@ -90,23 +90,25 @@ let rec really_read ?(pos = 0) ~len fd ~buf =
really_read ~pos:(pos + read) ~len:(len - read) fd ~buf
(** return [true] if the [file_descr] is ready for reading after at most [timeout] has
elapsed *)
(** return a list of all updates coming from workers. The first update is expected for up to the
timeout [refresh_timeout]. After that, all already received updates are consumed but with zero timeout.
If there is none left, return the list. *)
let wait_for_updates pool buffer =
let file_descr = pool.children_updates in
(* Use select(2) so that we can both wait on the pipe of children updates and wait for a
let rec aux acc ~timeout =
let file_descr = pool.children_updates in
(* Use select(2) so that we can both wait on the pipe of children updates and wait for a
timeout. The timeout is for giving a chance to the taskbar of refreshing from time to time,
as well as for checking for new work where none were previously available. *)
let {Unix.Select_fds.read= read_fds} =
Unix.select ~read:[file_descr] ~write:[] ~except:[] ~timeout:refresh_timeout ()
match read_fds with
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
assert false
| [] ->
(* not ready *) None
| [_file_descr] ->
(* Read one OCaml value at a time. This is done by first reading the header of the marshalled
let {Unix.Select_fds.read= read_fds} =
Unix.select ~read:[file_descr] ~write:[] ~except:[] ~timeout ()
match read_fds with
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
assert false
| [] ->
(* no updates, break loop *) acc
| [_file_descr] ->
(* Read one OCaml value at a time. This is done by first reading the header of the marshalled
value (fixed size), then get the total size of the data from that header, then request a
read of the full OCaml value.
@ -119,10 +121,12 @@ let wait_for_updates pool buffer =
as much as possible eagerly. This can empty the pipe without us having a way to tell that
there is more to read anymore since the [select] call will return that there is nothing to
read. *)
really_read pool.children_updates ~buf:buffer ~len:Marshal.header_size ;
let data_size = Marshal.data_size buffer 0 in
really_read pool.children_updates ~buf:buffer ~pos:Marshal.header_size ~len:data_size ;
Some (Marshal.from_bytes buffer 0)
really_read pool.children_updates ~buf:buffer ~len:Marshal.header_size ;
let data_size = Marshal.data_size buffer 0 in
really_read pool.children_updates ~buf:buffer ~pos:Marshal.header_size ~len:data_size ;
aux (Marshal.from_bytes buffer 0 :: acc) ~timeout:`Immediately
aux [] ~timeout:refresh_timeout |> List.rev
let wait_for_updates pool buffer =
@ -221,7 +225,7 @@ let process_updates pool buffer =
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun (slot, status) ->
killall pool ~slot (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) ) ;
wait_for_updates pool buffer
|> Option.iter ~f:(function
|> List.iter ~f:(function
| UpdateStatus (slot, t, status) ->
TaskBar.update_status pool.task_bar ~slot t status
| Crash slot ->