@ -879,24 +879,28 @@ let java_inner_class_prefix_regex = Str.regexp "\\$[0-9]+"
let csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex = Str.regexp "\\$[0-9]+"
let replace_regex regex tgt name =
match Str.search_forward regex name 0 with
| _ ->
Str.global_replace regex tgt name
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
let replace_java_inner_class_prefix_regex = replace_regex java_inner_class_prefix_regex "$_"
let replace_csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex = replace_regex csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex "$_"
let hashable_name proc_name =
match proc_name with
| Java pname -> (
| Java pname ->
(* Strip autogenerated anonymous inner class numbers in order to keep the bug hash
invariant when introducing new anonymous classes *)
let name = F.asprintf "%a" (Java.pp ~withclass:true Simple) pname in
match Str.search_forward java_inner_class_prefix_regex name 0 with
| _ ->
Str.global_replace java_inner_class_prefix_regex "$_" name
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
name )
| CSharp pname -> (
replace_java_inner_class_prefix_regex name
| CSharp pname ->
let name = F.asprintf "%a" (CSharp.pp ~withclass:true Simple) pname in
match Str.search_forward csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex name 0 with
| _ ->
Str.global_replace csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex "$_" name
| exception Caml.Not_found ->
name )
replace_csharp_inner_class_prefix_regex name
| ObjC_Cpp osig when ObjC_Cpp.is_objc_method osig ->
(* In Objective C, the list of parameters is part of the method name. To prevent the bug
hash to change when a parameter is introduced or removed, only the part of the name