[nullsafe] Rename TypeAnnotation to InferredNullability

Now, after series of modifications with TypeAnnotation, we are ready to
rename it to reflect what it means in the code.

See the documentation in the class for details.

- renamed methods for clarity
- added some documentation
- renamed local variables around the usages

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D17480799

fbshipit-source-id: d4408887a
Mitya Lyubarskiy 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 361e11b3be
commit 74c8629d13

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
open! IStd
(** Module to represent annotations on types. *)
type t = {is_nullable: bool; origin: TypeOrigin.t} [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ let origin_is_fun_library ta =
let const_nullable is_nullable origin = {origin; is_nullable}
let create ~is_nullable origin = {origin; is_nullable}
let with_origin ta o = {ta with origin= o}

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Module to represent nullability of expressions inferred during
flow-sensitive symbolic execution.
NOTE: This module is complementaty to {!NullsafeType.nullability}.
{!NullsafeType} contains info about _formal_ nullability
(what does the code say about nullability of a given type, according to
explicit annotations and implicit agreements (e.g. models)).
In contrast, InferredNullability represents what Nullsafe thinks about such and such
expression according to its type inference rules.
type t [@@deriving compare]
val create : is_nullable:bool -> TypeOrigin.t -> t
val descr_origin : t -> TypeErr.origin_descr
(** Human-readable description of the origin of a value.
(How did nullsafe infer the nullability )
val from_nullsafe_type : NullsafeType.t -> TypeOrigin.t -> t
(** Convert formal type to inferred nullability.
(e.g. to infer nullability of `o` in `Object o = someFunction();`
based on `someFunction()` formal return type.
val get_origin : t -> TypeOrigin.t
(** The simple explanation of how was nullability inferred. *)
val is_nullable : t -> bool
val join : t -> t -> t option
(** This is what happens with nullability when we join two flows in CFG,
if(something) {
a = e1;
} else {
a = e2;
// what is nullability of `a` at this point?
val origin_is_fun_library : t -> bool
val set_nullable : bool -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val with_origin : t -> TypeOrigin.t -> t
(** Leave the same nullability, but change the origin *)

@ -34,11 +34,13 @@ module MkCallback (Extension : ExtensionT) : CallBackT = struct
annotated_signature linereader proc_loc : bool * TypeState.t option =
let add_formal typestate (param_signature : AnnotatedSignature.param_signature) =
let pvar = Pvar.mk param_signature.mangled curr_pname in
let ta =
let inferred_nullability =
let origin = TypeOrigin.Formal param_signature.mangled in
TypeAnnotation.from_nullsafe_type param_signature.param_nullsafe_type origin
InferredNullability.from_nullsafe_type param_signature.param_nullsafe_type origin
TypeState.add pvar (param_signature.param_nullsafe_type.typ, ta, []) typestate
TypeState.add pvar
(param_signature.param_nullsafe_type.typ, inferred_nullability, [])
let get_initial_typestate () =
let typestate_empty = TypeState.empty in

