@ -16,10 +16,30 @@ type t =
val pp : t pp
val solvables : Trm.t -> Trm.t iter
(** The maximal noninterpreted terms (according to {!is_noninterpreted})
occurring in a term. Note that for noninterpreted terms, this is the
single term itself. *)
val solvable_trms : Trm.t -> Trm.t iter
(** The solvables of immediate subterms. That is, maximal noninterpreted
strict subterms. *)
val map_solvables : Trm.t -> f:(Trm.t -> Trm.t) -> Trm.t
(** Map over the {!solvables}. *)
type kind = InterpApp | NonInterpAtom | InterpAtom | UninterpApp
[@@deriving compare, equal]
val classify : Trm.t -> kind
val is_noninterpreted : Trm.t -> bool
(** Test if a term is either a variable ({!Trm.Var}) or an uninterpreted
function symbol application ({!Trm.Apply} or {!Trm.Arith} when
[{!Trm.Arith.classify} a = Uninterpreted]). That is, is not an
interpreted function symbol application (including constants and nullary
applications). *)
val is_interpreted : Trm.t -> bool
val is_uninterpreted : Trm.t -> bool
val prefer : Trm.t -> Trm.t -> int