@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ let arg_desc =
"Analyze C++ methods, still experimental"
Arg.String (fun s -> Config.inferconfig_home := Some s),
Some "dir",
"Path to the .inferconfig file";
] in
Arg.create_options_desc false "Parsing Options" desc
@ -137,6 +141,9 @@ let do_run source_path ast_path =
CFrontend_config.json := ast_filename;
CLocation.check_source_file source_path;
let source_file = CLocation.source_file_from_path source_path in
(match !Config.inferconfig_home with
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> Config.inferconfig_home := !Config.project_root);
Printf.printf "Start translation of AST from %s\n" !CFrontend_config.json;
CFrontend.do_source_file source_file ast_decl;
Printf.printf "End translation AST file %s... OK!\n" !CFrontend_config.json;