@ -45,20 +45,20 @@ let is_virtual = function
(** Check an access (read or write) to a field. *)
let check_field_access tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname node instr_ref exp fname ta loc :
unit =
if TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta then
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin ta in
let check_field_access tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname node instr_ref exp fname
inferred_nullability loc : unit =
if InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability then
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin inferred_nullability in
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
(TypeErr.Null_field_access (explain_expr tenv node exp, fname, origin_descr, false))
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pname
(** Check an access to an array *)
let check_array_access tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname node instr_ref array_exp fname ta
loc indexed =
if TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta then
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin ta in
let check_array_access tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname node instr_ref array_exp fname
inferred_nullability loc indexed =
if InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability then
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin inferred_nullability in
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
(TypeErr.Null_field_access (explain_expr tenv node array_exp, fname, origin_descr, indexed))
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pname
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ type from_call =
let equal_from_call = [%compare.equal: from_call]
(** Check the normalized "is zero" or "is not zero" condition of a prune instruction. *)
let check_condition tenv case_zero find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node e typ ta true_branch
from_call idenv linereader loc instr_ref : unit =
let check_condition tenv case_zero find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node e typ
inferred_nullability true_branch from_call idenv linereader loc instr_ref : unit =
let contains_instanceof_throwable pdesc node =
(* Check if the current procedure has a catch Throwable. *)
(* That always happens in the bytecode generated by try-with-resources. *)
@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ let check_condition tenv case_zero find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node e ty
let is_temp = Idenv.exp_is_temp idenv e in
let should_report =
(not (TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta))
(not (InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability))
&& Config.eradicate_condition_redundant && true_branch && (not is_temp)
&& PatternMatch.type_is_class typ
&& (not (from_try_with_resources ()))
&& equal_from_call from_call From_condition
&& not (TypeAnnotation.origin_is_fun_library ta)
&& not (InferredNullability.origin_is_fun_library inferred_nullability)
let is_always_true = not case_zero in
if should_report then
@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ let check_field_assignment tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node instr_r
exp_lhs exp_rhs typ loc fname field_type_opt typecheck_expr : unit =
let curr_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in
let curr_pattrs = Procdesc.get_attributes curr_pdesc in
let t_lhs, ta_lhs, _ =
let t_lhs, inferred_nullability_lhs, _ =
typecheck_expr node instr_ref curr_pdesc typestate exp_lhs
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
let _, ta_rhs, _ =
let _, inferred_nullability_rhs, _ =
typecheck_expr node instr_ref curr_pdesc typestate exp_rhs
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
let field_is_injector_readwrite () =
@ -167,14 +167,15 @@ let check_field_assignment tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node instr_r
let should_report_nullable =
(not (AndroidFramework.is_destroy_method curr_pname))
&& (not (TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta_lhs))
&& TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta_rhs && PatternMatch.type_is_class t_lhs
&& (not (InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability_lhs))
&& InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability_rhs
&& PatternMatch.type_is_class t_lhs
&& (not (Typ.Fieldname.Java.is_outer_instance fname))
&& (not (field_is_injector_readwrite ()))
&& not (field_is_in_cleanup_context ())
if should_report_nullable then
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin ta_rhs in
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin inferred_nullability_rhs in
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
(TypeErr.Field_annotation_inconsistent (fname, origin_descr))
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pdesc
@ -222,12 +223,13 @@ let check_constructor_initialization tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname cu
| _ ->
final_type_annotation_with false (Lazy.force final_initializer_typestates) (fun ta ->
origin_is_initialized (TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta) )
final_type_annotation_with false (Lazy.force final_initializer_typestates)
(fun nullability ->
origin_is_initialized (InferredNullability.get_origin nullability) )
let may_be_nullable_in_final_typestate () =
final_type_annotation_with true (Lazy.force final_constructor_typestates) (fun ta ->
TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta )
InferredNullability.is_nullable ta )
let should_check_field_initialization =
let in_current_class =
@ -281,9 +283,9 @@ let check_return_annotation tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc ret_range
| _ ->
false ->
| Some (_, final_ta, _) ->
let is_final_nullable = TypeAnnotation.is_nullable final_ta in
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin final_ta in
| Some (_, final_inferred_nullability, _) ->
let is_final_nullable = InferredNullability.is_nullable final_inferred_nullability in
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin final_inferred_nullability in
let return_not_nullable =
is_final_nullable && (not ret_annotated_nullable) && not ret_implicitly_nullable
@ -306,15 +308,15 @@ let check_call_receiver tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node typestate
callee_pname (instr_ref : TypeErr.InstrRef.t) loc typecheck_expr : unit =
match call_params with
| ((original_this_e, this_e), typ) :: _ ->
let _, this_ta, _ =
let _, this_inferred_nullability, _ =
typecheck_expr tenv node instr_ref curr_pdesc typestate this_e
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [])
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [])
let null_method_call = TypeAnnotation.is_nullable this_ta in
let null_method_call = InferredNullability.is_nullable this_inferred_nullability in
if null_method_call then
let descr = explain_expr tenv node original_this_e in
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin this_ta in
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin this_inferred_nullability in
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
(TypeErr.Call_receiver_annotation_inconsistent (descr, callee_pname, origin_descr))
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pdesc
@ -324,16 +326,16 @@ let check_call_receiver tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node typestate
type resolved_param =
{ num: int
; formal: Mangled.t * TypeAnnotation.t * Typ.t
; actual: Exp.t * TypeAnnotation.t
; formal: Mangled.t * InferredNullability.t * Typ.t
; actual: Exp.t * InferredNullability.t
; is_formal_propagates_nullable: bool }
(** Check the parameters of a call. *)
let check_call_parameters tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node callee_attributes
resolved_params loc instr_ref : unit =
let callee_pname = callee_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in
let check {num= param_num; formal= s1, annotation_formal, t1; actual= orig_e2, annotation_actual}
let check
{num= param_num; formal= s1, nullability_formal, t1; actual= orig_e2, nullability_actual} =
let report () =
let description =
match explain_expr tenv node orig_e2 with
@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ let check_call_parameters tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node callee_a
| None ->
"formal parameter " ^ Mangled.to_string s1
let origin_descr = TypeAnnotation.descr_origin annotation_actual in
let origin_descr = InferredNullability.descr_origin nullability_actual in
let callee_loc = callee_attributes.ProcAttributes.loc in
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
@ -350,8 +352,8 @@ let check_call_parameters tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node callee_a
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pdesc
if PatternMatch.type_is_class t1 then
let is_nullable_formal = TypeAnnotation.is_nullable annotation_formal in
let is_nullable_actual = TypeAnnotation.is_nullable annotation_actual in
let is_nullable_formal = InferredNullability.is_nullable nullability_formal in
let is_nullable_actual = InferredNullability.is_nullable nullability_actual in
if (not is_nullable_formal) && is_nullable_actual then report ()
let should_check_parameters =

