@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module Loc = struct
type t =
| Var of Var . t
| Allocsite of Allocsite . t
| Field of t * Typ . Fieldname . t
| Field of { prefix : t ; fn : Typ . Fieldname . t }
| StarField of { prefix : t ; last_field : Typ . Fieldname . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -143,14 +143,14 @@ module Loc = struct
let append_field l0 ~ fn =
let rec aux = function
| Var _ | Allocsite _ ->
Field (l0 , fn )
Field {prefix = l0 ; fn }
| StarField { last_field } as l when Typ . Fieldname . equal fn last_field ->
| StarField { prefix } ->
StarField { prefix ; last_field = fn }
| Field (_ , fn' ) when Typ . Fieldname . equal fn fn' ->
| Field {fn = fn' } when Typ . Fieldname . equal fn fn' ->
StarField { prefix = l0 ; last_field = fn }
| Field (l , _ ) ->
| Field {prefix = l } ->
aux l
aux l0
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ module Loc = struct
| StarField { prefix } ->
StarField { prefix ; last_field = fn }
| Field (l , _ ) ->
| Field {prefix = l } ->
aux l
aux l0
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ module Loc = struct
type t = private
| Var of Var . t
| Allocsite of Allocsite . t
| Field of t * Typ . Fieldname . t
| Field of { prefix : t ; fn : Typ . Fieldname . t }
| StarField of { prefix : t ; last_field : Typ . Fieldname . t }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ module Loc = struct
| Allocsite a ->
Allocsite . is_unknown a
| Field (x , _ ) | StarField { prefix = x } ->
| Field {prefix = x } | StarField { prefix = x } ->
is_unknown x
@ -215,17 +215,19 @@ module Loc = struct
| Allocsite a ->
Allocsite . pp_paren ~ paren fmt a
| Field
( Allocsite
( Allocsite . Symbol ( SP . Deref ( ( SP . Deref_COneValuePointer | SP . Deref_CPointer ) , p ) ) )
, f )
{ prefix =
( Allocsite . Symbol ( SP . Deref ( ( SP . Deref_COneValuePointer | SP . Deref_CPointer ) , p ) ) )
; fn = f }
| Field
( Allocsite
( Allocsite . Known
{ path = Some ( SP . Deref ( ( SP . Deref_COneValuePointer | SP . Deref_CPointer ) , p ) ) } )
, f ) ->
{ prefix =
( Allocsite . Known
{ path = Some ( SP . Deref ( ( SP . Deref_COneValuePointer | SP . Deref_CPointer ) , p ) ) } )
; fn = f } ->
BufferOverrunField . pp ~ pp_lhs : ( SP . pp_partial_paren ~ paren : true )
~ pp_lhs_alone : ( SP . pp_pointer ~ paren ) ~ sep : " -> " fmt p f
| Field (l , f ) ->
| Field {prefix = l ; fn = f } ->
BufferOverrunField . pp ~ pp_lhs : ( pp_paren ~ paren : true ) ~ pp_lhs_alone : ( pp_paren ~ paren )
~ sep : " . " fmt l f
| StarField { prefix ; last_field } ->
@ -242,14 +244,14 @@ module Loc = struct
let is_var = function Var _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_c_strlen = function
| Field (_ , fn ) ->
| Field {fn } ->
Typ . Fieldname . equal fn ( BufferOverrunField . c_strlen () )
| _ ->
let is_java_collection_internal_array = function
| Field (_ , fn ) ->
| Field {fn } ->
Typ . Fieldname . equal fn BufferOverrunField . java_collection_internal_array
| _ ->
@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ module Loc = struct
| Allocsite a ->
Allocsite . is_pretty a
| Field (loc , _ ) | StarField { prefix = loc } ->
| Field {prefix = loc } | StarField { prefix = loc } ->
is_pretty loc
@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ module Loc = struct
of_pvar pvar
| Symb . SymbolPath . Deref _ | Symb . SymbolPath . Callsite _ ->
of_allocsite ( Allocsite . make_symbol path )
| Symb . SymbolPath . Field (fn , path ) ->
| Symb . SymbolPath . Field {fn ; prefix = path } ->
append_field ( of_path path ) ~ fn
| Symb . SymbolPath . StarField { last_field = fn ; prefix } ->
append_star_field ( of_path prefix ) ~ fn
@ -290,13 +292,13 @@ module Loc = struct
let is_field_of ~ loc ~ field_loc =
match field_loc with Field (l , _ ) | StarField { prefix = l } -> equal loc l | _ -> false
match field_loc with Field {prefix = l } | StarField { prefix = l } -> equal loc l | _ -> false
let is_literal_string = function Allocsite a -> Allocsite . is_literal_string a | _ -> None
let is_literal_string_strlen = function
| Field (l , fn ) when Typ . Fieldname . equal ( BufferOverrunField . c_strlen () ) fn ->
| Field {prefix = l ; fn } when Typ . Fieldname . equal ( BufferOverrunField . c_strlen () ) fn ->
is_literal_string l
| _ ->
@ -307,7 +309,7 @@ module Loc = struct
Pvar . is_global pvar
| Var ( Var . LogicalVar _ ) | Allocsite _ ->
| Field (loc , _ ) | StarField { prefix = loc } ->
| Field {prefix = loc } | StarField { prefix = loc } ->
is_global loc
@ -318,7 +320,7 @@ module Loc = struct
Some ( Symb . SymbolPath . of_pvar pvar )
| Allocsite allocsite ->
Allocsite . get_path allocsite
| Field (l , fn ) ->
| Field {prefix = l ; fn } ->
Option . map ( get_path l ) ~ f : ( fun p -> Symb . SymbolPath . field p fn )
| StarField { prefix ; last_field } ->
get_path prefix | > Option . map ~ f : ( fun p -> Symb . SymbolPath . star_field p last_field )
@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ module Loc = struct
| Allocsite allocsite ->
Allocsite . get_param_path allocsite
| Field (l , fn ) ->
| Field {prefix = l ; fn } ->
Option . map ( get_param_path l ) ~ f : ( fun p -> Symb . SymbolPath . field p fn )
| StarField { prefix ; last_field } ->
get_param_path prefix | > Option . map ~ f : ( fun p -> Symb . SymbolPath . star_field p last_field )
@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ module Loc = struct
Allocsite . represents_multiple_values allocsite
| Field _ as x when is_c_strlen x | | is_java_collection_internal_array x ->
| Field (l , _ ) ->
| Field {prefix = l } ->
represents_multiple_values l
| StarField _ ->
@ -355,7 +357,7 @@ module Loc = struct
f pvar
| Allocsite allocsite ->
Allocsite . exists_pvar ~ f allocsite
| Field (l , _ ) | StarField { prefix = l } ->
| Field {prefix = l } | StarField { prefix = l } ->
exists_pvar ~ f l