@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type extras = FormalMap . t
let rec get_access_exp = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr ->
Some access_expr
| HilExp . Cast ( _ , e ) | HilExp . Exception e ->
get_access_exp e
| _ ->
let add_access formals loc ~ is_write_access locks threads ownership
( proc_data : extras ProcData . t ) access_domain exp =
let open Domain in
@ -54,7 +63,10 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let make_container_access formals ret_base callee_pname ~ is_write receiver_ap callee_loc tenv
( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
if RacerDModels . is_synchronized_container callee_pname receiver_ap tenv then None
AttributeMapDomain . is_synchronized astate . attribute_map receiver_ap
| | RacerDModels . is_synchronized_container callee_pname receiver_ap tenv
then None
let ownership_pre = OwnershipDomain . get_owned receiver_ap astate . ownership in
let callee_access =
@ -81,14 +93,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let open Domain in
if AccessDomain . is_empty accesses then accesses
let rec get_access_exp = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_expr ->
Some access_expr
| HilExp . Cast ( _ , e ) | HilExp . Exception e ->
get_access_exp e
| _ ->
let formal_map = FormalMap . make pdesc in
let expand_exp exp =
match FormalMap . get_formal_index ( AccessExpression . get_base exp ) formal_map with
@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
AccessDomain . fold update_callee_access callee_accesses caller_astate . accesses
let call_without_summary callee_pname ret_base call_flags actuals astate =
let call_without_summary tenv callee_pname ret_base call_flags actuals astate =
let open RacerDModels in
let open RacerDDomain in
let should_assume_returns_ownership callee_pname ( call_flags : CallFlags . t ) actuals =
@ -187,6 +191,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
astate . ownership
{ astate with ownership }
else if RacerDModels . is_synchronized_container_constructor tenv callee_pname actuals then
List . hd actuals | > Option . bind ~ f : get_access_exp
| > Option . value_map ~ default : astate ~ f : ( fun receiver ->
let attribute_map =
AttributeMapDomain . add receiver Synchronized astate . attribute_map
{ astate with attribute_map } )
else astate
@ -305,7 +316,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{ locks ; threads ; accesses ; ownership ; attribute_map }
| None ->
call_without_summary callee_pname ret_base call_flags actuals astate )
call_without_summary tenv callee_pname ret_base call_flags actuals astate )
let add_if_annotated predicate attribute attribute_map =
if PatternMatch . override_exists predicate tenv callee_pname then
@ -375,7 +386,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
if bool_value then ThreadsDomain . AnyThreadButSelf else ThreadsDomain . AnyThread
{ acc with threads }
| Attribute . ( Functional | Nothing ) ->
| Attribute . ( Functional | Nothing | Synchronized ) ->
let accesses =
@ -389,7 +400,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| > Option . value_map ~ default : astate ~ f : ( fun bool_value ->
(* prune ( prune_exp ) can only evaluate to true if the choice is [bool_value].
add the constraint that the choice must be [ bool_value ] to the state * )
AttributeMapDomain . find access_expr astate . attribute_map
AttributeMapDomain . get access_expr astate . attribute_map
| > apply_choice bool_value astate )
| _ ->
@ -424,6 +435,67 @@ end
module Analyzer = LowerHil . MakeAbstractInterpreter ( TransferFunctions ( ProcCfg . Normal ) )
(* * Compute the attributes ( of static variables ) set up by the class initializer. *)
let set_class_init_attributes summary ( astate : RacerDDomain . t ) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let attribute_map =
ConcurrencyUtils . get_java_class_initializer_summary_of summary
| > Option . bind ~ f : Payload . of_summary
| > Option . value_map ~ default : AttributeMapDomain . top ~ f : ( fun summary -> summary . attributes )
( { astate with attribute_map } : t )
(* * Compute the attributes of instance variables that all constructors agree on. *)
let set_constructor_attributes tenv summary ( astate : RacerDDomain . t ) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let procname = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
(* make a local [this] variable, for replacing all constructor attribute map keys' roots *)
let local_this = Pvar . mk Mangled . this procname | > Var . of_pvar in
let make_local exp =
(* contract here matches that of [StarvationDomain.summary_of_astate] *)
let var , typ = HilExp . AccessExpression . get_base exp in
if Var . is_global var then
(* let expressions rooted at globals unchanged, these are probably from class initialiser *)
else (
assert ( Var . is_this var ) ;
HilExp . AccessExpression . replace_base ~ remove_deref_after_base : false ( local_this , typ ) exp )
let localize_attrs attributes =
AttributeMapDomain . ( fold ( fun exp attr acc -> add ( make_local exp ) attr acc ) attributes empty )
let attribute_map =
ConcurrencyUtils . get_java_constructor_summaries_of tenv summary
| > List . filter_map ~ f : Payload . of_summary
(* make instances of [this] local to the current procedure and select only the attributes *)
| > List . map ~ f : ( fun ( summary : summary ) -> localize_attrs summary . attributes )
(* join all the attribute maps together *)
| > List . reduce ~ f : AttributeMapDomain . join
| > Option . value ~ default : AttributeMapDomain . top
{ astate with attribute_map }
let set_initial_attributes tenv summary astate =
let procname = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
match procname with
| Procname . Java java_pname when Procname . Java . is_class_initializer java_pname ->
(* we are analyzing the class initializer, don't go through on-demand again *)
| Procname . Java java_pname when Procname . Java . ( is_constructor java_pname | | is_static java_pname )
(* analyzing a constructor or static method, so we need the attributes established by the
class initializer * )
set_class_init_attributes summary astate
| Procname . Java _ ->
(* we are analyzing an instance method, so we need constructor-established attributes
which will include those by the class initializer * )
set_constructor_attributes tenv summary astate
| _ ->
let analyze_procedure { Callbacks . exe_env ; summary } =
let open RacerDDomain in
let proc_desc = Summary . get_proc_desc summary in
@ -480,11 +552,11 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
add_owned_formal acc base
else add_conditionally_owned_formal acc base index )
let initial = { bottom with ownership ; threads ; locks } in
let initial = set_initial_attributes tenv summary { bottom with ownership ; threads ; locks } in
let formal_map = FormalMap . make proc_desc in
let proc_data = ProcData . make summary tenv formal_map in
Analyzer . compute_post proc_data ~ initial
| > Option . map ~ f : ( astate_to_summary proc_desc )
| > Option . map ~ f : ( astate_to_summary proc_desc formal_map )
| > Option . value_map ~ default : summary ~ f : ( fun post -> Payload . update_summary post summary )
else Payload . update_summary empty_summary summary