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Nodule to represent annotations on types. *)
type t [@@deriving compare]
val const_nullable : bool -> TypeOrigin.t -> t
val descr_origin : t -> TypeErr.origin_descr
(** Human-readable description of the origin of a nullable value. *)
val from_nullsafe_type : NullsafeType.t -> TypeOrigin.t -> t
val get_origin : t -> TypeOrigin.t
val is_nullable : t -> bool
val join : t -> t -> t option
val origin_is_fun_library : t -> bool
val set_nullable : bool -> t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val with_origin : t -> TypeOrigin.t -> t

@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ let rec typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate visited checks tenv node instr_r
(curr_pdesc : Procdesc.t) typestate e tr_default loc : TypeState.range =
match e with
| _ when Exp.is_null_literal e ->
let typ, ta, locs = tr_default in
let typ, inferred_nullability, locs = tr_default in
if PatternMatch.type_is_class typ then
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable true (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
else (typ, TypeAnnotation.with_origin ta (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:true (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
else (typ, InferredNullability.with_origin inferred_nullability (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
| Exp.Lvar pvar -> (
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate with
| Some tr ->
@ -134,21 +134,21 @@ let rec typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate visited checks tenv node instr_r
typestate e1 tr_default loc
| Exp.Const _ ->
let typ, _, locs = tr_default in
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false (TypeOrigin.Const loc), locs)
| Exp.Lfield (exp, fn, typ) ->
let _, _, locs = tr_default in
let _, ta, locs' =
let _, inferred_nullability, locs' =
typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate visited checks tenv node instr_ref curr_pdesc
typestate exp
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, locs)
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, locs)
let exp_origin = TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta in
let exp_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability in
let tr_new =
match EradicateChecks.get_field_annotation tenv fn typ with
| Some EradicateChecks.{nullsafe_type} ->
( nullsafe_type.typ
, TypeAnnotation.from_nullsafe_type nullsafe_type
, InferredNullability.from_nullsafe_type nullsafe_type
(TypeOrigin.Field (exp_origin, fn, loc))
, locs' )
| None ->
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ let rec typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate visited checks tenv node instr_r
if checks.eradicate then
EradicateChecks.check_field_access tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node instr_ref
exp fn ta loc ;
exp fn inferred_nullability loc ;
| Exp.Lindex (array_exp, index_exp) ->
let _, ta, _ =
@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let pvar_get_origin pvar =
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate with
| Some (_, ta, _) ->
Some (TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta)
| Some (_, inferred_nullability, _) ->
Some (InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability)
| None ->
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
| Some EradicateChecks.{nullsafe_type} ->
let range =
( nullsafe_type.typ
, TypeAnnotation.from_nullsafe_type nullsafe_type
, InferredNullability.from_nullsafe_type nullsafe_type
(TypeOrigin.Field (origin, fn, loc))
, [loc] )
@ -249,8 +249,10 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let pvar = Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string exp_str) curr_pname in
let already_defined_in_typestate =
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate with
| Some (_, ta, _) ->
not (TypeOrigin.equal TypeOrigin.Undef (TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta))
| Some (_, inferred_nullability, _) ->
(TypeOrigin.equal TypeOrigin.Undef
(InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability))
| None ->
@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
| _ ->
None )
|> Option.value_map
~f:(fun (_, ta, _) -> TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta)
~f:(fun (_, nullability, _) -> InferredNullability.get_origin nullability)
let exp' = Idenv.expand_expr_temps idenv node exp_ in
@ -406,7 +408,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let typecheck_expr_simple typestate1 exp1 typ1 origin1 loc1 =
typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate calls_this checks tenv node instr_ref curr_pdesc
typestate1 exp1
(typ1, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false origin1, [loc1])
(typ1, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false origin1, [loc1])
(* check if there are errors in exp1 *)
@ -460,7 +462,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
when Typ.Procname.equal pn BuiltinDecl.__new || Typ.Procname.equal pn BuiltinDecl.__new_array
TypeState.add_id id
(typ, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.New, [loc])
(typ, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.New, [loc])
(* new never returns null *)
| Sil.Call ((id, _), Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pn), (e, typ) :: _, loc, _)
@ -474,7 +476,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let _, ta, _ =
typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate calls_this checks tenv node instr_ref curr_pdesc
typestate array_exp
(t, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
(t, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
if checks.eradicate then
@ -483,7 +485,9 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
(Typ.Fieldname.Java.from_string "length")
ta loc false ;
TypeState.add_id id
(Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt), TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.New, [loc])
( Typ.mk (Tint Typ.IInt)
, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.New
, [loc] )
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pn), _, _, _) when BuiltinDecl.is_declared pn ->
typestate (* skip othe builtins *)
@ -544,11 +548,11 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let clear_nullable_flag typestate'' pvar =
(* remove the nullable flag for the given pvar *)
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate'' with
| Some (t, ta, _) ->
| Some (t, nullability, _) ->
let should_report =
&& (not (TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta))
&& not (TypeAnnotation.origin_is_fun_library ta)
&& (not (InferredNullability.is_nullable nullability))
&& not (InferredNullability.origin_is_fun_library nullability)
( if checks.eradicate && should_report then
let cond = Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ne, Exp.Lvar pvar, Exp.null) in
@ -556,7 +560,7 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
(TypeErr.Condition_redundant (true, EradicateChecks.explain_expr tenv node cond))
(Some instr_ref) loc curr_pdesc ) ;
TypeState.add pvar
(t, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
(t, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
| None ->
@ -588,12 +592,12 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
(* Handle Preconditions.checkState for &&-separated conditions x!=null. *)
let do_preconditions_check_state typestate' =
let handle_pvar b typestate1 pvar =
let handle_pvar is_nullable typestate1 pvar =
(* handle the annotation flag for pvar *)
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate1 with
| Some (t, _, _) ->
TypeState.add pvar
(t, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable b TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
(t, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable TypeOrigin.ONone, [loc])
| None ->
@ -683,22 +687,22 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
let typestate_after_call, finally_resolved_ret =
let resolve_param i (sparam, cparam) =
let resolve_param i (formal_param, actual_param) =
let AnnotatedSignature.{mangled; param_annotation_deprecated; param_nullsafe_type} =
let (orig_e2, e2), t2 = cparam in
let ta1 =
TypeAnnotation.from_nullsafe_type param_nullsafe_type (TypeOrigin.Formal mangled)
let (orig_e2, e2), t2 = actual_param in
let inferred_nullability_formal =
InferredNullability.from_nullsafe_type param_nullsafe_type (TypeOrigin.Formal mangled)
let _, ta2, _ =
let _, inferred_nullability_actual, _ =
typecheck_expr find_canonical_duplicate calls_this checks tenv node instr_ref
curr_pdesc typestate e2
(t2, TypeAnnotation.const_nullable false TypeOrigin.ONone, [])
(t2, InferredNullability.create ~is_nullable:false TypeOrigin.ONone, [])
let formal = (mangled, ta1, param_nullsafe_type.typ) in
let actual = (orig_e2, ta2) in
let formal = (mangled, inferred_nullability_formal, param_nullsafe_type.typ) in
let actual = (orig_e2, inferred_nullability_actual) in
let num = i + 1 in
let is_formal_propagates_nullable =
