[pulse] change constants to be rationals

These are the only ones we need, it turns out the other types (string,
proc names, ...) were dead code. The changes the integer constants to
rational constants, to match the domain of the linear arithmetic engine.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D23164136

fbshipit-source-id: 755c3f526
Jules Villard 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 3fdf66dd11
commit 6fae5f641e

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ val eq : t -> t -> bool
val of_int : int -> t
val of_big_int : Z.t -> t
val of_big_int : Z.t -> t [@@warning "-32"]
val of_int32 : int32 -> t

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of Var.t
are kept as a last-resort for when outside that fragment. *)
module Term = struct
type t =
| Const of Const.t
| Const of Q.t
| Var of Var.t
| Add of t * t
| Minus of t
@ -42,12 +42,11 @@ module Term = struct
let equal_syntax = [%compare.equal: t]
let needs_paren = function
| Const (Cint i) when IntLit.isnegative i ->
| Const (Cfloat _) ->
| Const (Cint _ | Cfun _ | Cstr _ | Cclass _) ->
| Const c when Q.geq c Q.zero && Z.equal (Q.den c) Z.one ->
(* nonnegative integer *)
| Const _ ->
(* negative and/or a fraction *) true
| Var _ ->
| Minus _
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ module Term = struct
| Var v ->
pp_var fmt v
| Const c ->
Const.pp Pp.text fmt c
Q.pp_print fmt c
| Minus t ->
F.fprintf fmt "-%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t
| BitNot t ->
@ -122,20 +121,13 @@ module Term = struct
F.fprintf fmt "%a≠%a" (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t1 (pp_paren pp_var ~needs_paren) t2
let of_absval v = Var v
let of_intlit i = Const (Cint i)
let of_intlit i = Const (Q.of_bigint (IntLit.to_big_int i))
let of_operand = function
| AbstractValueOperand v ->
of_absval v
| LiteralOperand i ->
of_intlit i
let of_operand = function AbstractValueOperand v -> Var v | LiteralOperand i -> of_intlit i
let one = Const Q.one
let one = of_intlit IntLit.one
let zero = of_intlit IntLit.zero
let zero = Const Q.zero
let of_unop (unop : Unop.t) t =
match unop with Neg -> Minus t | BNot -> BitNot t | LNot -> Not t
@ -181,9 +173,9 @@ module Term = struct
Or (t1, t2)
let is_zero = function Const c -> Const.iszero_int_float c | _ -> false
let is_zero = function Const c -> Q.equal c Q.zero | _ -> false
let is_non_zero_const = function Const c -> not (Const.iszero_int_float c) | _ -> false
let is_non_zero_const = function Const c -> not (Q.equal c Q.zero) | _ -> false
(** Fold [f] on the strict sub-terms of [t], if any. Preserve physical equality if [f] does. *)
let fold_map_direct_subterms t ~init ~f =
@ -398,55 +390,55 @@ module Atom = struct
| Minus (Minus t) ->
(* [--t = t] *)
| Minus (Const (Cint i)) ->
(* [-i = -1*i] *)
Const (Cint (IntLit.(mul minus_one) i))
| Minus (Const c) ->
(* [-c = -1*c] *)
Const (Q.(mul minus_one) c)
| BitNot (BitNot t) ->
(* [~~t = t] *)
| Not (Const c) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Not (Const c) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [!0 = 1] *)
| Not (Const c) when Const.isone_int_float c ->
| Not (Const c) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
(* [!1 = 0] *)
| Add (Const (Cint i1), Const (Cint i2)) ->
| Add (Const c1, Const c2) ->
(* constants *)
Const (Cint (IntLit.add i1 i2))
| Add (Const c, t) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
Const (Q.add c1 c2)
| Add (Const c, t) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [0 + t = t] *)
| Add (t, Const c) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Add (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [t + 0 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, t) when Const.isone_int_float c ->
| Mult (Const c, t) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
(* [1 × t = t] *)
| Mult (t, Const c) when Const.isone_int_float c ->
| Mult (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
(* [t × 1 = t] *)
| Mult (Const c, _) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Mult (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [0 × t = 0] *)
| Mult (_, Const c) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Mult (_, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [t × 0 = 0] *)
| Div (Const c, _) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Div (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [0 / t = 0] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Const.isone_int_float c ->
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.one ->
(* [t / 1 = t] *)
| Div (t, Const c) when Const.isminusone_int_float c ->
| Div (t, Const c) when Q.equal c Q.minus_one ->
(* [t / (-1) = -t] *)
eval_term (Minus t)
| Div (Minus t1, Minus t2) ->
(* [(-t1) / (-t2) = t1 / t2] *)
eval_term (Div (t1, t2))
| Mod (Const c, _) when Const.iszero_int_float c ->
| Mod (Const c, _) when Q.equal c Q.zero ->
(* [0 % t = 0] *)
| Mod (_, Const (Cint i)) when IntLit.isone i ->
| Mod (_, Const q) when Q.equal q Q.one ->
(* [t % 1 = 0] *)
| Mod (t1, t2) when equal_syntax t1 t2 ->
@ -485,16 +477,16 @@ module Atom = struct
and eval_atom (atom : t) =
let t1, t2 = get_terms atom in
match (t1, t2) with
| Const (Cint i1), Const (Cint i2) -> (
| Const c1, Const c2 -> (
match atom with
| Equal _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (IntLit.eq i1 i2)
eval_result_of_bool (Q.equal c1 c2)
| NotEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (IntLit.neq i1 i2)
eval_result_of_bool (not (Q.equal c1 c2))
| LessEqual _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (IntLit.leq i1 i2)
eval_result_of_bool (Q.leq c1 c2)
| LessThan _ ->
eval_result_of_bool (IntLit.lt i1 i2) )
eval_result_of_bool (Q.lt c1 c2) )
| _ ->
if Term.equal_syntax t1 t2 then
match atom with
@ -883,17 +875,15 @@ end = struct
(Sat {phi0 with linear_eqs= Var.Map.empty})
let z_of_q q = match Q.to_bigint q with z -> Some z | exception _ -> None
let normalize_atom phi (atom : Atom.t) =
let normalize_term phi t =
Term.map_variables t ~f:(fun v ->
let v_canon = (VarUF.find phi.var_eqs v :> Var.t) in
let z_opt =
let q_opt =
let open Option.Monad_infix in
Var.Map.find_opt v_canon phi.linear_eqs >>= LinArith.get_as_const >>= z_of_q
Var.Map.find_opt v_canon phi.linear_eqs >>= LinArith.get_as_const
match z_opt with None -> Var v_canon | Some z -> Term.of_intlit (IntLit.of_big_int z) )
match q_opt with None -> Var v_canon | Some q -> Const q )
let atom' = Atom.map_terms atom ~f:(fun t -> normalize_term phi t) in
match Atom.eval atom' with
@ -955,7 +945,7 @@ let and_equal_unop v (op : Unop.t) x phi =
| Neg ->
Normalizer.and_var_linarith v LinArith.(minus (of_operand x)) phi
| BNot | LNot ->
Sat (and_atom (Equal (Term.of_absval v, Term.of_unop op (Term.of_operand x))) phi)
Sat (and_atom (Equal (Term.Var v, Term.of_unop op (Term.of_operand x))) phi)
let and_equal_binop v (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
@ -985,7 +975,7 @@ let and_equal_binop v (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
| LOr ->
(Equal (Term.of_absval v, Term.of_binop bop (Term.of_operand x) (Term.of_operand y)))
(Equal (Term.Var v, Term.of_binop bop (Term.of_operand x) (Term.of_operand y)))
