attrs )
else (PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).attrs
let pre =
PreDomain.update ~stack:initial_stack ~heap:initial_heap ~attrs:initial_attrs PreDomain.empty
let locals = Procdesc.get_locals proc_desc in
let post = PostDomain.update ~stack:initial_stack PostDomain.empty in
let initial_heap, initial_attrs =
if Config.pulse_isl then (initial_heap, initial_attrs)
else ((PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).heap, (PreDomain.empty :> base_domain).attrs)
let post =
PostDomain.update ~stack:initial_stack ~heap:initial_heap ~attrs:initial_attrs PostDomain.empty
let post =
List.fold locals ~init:post ~f:(fun (acc : PostDomain.t) {ProcAttributes.name; typ} ->
set_uninitialized_post (`LocalDecl (Pvar.mk name proc_name, None)) typ location acc )
@ -394,7 +486,8 @@ let mk_initial proc_desc =
; post
; topl= PulseTopl.start ()
; skipped_calls= SkippedCalls.empty
; path_condition= PathCondition.true_ }
; path_condition= PathCondition.true_
; isl_status= ISLOk }
let add_skipped_call pname trace astate =
@ -435,7 +528,10 @@ let discard_unreachable ({pre; post} as astate) =
let is_local var astate = not (Var.is_return var || Stack.is_abducible astate var)
let set_post_edges addr edges astate = Memory.map_post_heap astate ~f:(BaseMemory.add addr edges)
let set_post_edges addr edges astate =
if BaseMemory.Edges.is_empty edges then astate
else Memory.map_post_heap astate ~f:(BaseMemory.add addr edges)
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)