Annotations.ia_is_propagates_nullable param_annotation_deprecated
@ -719,12 +723,12 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
else if
List.for_all propagates_nullable_params
~f:(fun EradicateChecks.{actual= _, inferred_nullability_actual} ->
not (TypeAnnotation.is_nullable inferred_nullability_actual) )
not (InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability_actual) )
(* All params' inferred types are non-nullable.
Strengten the result to be non-nullable as well! *)
let ret_type_annotation, ret_typ = ret in
(TypeAnnotation.set_nullable false ret_type_annotation, ret_typ)
(InferredNullability.set_nullable false ret_type_annotation, ret_typ)
(* At least one param's inferred type is nullable, can not strengthen the result *)
@ -740,8 +744,10 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
; annotated_signature= callee_annotated_signature
; is_library }
let ret_ta = TypeAnnotation.from_nullsafe_type ret.ret_nullsafe_type origin in
(ret_ta, ret.ret_nullsafe_type.typ)
let ret_inferred_nullability =
InferredNullability.from_nullsafe_type ret.ret_nullsafe_type origin
(ret_inferred_nullability, ret.ret_nullsafe_type.typ)
let sig_len = List.length signature_params in
let call_len = List.length call_params in
@ -860,14 +866,16 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
| None ->
(typestate, e, EradicateChecks.From_condition)
let set_nullable_flag e' b typestate2 =
(* add constraint on e' for annotation ann *)
let set_nullable_flag e' should_set_nullable typestate2 =
(* add constraint on e' for annotation a given nullability *)
let handle_pvar typestate' pvar =
match TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate' with
| Some (t, ta1, locs) ->
if TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta1 <> b then
let ta2 = TypeAnnotation.set_nullable b ta1 in
TypeState.add pvar (t, ta2, locs) typestate'
| Some (t, current_nullability, locs) ->
if InferredNullability.is_nullable current_nullability <> should_set_nullable then
let new_nullability =
InferredNullability.set_nullable should_set_nullable current_nullability
TypeState.add pvar (t, new_nullability, locs) typestate'
else typestate'
| None ->
@ -891,16 +899,18 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
(typestate, e, EradicateChecks.From_condition)
let e', typestate2 = convert_complex_exp_to_pvar node' false e1 typestate1 loc in
let typ, ta, _ =
let typ, inferred_nullability, _ =
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.ONone loc
if checks.eradicate then
EradicateChecks.check_zero tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node' e' typ ta
true_branch EradicateChecks.From_condition idenv linereader loc instr_ref ;
EradicateChecks.check_zero tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node' e' typ
inferred_nullability true_branch EradicateChecks.From_condition idenv linereader
loc instr_ref ;
match from_call with
| EradicateChecks.From_is_true_on_null ->
(* if f returns true on null, then false branch implies != null *)
if TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta then set_nullable_flag e' false typestate2
if InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability then
set_nullable_flag e' false typestate2
else typestate2
| _ ->
typestate2 )
@ -922,12 +932,12 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
else (typestate, e, EradicateChecks.From_condition) )
let e', typestate2 = convert_complex_exp_to_pvar node' false e1 typestate1 loc in
let typ, ta, _ =
let typ, inferred_nullability, _ =
typecheck_expr_simple typestate2 e' (Typ.mk Tvoid) TypeOrigin.ONone loc
if checks.eradicate then
EradicateChecks.check_nonzero tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node e' typ ta
true_branch from_call idenv linereader loc instr_ref ;
EradicateChecks.check_nonzero tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node e' typ
inferred_nullability true_branch from_call idenv linereader loc instr_ref ;
match from_call with
| EradicateChecks.From_is_true_on_null ->
@ -935,7 +945,8 @@ let typecheck_instr tenv calls_this checks (node : Procdesc.Node.t) idenv curr_p
| EradicateChecks.From_containsKey
| EradicateChecks.From_instanceof
| EradicateChecks.From_is_false_on_null ->
if TypeAnnotation.is_nullable ta then set_nullable_flag e' false typestate2
if InferredNullability.is_nullable inferred_nullability then
set_nullable_flag e' false typestate2
else typestate2 )
| Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e1, e2), _) ->
check_condition node' (Exp.BinOp (Binop.Ne, e1, e2))

