@ -780,7 +780,45 @@ let extra_env_args = ref []
let extend_env_args args =
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
let parse_args ~usage ?parse_all action args =
let extend_env_args args =
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
let parse_args ~usage ?parse_all action args0 =
(* look inside argfiles so we can move select arguments into the top line CLI and parse them into
Config vars. note that we don't actually delete the arguments to the file, we just duplicate
them on the CLI. javac is ok with this. *)
let expand_argfiles acc arg =
if String.is_prefix arg ~prefix:"@"
(* for now, we only need to parse -d. we could parse more if we wanted to, but we would risk
incurring the wrath of ARGUMENT_LIST_TOO_LONG *)
let should_parse =
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"-d" in
let fname = String.slice arg 1 (String.length arg) in
match In_channel.read_lines fname with
| lines ->
(* crude but we only care about simple cases that will not involve trickiness, eg
unbalanced or escaped quotes such as "ending in\"" *)
let strip =
String.strip ~drop:(function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false) in
let rec parse_argfile_args acc = function
| flag :: ((value :: args) as rest) ->
let stripped_flag = strip flag in
if should_parse stripped_flag
then parse_argfile_args (stripped_flag :: strip value :: acc) args
else parse_argfile_args acc rest
| _ ->
acc in
parse_argfile_args (arg :: acc) lines
| exception _ ->
arg :: acc in
let args =
if Option.is_none parse_all
then List.fold ~f:expand_argfiles ~init:[] (List.rev args0)
else args0 in
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
arg_being_parsed := 0;