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module M = Caml.Map.Make (struct
let compare = Exp.compare
type range = Typ.t * TypeAnnotation.t * Location.t list [@@deriving compare]
type range = Typ.t * InferredNullability.t * Location.t list [@@deriving compare]
type t = range M.t [@@deriving compare]
@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ let pp fmt typestate =
let pp_locs fmt locs = F.fprintf fmt " [%a]" (Pp.seq pp_loc) locs in
let pp_one exp (typ, ta, locs) =
F.fprintf fmt " %a -> [%s] %s %a%a@\n" Exp.pp exp
(TypeOrigin.to_string (TypeAnnotation.get_origin ta))
(TypeAnnotation.to_string ta) (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ pp_locs locs
(TypeOrigin.to_string (InferredNullability.get_origin ta))
(InferredNullability.to_string ta)
(Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ pp_locs locs
let pp_map map = M.iter pp_one map in
pp_map typestate
@ -50,8 +51,11 @@ let range_add_locs (typ, ta, locs1) locs2 =
let map_join m1 m2 =
let range_join _exp range1_opt range2_opt =
Option.both range1_opt range2_opt
|> Option.map ~f:(fun (((typ1, ta1, locs1) as range1), (typ2, ta2, locs2)) ->
TypeAnnotation.join ta1 ta2
|> Option.map
~f:(fun ( ((typ1, inferred_nullability1, locs1) as range1)
, (typ2, inferred_nullability2, locs2) )
InferredNullability.join inferred_nullability1 inferred_nullability2
|> Option.value_map ~default:range1 ~f:(fun ta' ->
let typ' = type_join typ1 typ2 in
let locs' = locs_join locs1 locs2 in

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open! IStd
(** Typestate *)
type t
type range = Typ.t * TypeAnnotation.t * Location.t list
type range = Typ.t * InferredNullability.t * Location.t list
val add_id : Ident.t -> range -> t -> t
